CMS and search issue, still
Support seemingly helped me with these errros. However on reboot the problems reassert themselves. So it still won't see certain items and the search Box doesn't work (I'm assuming I'd have to go through the entire reinstallation routine each time). Those items cannot be found by expanding whatever tree either... They mentioned the read me's regarding an alternative to loading items. I've perused some readme's and don't see any info as to how to alternatively load, other than a system address. If I use these, directly in Studio, how so? As it is I can't use Studio anymore and this glitch is recent and came out of nowhere.
If you had a previously working install that did not have this problem and you did not update Studio, then the problem is NOT very likely a Studio problem. It's most likely an OS or security software update...
What OS are you running?
What, if any security software?
You should still be able to access your content outside of Smart Content by using the Content library in tree or file view mode. Search probably still won't function reliably, though.
I've not been allowing security updates. So I'd need to do this to get Studio to work!? I just allowed it through firewall and my AV skips it. But I'm still getting the error and if using file search program simply closes. Even using the expanded tree is won;t list many products. Support said to change the name of certain cms files. What happens is it makes more of the saem files. So now I'm up to 3 this 3 that.
What version of Studio?
The one that is available for download So, I made the acception in AV, allowed it through firewall, got Microsoft updates, reinstalled yadda...
Still the same. In Content Library the first two paths are DAZ Studio Format and PS Format... When I click the first, it just says install manager but it ends there. The PS Format expands yet only finds half of what's installed. So it's dead in the water as it can't find any of my more recent purchases. Isn't there some other way? Even the Import option lists only a fraction of what's installed.
When I un/reinstall (studio and cms) I sometimes get the normal Welcome dialog. But the search and tree dir is still dysfunctional. Anyone else getting this!?
Ok, I see I'll have to un/reinstall everytime I want to use Studio. After doing this it will see most of what's installed. But right after a reboot it reverts back to the dysfunction. Luckily reinstall is a short process these days. So what then does i tmean it corrupts after reboot? Everything else on this system works fine - altho AV updates cut off sometimes. Recently ran spyware.
It doesn't sound like you have your content installed or mapped properly, you should not be seeing anything named "install manager" under Studio Formats.
Can you go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" sections, and post a screenshot?