32 core machine

I just got a 32 core machine has windows 7 on it. (2) Intel Xeon proccessors how do I install render nodes on it so the network render can see it?


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,728
    edited October 2016
    • Go to your Daz account > Product Library and type in Carrara 8
    • By then you should see the latest version of Carrara that you own. Click on that.
    • You'll now see a list of items that you may download manually. Download the version of Render Node which Exactly matches the version of Carrara you're running.
    • Use that download to install the Render Node onto your new 32 core machine!

    Be sure to run it and enter your regular Carrara S/N when asked.

    Make sure it is running when you want it available in your Network render.


    I need mine connected to the network via cable. Others have reported to have it working wirelessly, but it has been recommended to not use Nodes that way.


    Congratulations! I'm SO Jealous!!! ;)

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Just a suggestion, but I would use the 32 core machine as the main PC for Carrara, and make your current computer the node.  32 cores would make for *very* fast test renders and even if the 8 core dual Xeons are 'older tech' the number of cores is likely more than going to make up for that.  I'm in the process of making one of the z600 dual-Xeon servers I recently bought into my main Carrara machine for exactly this reason (sadly mine is an older tech than yours; I can only get my render cores up to 24.  But someday in the future I'd love to pick up a z620 that could field dual Xeons of the E5 series so I could have a 32 core monster as my main Carrara driver too.

    You don't need to install anything on the render node machine except for the Carrara render node app, by the way.  It's as easy as install the Carrara node software, make sure that it sees the other devices in your network, and on your main Carrara app enable the render node in your render room for batch rendering (network rendering only works for batch rendering, which means you need to save the scene first, load it in the batch rendering queue, then make sure render nodes are enabled and then launch)

  • gaffer2gaffer2 Posts: 67

    Well I did as DArtanbeck said but the node is an incompatable version running carrara 8.5 64bit  downladed same and installed on the new machine.??

  • gaffer2gaffer2 Posts: 67

    PS working or not thanks for your help!!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,728
    gaffer2 said:

    Well I did as DArtanbeck said but the node is an incompatable version running carrara 8.5 64bit  downladed same and installed on the new machine.??

    I don't understand... why is it incompatible? Different version?

    Make sure that you have the two (or more?) PCs networking together. You should have a Homegroup where you can see each computer's Documents, Pictures, Videos, etc., from the other machine.

    If that's not working, go to Control Panel > Networking > Homegroup and create a Homegroup. Follow the instructions carefully and get it all up and running.

    I'm no PC geek regarding this stuff... I asked jonstark and he told me what I've just said - or there about.

    Once you have the machines networked, having the Render Node running on one machine will allow it to show up in the networking optioins in Carrara on the other machine.


    Oh... and one more thing:

    In order to Network render, we MUST be in Batch Queue mode!

    So we:

    • Save our scene - all set up to render
    • Close the scene
    • Go to Render Room
    • Switch the bottom panel to Batch Queue and
    • Click the ADD button and select the file we've just saved
    • Once loaded, we may select it in the queue and change any render setting we want

    Scroll to the bottom of the first panel (with the scene still selected in the Queue) and go to the Network panel. I don't remember what it says, but we just see the other computer in there, as long as the Render Node is running on it, it is connected by wire to a router which is wired to this machine, and the two are networked.

    Note that it may take a short while for the node-running machine to contribute to the render.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    The node and main machine can be different versions of windows, meaning if your node is 32bit (which I doubt with a 32 core machine but still..) then you'll use the 32bit Carrara node version on it even if your main machine is running 64bit and using the 64bit main Carrara app, they can still work together even if the 2 machines are running different versions of Windows.  In fact, you can have your main machine as a Mac and your node running Windows, and they should still be able to network render ok (I haven't tested this myself, but other forum members have reported this setup works fine).

    Like Dart said above, it should work together ok, but it's a little hard to decipher what's going wrong from your post.  Are you getting some error message of some kind that is telling you that you have an incompatible version?

  • Yes when I go to manage render nodes in the render room that is what it displays it sees it on my network and both computers are in my home group the 32 core machine was rumming windows 7 and everything else is windows 10 I am downloading a copy of windows 10 now to the 32 core machine to see if that is the problem


    Thanks again to both of you for your help and interest in my problem

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Make sure it only has the Render node software and not Carrara it's self as that has gotten me when I first tried it.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,728

    I have Win 10 on one and 7 on the other. It works

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586

    I have two machines running MacOS and one running Windows 10 (one of the Macs is the master). No workgroups set up or anything like that, just wired cat 5e through a switch, and it all works fine. Standard firewalls with standard settings. DHCP assigned IPs.

    One thing might be worth checking: is one machine using IPv4 and the other IPv6 for networking?

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