Carrara UFO Tribute Animation

Hi All
Not been here for a while.
I've just finished a Carrara UFO Tribute Animation. 1970's.
You can see it here -
And a new image on my Rendo Gallery
What do you think?
I was always disappointed that we never built moon base alpha :(
Nice interceptor and shado babe.
..funny to see the doctor make an appearance at the end :)
I was alway an angels guy myself, fine modelling and animating. I actually met Commander Straker when he came to open a golf course, and had a sit in the gas turbine car' it was a shell and cardboard dash, it didn't even have an engine they had to push it onto the carpark. Still it's all about illusion.
Nicely done, the models look better than the originals.
I had that stuff to! I liked the Tracked vehicle with the flip top missile launcher
If you need more UFO stuff feel free to look here from the past
It's mostly done for Poser but should also load fine in Carrara except for the textures due to different texturing models in the different 3D-apps.
B.t.w. a marvelous animation and superb modelling. :-)
Nice job! Carrara does great lens flares.
Gotta love a 70's UFO tribute - nice work!
Whats funny is I can remember watch the show UFO and space 1999! I always hated the Space 1999 laser STAPLE gun! I think my next project will be Sci-Fi
I even had at one time they cast iron toys from UFO! The space vehicle with the HUGE missile in the nose had a spring loaded gizmo that popped out the missile..
Well being never satisfied wit ha weak spring thing first I put a cap gun cap on the back end of the missile and it made a good pop but the missile didn't fly out any faster So Steven Hawkings here try a large rifle primer from my dads reloading stuff....
The S.H.A.D.O. missile outer space plane intercepter never flew again....
Also never saw the MISSILE ever again either
I have forgotten so much about Space 1999 in my middleaged years, I always liked that shapechanging alien girl they picked up along the way who could become different animals. did she have plaited eyebrows or am I thinking of someone else?
and Zike0 your models are awesome!
Great job! I loved it!