Had a few snags but thought I would try to post the base files. I have included the main witch mesh file and the morphs and templates in a zip file. The main witch file is called "Witch Figure Animation Club.car". The witch is actually several different meshes (Witch, EyeL, EyeR, Dress, Belt, and Boots). Each mesh has at least one morph area and one morph so it can be modeled in the posed position. Let me know if you want expression morphs. Right now the eyes move left/right/up/down and the face canopen/close the mouth and open/close the eyes. Each mesh has a template for its current uvmaps. I have constructed a skeleton but it is not attached yet. I was having a lot of trouble saving the skeelon to my browser. When retrieved, the skeleton was all distorted and the wrong scale. I thought it prudent to post the current status before something bad happens. However, the animators should be able to download the zip, open the main file, and select the meshes and the hip and use attach skeleton to get started. Or, redo the shaders, or redo the uvmaps, all of which are very simple.
Here is a start of a witch. Please give me a little feedback. If it fits the overall concept, then I will rig and add a few details, such as eyes, a few teeth, uvmaps, and morphs. If people would rather use another figure, just let me know and I will make a witch's dress for that.
All of the modeling here looks perfect. I'm loving it all!
I have to giggle about my moon object... a simple vertex shpere with smoothing on. The Shader is modified from the one I used for my 1st Carrara Challenge this year. :)
Just got back from visiting that other big store... checked out what was free and wouldn't you know it... I happened upon a witch's hat and broomstick. Think I'll load it in and check out those bristles... they don't look too hard - famous last words. :)
This one appears to be coming together much more quickly. Great work, everyone Thanks for the kind words on the witch. It is thrown together quickly, so if anyone wants to clean it up, please feel free. For example, the materials could be improved and some expression morphs could be created. The weightmapping in the thighs could be fine tuned. But, I think it will do for a fly-by.
Here is a simple cloak. I made some morphs for it to flap. But, someone could rig it as a poseable figure for better flapping.
NOTE: Y'all have created a monster. I now know how to post zip files to the forum!
I wasn't sure how big these should be. The hat is sized to fit a base G2F and the cauldron is a little below waist height on G2F. Textures are just very simple procedurals but the hat and the main body of the cauldron are both UV mapped if we want to add more detailed or higher quality map-based textures to them.
Also - DropBox has completely changed their interface since the last time I logged in and I cannot figure out how to create a file share link, so if those links don't work please let me know and I'll try to figure something else out.
I have a DropBox ccount, but it says I don't have access to those files? Strange.
Yeah - I am not sure what is going on. It used to let you click on a file and create a link that anyone could use to get that file but something has changed and now I can only share it one person at a time for some reason.
I tried moving them into one folder and sharing the whole folder - maybe this will work better?
Yeah - I am not sure what is going on. It used to let you click on a file and create a link that anyone could use to get that file but something has changed and now I can only share it one person at a time for some reason.
I suppose they want us to have to get the paid version now... bummer. Not me... that's for sure.
Okay... Mark fixed his download links - so see above for those. Awesome 3DAGE! Thanks for these!
I could swear that mmoir did a scene file, and that there was a link to his bat - but I cannot seem to find either of them. Help?
Also, diomede, what do I do with all of these various files for the cape? Are they all separate objects with one morph each? I'm not understanding what I'm seeing here.
So far I have the Moon, Hat, Cauldron, witch and cloak, plumpkin and caldron 2, am I just going to use these bat swarms and not Mike's?
For the Carrara files that I posted, I have included the files for the morphs. Regarding the cape, there should be a file named something like capemainfile.car or similar. Open that to get the cape. Hope it works as is. But, If the morphs don't work straight, then I included the individual morph files so that they can be loaded individually. Just a precaution.
Also, diomede, what do I do with all of these various files for the cape? Are they all separate objects with one morph each? I'm not understanding what I'm seeing here.
Am I losing my mind? I know that Mike came in with a post saying that he's made a scene with trees and a clearing for the caldron and such... I cannot find the post! ???
Waiting on the cat... see what's going to happen with that.
He needs his head, although might be fitting since it is for Halloween...
Well, anyway, I can finish him later this evening as I will be tied up the rest of the day (not literally, lol) until about 8:00pm. I plan on putting fur on him and want to try to create a pose with an arched back with bones/morphs. If time is of the essence please don't wait on me and use FifthElement's generously donated model. Like I mentioned earlier I don't want to delay anyone.
I'm glad that we have a little time. I understand that things have to happen quickly in profesional circumstances, but then there's often a Director and a Manager whom keep the working folks up-to-date with everything in an organized fashion... even bark orders!
Wow again, awesome work on the models by everyone.
DesertDude- keep working on your cat model , we can always have 2 cats in the scene.
Dart,- Yes, I have started the scene but not near done. I plan on creating the scene and loading everyones models into the scene for one carrara scene file. I haven't uploaded my bat model yet. Dart you can do the animating of the Witch, you posted earlier that you wanted to do this. I will try to post in the first post of this thread who is doing what.
Diomede - the cape works great and the morphs are awesome. I am having issues with the skeleton but I will figure it out.(right side superimposed on the left side.). Also, it is nice to know you can attach zip files to a post .
Hmmm. I was having trouble saving my intermediate steps of the bone structure / skeleton of the witch. In part, that is why I posted a separate posed version (but alo to adjust the weight map to the sitting posiiton) so the animators would not have to do it. Does the posed version open properly for you?
Diomede - the cape works great and the morphs are awesome. I am having issues with the skeleton but I will figure it out.(right side superimposed on the left side.). Also, it is nice to know you can attach zip files to a post .
Yeah, the witch has been adjusted through time along the timeline - so if we bring her into another scene (like I always do) she shows up all blown out of proportion.
I tried dragging all of the keyframes down before the 1 second mark, so I could start at that one second spot, but there's still something that doesn't seem to have a keyframe... I have to start just before three seconds - no big deal ;)
So I have a spot, just before 3 seconds where I'm working on shaders and poses - then I'll make my new starting point at 3 seconds, keeping all of my changes slightly before that.
Anyways, the moon was also animated to crash into the camera - and I wasn't sure why there are two of them. For now I subdued the fractal coloring, just for initial scene setup.
I've worked a litt on the witches shaders and just turned the highlight down a bit on the dress
Had a few snags but thought I would try to post the base files. I have included the main witch mesh file and the morphs and templates in a zip file. The main witch file is called "Witch Figure Animation Club.car". The witch is actually several different meshes (Witch, EyeL, EyeR, Dress, Belt, and Boots). Each mesh has at least one morph area and one morph so it can be modeled in the posed position. Let me know if you want expression morphs. Right now the eyes move left/right/up/down and the face canopen/close the mouth and open/close the eyes. Each mesh has a template for its current uvmaps. I have constructed a skeleton but it is not attached yet. I was having a lot of trouble saving the skeelon to my browser. When retrieved, the skeleton was all distorted and the wrong scale. I thought it prudent to post the current status before something bad happens. However, the animators should be able to download the zip, open the main file, and select the meshes and the hip and use attach skeleton to get started. Or, redo the shaders, or redo the uvmaps, all of which are very simple.
That looks great FifthElement!! I've only got about 1/2 of my cat finished, lol...lots of false starts today.
I don't want to delay anyone so whatever works best.
I knew I was jumping into the deep end.
I see your comment Mike. I will make a cape separately and we can just parent it to the witch.
Here is a file with the witch skeleton attached, and the witch in a pose that might approximate sitting on a flying broom. Just a starting position.
Perfect! Absolutely Perfect!
I'm sure I could even handle the hair - if that part (animating the witch) comes to my plate ;)
All of the modeling here looks perfect. I'm loving it all!
Very nice mesh! Hi there, cool little cat! :)
I have to giggle about my moon object... a simple vertex shpere with smoothing on. The Shader is modified from the one I used for my 1st Carrara Challenge this year. :)
I would recommend that you grow dynamic hair from inside MDO's hat. If not, I can generate a hair cap that fits the witch's head.
Just got back from visiting that other big store... checked out what was free and wouldn't you know it... I happened upon a witch's hat and broomstick. Think I'll load it in and check out those bristles... they don't look too hard - famous last words. :)
Oh it is for Commercial or Non-Commercial use.
Has anyone thought about a Title... I'd hate to just call it week2 so instead and setting it as Spooky Night for now.
Here is the cat mesh, only quick UVs and no texture, no restrictions on it of any kind ...
It's in OBJ format.
That is so awesome diomede - *poof* - out of thin air comes a poseable figure model!
This one appears to be coming together much more quickly. Great work, everyone Thanks for the kind words on the witch. It is thrown together quickly, so if anyone wants to clean it up, please feel free. For example, the materials could be improved and some expression morphs could be created. The weightmapping in the thighs could be fine tuned. But, I think it will do for a fly-by.
Here is a simple cloak. I made some morphs for it to flap. But, someone could rig it as a poseable figure for better flapping.
NOTE: Y'all have created a monster. I now know how to post zip files to the forum!
I have a DropBox ccount, but it says I don't have access to those files? Strange.
Yeah - I am not sure what is going on. It used to let you click on a file and create a link that anyone could use to get that file but something has changed and now I can only share it one person at a time for some reason.
I tried moving them into one folder and sharing the whole folder - maybe this will work better?
I suppose they want us to have to get the paid version now... bummer. Not me... that's for sure.
Ditto on that Dropbox link.
I made a cauldron yesterday, and a pumpkin a few days a go,. ...but i'm too late to the party. as usual, MDO's caudron is nicer :)
Maybe mine can be used somewhere else, or on another project.
The cauldron has some quick morphs added for the liquid (bubbly boily stuff), and one for a figure/demon/thing to emerge from the liquid.
Also added a thigh bone for stirring that gloopy magic liquid, and a little fire hearth and coals below it.
feel free to delete change or add.
quick render of the cauldron liquid morphs (low quality) 6.3mb
really nice modelling going on here.
Okay... Mark fixed his download links - so see above for those. Awesome 3DAGE! Thanks for these!
I could swear that mmoir did a scene file, and that there was a link to his bat - but I cannot seem to find either of them. Help?
Also, diomede, what do I do with all of these various files for the cape? Are they all separate objects with one morph each? I'm not understanding what I'm seeing here.
So far I have the Moon, Hat, Cauldron, witch and cloak, plumpkin and caldron 2, am I just going to use these bat swarms and not Mike's?
For the Carrara files that I posted, I have included the files for the morphs. Regarding the cape, there should be a file named something like capemainfile.car or similar. Open that to get the cape. Hope it works as is. But, If the morphs don't work straight, then I included the individual morph files so that they can be loaded individually. Just a precaution.
Gotcha! Thanks ;)
Waiting on the cat... see what's going to happen with that.
Am I losing my mind? I know that Mike came in with a post saying that he's made a scene with trees and a clearing for the caldron and such... I cannot find the post! ???
Not losing my mind!!! It's just not done yet!!! Sweet! ;)
He needs his head, although might be fitting since it is for Halloween...
Well, anyway, I can finish him later this evening as I will be tied up the rest of the day (not literally, lol) until about 8:00pm. I plan on putting fur on him and want to try to create a pose with an arched back with bones/morphs. If time is of the essence please don't wait on me and use FifthElement's generously donated model. Like I mentioned earlier I don't want to delay anyone.
I'm glad that we have a little time. I understand that things have to happen quickly in profesional circumstances, but then there's often a Director and a Manager whom keep the working folks up-to-date with everything in an organized fashion... even bark orders!
Hey Guys,
Wow again, awesome work on the models by everyone.

DesertDude- keep working on your cat model , we can always have 2 cats in the scene.
Dart,- Yes, I have started the scene but not near done. I plan on creating the scene and loading everyones models into the scene for one carrara scene file. I haven't uploaded my bat model yet. Dart you can do the animating of the Witch, you posted earlier that you wanted to do this. I will try to post in the first post of this thread who is doing what.
Diomede - the cape works great and the morphs are awesome. I am having issues with the skeleton but I will figure it out.(right side superimposed on the left side.). Also, it is nice to know you can attach zip files to a post .
3DAGE - the cauldron and pumpkin are super nice.
Fifthelement- awesome model of the cat ,
wgdjohn- the Spooky Night sounds good.
Hmmm. I was having trouble saving my intermediate steps of the bone structure / skeleton of the witch. In part, that is why I posted a separate posed version (but alo to adjust the weight map to the sitting posiiton) so the animators would not have to do it. Does the posed version open properly for you?
Yeah, the witch has been adjusted through time along the timeline - so if we bring her into another scene (like I always do) she shows up all blown out of proportion.
I tried dragging all of the keyframes down before the 1 second mark, so I could start at that one second spot, but there's still something that doesn't seem to have a keyframe... I have to start just before three seconds - no big deal ;)
So I have a spot, just before 3 seconds where I'm working on shaders and poses - then I'll make my new starting point at 3 seconds, keeping all of my changes slightly before that.
Anyways, the moon was also animated to crash into the camera - and I wasn't sure why there are two of them. For now I subdued the fractal coloring, just for initial scene setup.
I've worked a litt on the witches shaders and just turned the highlight down a bit on the dress