How can I add the scripts menu to the tool bar at the top of DAZ studio 4.9?
in The Commons
Ive never bothered with scripts before untill i bought ultra scatter a couple of days ago and I seem to have no option for scripts along the tool bar up at the top where File , edit . create etc are , but Ive seem plenty of studio screen shots with scipts up there .I can find the ultra scatter script in my content with no problem but constant scrolling down to the script to add something then back up to the objects i want to add and back down to the script is a bit of a pain. is it possible to put the scripts up on the tool bar?
Locate the script in the content directory, then left click and select Create Custom Action. This adds a new menu item called scripts to your menu, and the script you selected will be there.
Odd, because mine used to have Scripts (even though the list was empty) up at the top & now it is gone too.
sorry i think you may have meant right click as left click does nothing however with right click create custom action is not listed
It is on D|S 4.9+.
At the very bottom it's listed after you right click the mouse cursor or the icon of the script you want to add to the 'Scripts' menu at the top of D|S
Sorry, I meant right click. If you right click on a script in the content pane, "Create Custom Action" should be listed on the popup menu as the last item.
sorry its not there if im doing it right see pic
You have to find the script FILE and right click on it, not the scripts folder.
You have to select a specific script, not the script sub folder
Ahhh thats worked realise what I was doing wrong now . thanks for that
Thanks for this dialoge i have the same problem until i found this dicussion and figured out the problem
It drives me nuts how complicated people make these explainations.
See pictures below
1) Go to the windows menu
2) [Workplace] > [Customize...]
3) Under [Menu] find [Main Menu Bar]
4) Right click and select [Add submenu], Enter name of the submenu and press enter/return
5) Drag and drop item(s) from [Actions] tab to your newly created menu item
6) Dont forget to [Apply] and [Accept]
7) Voila
Thanks for your concice explaination