Carrara quits on launch

Hello, long time no see on here :-)
I've recently had a bit of time to myself and really wanted to render some of my Daz Studio scenes in Carrara. Last time ( a few weeks or months ago) I used Carrara everything was hunky dory, no problems whatsoever.
Now for some reason every time I try to start Carrara (any version) it quits out before reaching the spash screen.
I have been through several sessions now of uninstalling every Carrara related thing on my PC (Win 7 64 fully patched) removing all left over folders I could find, cleaning my registry with CCleaner before using the DIM to reinstall only Carrara 8.5 pro (64 bit) without any content or plugins. Still the same problem.
I have also tried the same process with a manual install and both the above with Carrara 8 standard 32 bit, none of them will run.
I was going through support with Daz but have not heard anything back from them since the early hours this morning (I'm on UK time) so presume they are all off now for the weekend.
Googling has found a couple of others with the same problem but no solution.
Does anyone have any idea what on earth is going on please? One thing I have wondered is if it could be any OS or driver updates that are conflicting as I keep everything fully up to date but the only other program I've had problems with over the last few months was the Adobe Creative Cloud app at the last update refusing to install.
Best regards, Angela
It sounds to me like an Anti-Virus/Firewall issue.
Try adding Carrara as exempt. I'm no geek in these regards - far from it.
I usually open the protector and look for an exceptions or rules tab. In mine, it took me forever to figure out that, in order to add something new to the list, I had to right-click within the list and select "Add" from the right-click menu. No easy button saying "Add" or anyhting like that... took me a while to figure it out!
I could be wrong. But Carrara can fire up on much older machines than what we use today - so I doubt it's being too powerful on something.
Did you have Luxus Core that expired in September if so that will crash it as well.
Down load the new version and install.
Thank you Dartanbeck, that was something I was thinking along the lines of too but I've checked my windows firewall and there wasn't a rule for Carrara in there so I created one to allow it through but it didn't make any difference and then I checked MS security essentials and added the Carrara exe to the excluded processes and again no difference :-(
I'm going to check to see if I've added any other security software I might have forgotten about - always possible with my memory!
Best regards, Angela
Hi chickenman thanks for the help too, I don't have Luxus though, just vanilla Daz Studio and Carrara render engines.
Best regards, Angela
another user found they needed to run it in compatiblity mode in Windows 10 if by any chance you are using that.
Thank you ToeJam, I'm on Win 7 64 though and it previously ran on this system perfectly.
Best regards, Angela
Maybe try a restart of your system after making those rules changes.
Another idea is one that ToeJam brought up a while back - possibly a plugin issue? in... something in the Extensions folder?
Just for kicks, locate your temp folder. By default it's Documents > DAZ 3D > DazTmp
Select everything (unless there's a cool render you've forgotten about - then move that out of there first) and Delete it.
Hmmm... mind is still churning...
Have you perhaps used a utility to clean out your system? Speed up your computer type of thing?
If so... did it ask you to make a backup?
(I use CCleaner and save its backups to a specific folder in My Documents)
In the case of CCleaner, we can go into that backup folder and double-click one (they're sorted by date - by default) to restore the registry to before that change.
Perhaps try that?
To uninstall completely a program, I use “Revo Uninstaller”, because certain programs are accustomed to leaving hidden files (licenses etc…).
Revo makes an advanced research in all the corners of the computer and you check what it found for removing them.
This free program is very useful if you want to reinstall a demo which expired, it is the proof that it is very effective!
have you tried right clicking the Carrara icon,. then selecting "run as administrator"
you've tried a fresh instal of Carrara "main program only" Was that installed using DIM ?
if so,. it probably went into the same folder (default install)
You could try installing manually into a new folder,. see if that runs.
Also,. try deleting your "preferences" file,.
It's in users / your name / app data / roaming / daz 3d / carrara / preferences.txt
Other than that,. it sounds like a conflict,. ..any new stuff installed,. check in control panel / Programs / uninstall a program,. to see a list of what's installed and when.
Just to check,..
What type of video card ?
you're using the latest version of carrara 8.5 ?
Oh right! Somebody said that there was an Windows update which made Carrara not work.
His solution was to right-click the Carrara.exe in the install directory, and set it to run Compatibility Mode for Windows 7!
...and it's a good idea to have it Run as Administrator as well;)