DAZ Studio 4 Product - Load Into Carrara 8.5?

First, my apologies, I long ago stopped keeping up with DAZ Studio products in Carrara, sticking with Poser or Carrara formats. But I inadvertently bought a product that says it is "DAZ Studio 4 Only". I'd like to load it into Carrara, and I browsed the Forum briefly and didn't see a clearly related topic. I've tried loading/importing the various files into C8.5 64bit with no luck. I did get it to show up in Carrara's browser, but nothing will show in the 3D view Window. When I try to Import the DUF file, I get a warning and an error, both of which say "1_Base.dsf Not Found", although it shows up as an "Instance" with just a few white dots in the 3D Window. Any suggestions?
The extracted files are folders for:
Data: 16 folders for each part of the object, each with a *.dsf file and a subfolder "UV" with a file "default.dsf" (all have the same)
Props: A single DUF file (& PNG) and a subfolder "MATS" with 7 DUF files for various textures
Runtime: A folder of "Textures" with JPGs for the various pieces of the model.
Might help if you said what the set is - someone could be familiar with it. In general though, Carrara doesn't support DS instances. It should still load, but you'll have to recreate any instances either through Cmd/Ctrl-D or via the replicator. The file layout you describe is pretty standard for DS content.
Right. Is it some kind of an add-on which requires another product? Kind of sounds like that with the Instance stuff.
So a possible work-around would be to load it up in Daz Studio and save it again as a new asset and try again
This is the product, not an add-on.
Not sure about "Carrara doesn't support DS instances. It should still load, but you'll have to recreate any instances either through Cmd/Ctrl-D or via the replicator."
I'd be happy if I could get just one to load.
have you tried opening this in Daz Studio,. then saving the scene,. then opening that in carrara. ?
it seems to be a Prop, ,. so,.. it should work in any 3D software.,. or at least be usable as a prop.
i saw that message in the beginning when i hadn't properly added the ds 'my libray' runtime to carrara.
carrara wasn't seeing the ds \data folder.(where the geometry is)
you could create an external ds library, but then you need to specify the content type when adding the content folder.
OK, thanks MistyMist. I think I'm getting closer, at least *something* is loading. I extracted the purchased product into the DAZ Studio "My Library", then tried various ways of linking to it in Carrara's browser. The only way that worked at all was in the "Content" browser tab, using "Autodetect Runtimes" (see screenshot below). Note the "My Library Runtime" folder does not have the prop, only the "My Library" folder. I can drag the prop to the "Instances" list and it does show up in the 3D Window, although the geometry is messed up. (See screenshot below, showing the "Lid" as way too small for the camera body - scaling it didn't go too well). but that is the first time *anything* got loaded into the 3D window, so some progress. I'm also attaching a screenshot of the "My Library" file structure. I dunno ...
3DAge - Thanks for the response, yes, I tried loading it into DAZ Studio 4 and couldn't figure out how, but I didn't try much. I'm not familiar with DS4, just have an old copy for similar efforts long ago.
Thanks again for all the responses, maybe I'll get there. Seems overly difficult ... compared to Poser Runtimes.
if you can get it loaded into D|S (just clicking on the icon should do it) go to the tab edit, figure , convert to prop.
You will need a later version of D|S
Then save as scene subset and open that in Carrara.
you might need to open in vertex room select all and under UV tab untick U unwrap too.
OK, thanks. I guess I had the wrong impression that Carrara 8.5 could load DUF files.
it can, it still will be a duf file just not a rigged figure with scaling which seems to be the issue here
Okay, thanks, I'm starting to understand the problem.