render image series to width 3640 height 2160 in engine of choice with spherical camera zoomed out compile avi in virtualdub, is very slow huge file create mp4 in Handbrake using best quality original size and framerate use youtube metadata exe to inject 360 metadata save as new file to upload exe found at
render image series to width 3640 height 2160 in engine of choice with spherical camera zoomed out compile avi in virtualdub, is very slow huge file create mp4 in Handbrake using best quality original size and framerate use youtube metadata exe to inject 360 metadata save as new file to upload exe found at
Thanks for that workflow @ToeJam - I've seen a bunch of very complicated ways of doing this (mostly equirectangular render-based, ala 6 gopros in a cube...), So this workflow is particulary refreshing in its simplicity!
FWIW, the spatial data injection program link also points to a python script version for folks that may want to automate the whole process. (
Yeah I rendered that with a spherical camera . 2 to 1 aspect ratio, I forget the exact resolution of that one but it needs to be pretty high, I did another at 2000 to 1000 that looked pretty decent. Ceate an MP4 then use the Spatial Media Metadata Injector from youtube. Then you have to upload to youtube or facebook before you get the 360 effect.
Cool work Scarecrow, thanks for sharing!
P.S. I'm sure you saw this thread, but just in case:
Thanks yes, I saw it right after I posted mine.
Very cool! So how do you turn an animation (spherical) into a VR scne like this? Is there a link to instructions on the process?
render image series to width 3640 height 2160 in engine of choice with spherical camera zoomed out
compile avi in virtualdub, is very slow huge file
create mp4 in Handbrake using best quality original size and framerate
use youtube metadata exe to inject 360 metadata save as new file to upload
exe found at
Thanks Wonderful You!
Thanks for that workflow @ToeJam - I've seen a bunch of very complicated ways of doing this (mostly equirectangular render-based, ala 6 gopros in a cube...), So this workflow is particulary refreshing in its simplicity!
FWIW, the spatial data injection program link also points to a python script version for folks that may want to automate the whole process. (
too cool!
Yeah I rendered that with a spherical camera . 2 to 1 aspect ratio, I forget the exact resolution of that one but it needs to be pretty high, I did another at 2000 to 1000 that looked pretty decent. Ceate an MP4 then use the Spatial Media Metadata Injector from youtube. Then you have to upload to youtube or facebook before you get the 360 effect.