Highlighting figures in the viewport

     Is there a way of stoping the highlighting of surfaces on mouse-over in the viewport? I read the discussion in the FAQ and changing to wireframe seems pretty extreme.  In previous versions, this only happened with the Surface Selection Tool selected.  Any help would be appreciated.



  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Notes for version 4.8, hopefully still applicable:

      To eliminate the orange highlighting on stuff in the viewport that gets in the way (like a large dust/steam cloud plane):
      For everything, Window > Panes > Draw Settings, under General set "Draw Style" to "Bounding Box Only"

      For just one object, in the Scene pane, click the arrow&checkmark icon to toggle it to be non-selectable (although you won't be able to click on it to select it now.)


  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257

        Thats what it said in the FAQ.  It makes it awful hard to pose a character if all you se is a box on the screen.  The highlighting gets in the way of setting up the scene.  Technically, it isn't even necessary in posing or placing objects.  It would be perfectly fine if it only showed up after you clicked on an object to show what is selected.


  • I think you are misunderstanding - the highlight mode draws the bounding box around the bone, without the overlay, but you still see the sahded preview (or whichever you are using), you aren't switching the display mode.

  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257

        Thamk you, You were right!  I was looking at the top drop down menu.


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