DS constantly crashes when opening my"centaur" files; error - "WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known

OK, to start out; my discussion title was too long; the error was, "WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile".

To my problem. I have been working on creating my own centaur using Hivewire's Horse and G3F. I have had some success but have found that, at some stage in the process, I can no longer morph G3F or HWHorse. BY this, I mean, I can dial a different character for G3F, but nothing happens to the figure. Likewise with HWHorse if I try to dial in a Mustang or Draft horse, etc - nothing happens - the figures are no longer morphable.

With the aim of trying to find when this happens, I created 2 files; one with G3F and the other with HWHorse. I then started to go through the process of modifying each figure for the resultant centaur. Using the Geometry Editor, I deleted unnecessary polygons (Legs for G3F, Head for HWHorse) - at each step, I tried several morphs to ensure everything was working. Once the changes were made and testing was done, I closed the file/s and then closed DS.

After a restart, I can no longer open either file! Both cause DS to crash with numerous "WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile" errors. Now this problem appears to be getting worse as this is the first time I haven't even been able to open the files. At other attempts, DS would crash when trying to put hair on G3F (this was once she had been modified and parented to HWHorse's chest) - but this hasn't always been the case. In my earlier attempts, I didn't have these issues.

I have used both DFormers and Zbrush via GoZ to modify both G3F and HWHorse successfully (but not as well as I wanted; hence the numerous attempts as I learnt to use DFormers and some Zbrush).

However, I have currently not even gotten to the DFormer or Zbrush stage in my centaur-creation workflow before this issue appeared.

I have attached a copy of the last startup to crash from the log file.

I'm on Win 7 64bit, 32GB RAM, 2xNvidia GTX 960 cards, DS version

If anyone needs additional info, lmk.

Log file [Start up to crash].txt


  • The colour profile is very unlikely to be the issue - the library used by DS for handling images seems to throw those a lot, without its casuing any serious problems.

    Removing geoemtry can cause morph issues on reload - but not usually crashes. Still, it is probably best not to delete if you can avoid it (instead assign a new surface or group and either make the surface invisible or assign the group as a selection set to an unwanted bone so you can make it invisible).

  • Hi Richard; thanks for your reply.

    I understand what you are saying, except for the last bit: "...(instead assign a new surface or group and either make the surface invisible or assign the group as a selection set to an unwanted bone so you can make it invisible)."

    However, the first 10 or so tries cause no issue when opening their respective scene files and they all have parts of their geometry removed without issue....

    But I will still make another trial and either hide unwanted geometry or reduce their size to allow for their hiding within the body of the other part of the centaur (eg. reduce horse head size to hide it within G3F's torso) and see what that does.

    If you could spare the time to explain your suggestion, I'll try that also... Thanks again.

  • You are, I assume using the Geometry Editor - with that you can use the Geometry Assignment sub-menu (of the right-click menu) to assign the seelcted polygons to a new surface or new group; the surface could be made invisible, or you could create a new bone with the Joint ditor and in Tool Settings assign the new group to that bone (or assign the geoemtry to the group for an existing bone), then turn the bone's visibility off to hide the mesh.

  • Ahh,

    Sorry for the slow reply; I think I see what you mean.

    I tried hiding all of the unecessary parts of each figure and reducing their size to 0.1% (0% does strange things) and that seems to have worked a treat.

    But I will have a go at your suggestions; if only to learn. And I will report back here so others may read a forum entry with a solution/s...

    Thanks yet again.

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