Released! Malachai for Genesis 3 Male (Commercial)

Malachai's Head Morphs utilize the Male Head Morph Pack for Genesis 3, while his body morphs stack: Genesis 3 Male Body Morphs, with a layer made from Merchant Resources and Hexagon, and the last is Michael 7 for Genesis 3 Male for a more defined shape. You can use just the base, the base with the custom tweaks, or all three.
Material Hierarchy settings for the model and anatomical elements as well as the separate material files, long with individual materials for arms, legs, torso, and his face along with the anatomical elements. There is a no brow optioin, 4 individual eye colors, a bloodshot sclera option and three fantasy eye materials. Two leg tattoos, two arm tattoos and a back tattoo with mix/matching for different combos and an all tattoo setting.
Materials are Iray based only.

He has a really lovely face. Tough and sweet all at once. And of course the tats are super (as always).
Thank you!
Very nice work DM! Love the ink options and the skin looks great!
I am so taking him home. The tats are awesome and once again, a gorgeous manly man. Thank you!
He looks great and he's is so going to be added to my runtime.
Great skin and tats.
Thank you so much!
I've been rendering him off and on all day. He looks great! Nice work! :)
Thank you very much!
This also caught my attention. I love his features and skin. Malachai really is a wonderful G3 guy.
Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate it.