Importing/Exporting Objects into and out of Carrara - Q&A

How does one Import ot Export objects using Carrara.
At the moment I do not have any suggests yet. I do have a question which I'll post in a minute.
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How does one Import ot Export objects using Carrara.
At the moment I do not have any suggests yet. I do have a question which I'll post in a minute.
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My problem:
I have an object that was create by me with Image Imagine 3D and saved in it's .obj format. I have tried to get it into Carrara without luck. I first tried Import and then simply Load... neither worked.
I'm wondering if it is not in a format that Carrara can recognize. When the requester popped up I chose Wavefront as object format and then reversed the Z axis, I think,... whas that right.
Perhaps I need a conversion program if one is available.
What's Image 3D ?
Try MeshLab:
well most obj files just import or open
so there must be something unusual about that program, does it import into DAZ studio, Blender, Wings3D or Hexagon, can prop viewer open it?
FifthElement, Imagine 3D is what I used on my Amiga years ago. Imagine is no longer being developed. I've downloaded MeshLab and will give it a try.
Wendy Thanks, Dummy me didn't try anything else... I have all but Wings3D and will check those out. What is this prop viewer you speak of?
AccuTrans3D can read/write Imagine and many other file formats. It's well worth the $20.
prop viewer a handy little standalone
opens Poser files too
good idea for a topic!
In this first case, noting that the obj format is text-based, you might consider comparing a simple obj export from another program and your Image 3D program in your favorite text editor (or notepad) and see if the formats look similar, and if any paths in your troublesome obj file seem to resolve to other files (e.g. material textures) in a viable way - full-paths, unquoted paths, material files, and folders mentioned where none exist - things like that. Even if you don't know what the format spec is, sometimes the problems are simply obvious and a few tweaks might get you running again...
Almost every transfer I do seems to want to be treated a bit differently. This topic may prove to be a godsend for many over the long-term!
Good point, Mindsong. When I worked on Custom Content for Neverwinter Nights, BioWare was kind enough to offer a free utility which decompressed their model files into a format that our GMax and 3DS Max plugins could import. Then we had other community members whom made wonderful utilities to work with those in Text-beased ways for various purposes, like cleaning up common problems, renaming texture files, etc.,
I've done a few renaming jobs within the model file in a text editor by hand and, while it's not something I'd like to fill my days with, I was at least able to accomplish the task I needed to get done ;)
Grabbed the trial version for now... will go back for the pay version since it converts a lot more that might want to do in the future.
While looking over AccuTrans3D's format list Imagine's format as .iob perhaps I'd gotten into the habit of saving as .obj
Got it... thanks Wendy
Mindsong thanks I'd not thought about that... will give it a try.
It is a rather cool heart, not the organ, shape. I do want to re-design one in Carrara's vertex room.