Airlock construction set on sale now! [Commercial]

Who couldn't use a good old airlock right about now! Well do I have a deal for you. But seriously you know all the real action happens at the Airlock door, monsters going out bad guys getting in... And it's 40 % off.

3988 x 2640 - 5M
Post edited by Chohole on
Thank you for doing this! An airlock is something I've been asking for in the product suggestions forum for a while! The ESA Europa Corridor is also good for that, but modular kits always have much better diversity.
And this one has an exterior option so you can do a pass through and look back shot. It also did good as a shuttle or rear of one in this shot.
Looks great.
Hi antman! This is cool, also kindly do more contents that are creatures like the bat thing and the tree creature! :)
Don't know how I missed seeing this one! It looks really good and its really nice to be able to look in from outside as well.
I grabbed mine! Another awesome set, though you should really do a few more similar interior sets for the rest of a small ship...and an exterior... or three...
-- Walt Sterdan
I picked it up haven't played with it yet but looks cool
One thing that would have been really cool would be a small round airlock, too, perfect for breaching those rogue spaceship flying about! Unless, of course, you already have plans for something like that. I had to wishlist this, but I hope to get it soon. Looks very useful! I'll have to see what it looks like scaled down for smaller spaceships then. :)