Ringos DP shaders that come with Carrara - Resolved

I was looking at the product page for Carrara 8.5, to refresh my memory what content came with the product. A lot of stuff, and on sale for $39 bucks!
I noticed Ringo shader pack - http://www.daz3d.com/digital-painters-shaders
These 171 shaders appear to be different than the ones in my browser.
Did I somehow fail to load these? Or are these the default shaders that come with the product?
EDIT - DIM say that they are indeed installed.
NEVER MIND! I figured it out, and added the shaders using the "add folder" option.
This is somewhat annoying. I wonder if I have any other items that require me to add a folder to make visible?
Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
If you've installed any products which are "made for carrara" ,. DIM should install these correctly, but Carrara doesn't automatically scan for new folders or new "content"
Check that any new products you install, actually show up in the browser,. and if not,. manually add those folders.
"Scene's" made for Carrara will appear in your existing Scenes section in the browser,.
if an artist creates a product which doesn't install into one of the existing sections of the browser,. then you'll need to add that product manually.
In DIM,. Right click on a product and choose, "Show installed files" to see the folder location.
Hope it helps
Thanks for chiming in. So this applies to "Carrara-only" products? If someone said this to me early in the process, I must have not heard it. Seems essential to know - and relatively easy to facilitate, fortunately.
Yes,. Carrara products only.
Poser and Daz Studio were designed to use content,. and designed to have products made for them,. so they're also designed to look for new content files.
I don't know of any other 3D Suite, which is setup to have products installed to it,. Most are setup for user created files (standard file open save dialogue)
Carrara does have a browser, but it's setup for user files,. My Scenes / My Objects / My shaders, etc.
rather than Figures / clothes / hair etc.
the "content" section was added to Carrara's browser to accomodate Poser and DS content.
It's up to the PA to setup the folder structure for their scene, within Carrara.
The majority of carrara products are built so that they install into existing locations (and show up),. or they have a custom folder for that product, and instructions in the Readme.
some stuff , such a shaders,. can be on other drive or other folders,. and you can add any folders to the browser, or remove them, as you need.
this is handy if your working on a project for a client,.you can create a working folder, drop all your assets in there. add that folder to carrara.
Valuable and succinct context. It's so helpful to know this general organizational stuff. Phil is echoing some of this in his tutorials. Thanks 3DAGE, as usual!