Omg PE question , Again!

Ok seriously can we get a stickied particle emitter thread?
I used the search function but it would only find particle or emitter so it wasnt helpful . . . really.
So heres my question:
Can you force particles to follow a path such as bezier paths?
Also the fact that the particle emitters in carrara are so awesome why would use replicated surfaces and instance
Also @dimensiont ive watched your tuts on utube and wonder if your warp effect uses "forces"?
Sorry if this is a dupelicate thread.
Kind of. But instead of having the particles follow a path, you'd have the emitter follow the path and drop, or let go of the particles to your spec along the way
Because replicators can adhere to shader placement, can easily replicate animated figures (Emitter might too, but not in the same manner), and can align what it replicates in a variety of ways... and more.
They are all excellent tools to have in our kit! ;)
Because Ctrl + D just ROCKS!!! LOL It's incredibly fun!
Oh... sorry about that!
Duplicating instances is incredibly powerful. Duplicate once, move, rotate, scale. As long as we don't deselect the duplicated item or undo anything, the next duplications will follow the same move, rotate, and scale of the first - from the position and size of the last. Incredibly useful for a good many things.
The regular (not the surface) replicator is amazing as well.
For both replicators, although there's a warning against creating 'real' instances, the button is there for a reason, and can be used to great effect! I do it quite a bit with smaller numbers of items to be replicated - then I can further move them around and do stuff with them. Even delete ones I don't need.
Inagoni's Replicate is also an incredible tool!
All of that aside... you're right. Particle Emitters freaking ROCK!!!
I don't think it is. This is all I have in the ► Forum Help Links, although it's been over a year since I've added anything to it
* creating rain (animated)
* Particle Thread by DimensionTheory
* Particle Problems on a Mac
So now I'm adding this one ;)
* Can you force particles to follow a path such as bezier paths
You can use geometry as a collision object and fire particles at it, or through it, or an be fussy depending on what you are trying to do, like getting stray particles, or particles stubbornly bouncing back the opposite direction. I managed to get them to behave for this test. YouTube butchered the quality, but I think you get the idea.
Right. There is a lot that can be done by running an emitter along a path. Particle can be made to remain with the emitter or be in free mode.
Check out the beginning of this video
Age of Armour uses a torch to make the last cut of the Carrara logo ;)
But the possibilities are endless. Think outside the box and amazing things can occur!
If we need to run particles along a path, we send the emitter along that path and set up the particle flow to work according to the needed effect. They don't have to blast away from the emitter - but can be let out at appropriate moments, lifespan set up to get what you want - kinda like what you're thinking, but think it out backwards. Should work how you want it to. Should be able to make it look like the emitter is a particle or blast of particles.
If we made a mesh from the path like a tube, and set the particles to the right size, we could have the particles follow that.
I have had them flow through a tube, need a double tube as they collide by their centre points so an inner invisible one the radius of the particles needed.
Cool Particle Inspiration - the original from the demo above