Missing Genesis male materials/textures - solved
I seem to have lost the materials for male genesis figures. When i try to load male textures (eg jeremy) Daz says it can't find the relevant files, but it works ok for female characters. I assume I am missing the 'Milman' folder or something like that. I have one called 'Milwom' for the females.
I've got no idea why it has disappeared, what is the easiest way to sort it out?
Post edited by Sid_1500574 on
Mine are all in the same folder, male and female. My Library\People\Genesis\Materials.
They are all in DUF format, and I think they must be installed with the Genesis Starter Essentials file which comes a part of the DS 4.5 download. Are you using DS You would probably need to reinstall the genesis Starter Essentials which came with your version of DS, or buy the latest one,, and install the Essentials for that version.
Thanks Jimmy, but I have the duf files in the materials file (eg Sample Jeremy no gen) but it doesn't load. If I load a male character it is just grey.
I used to get an error message about not being able to locate textures when I try to load materials for eg Michael 5 but I'm not even getting that now.
Allowing for differences in platform and installation, if you're using My Library, then the actual textures themselves -- the ones the DUF is looking for -- should be in
My Library\Runtime\textures\DAZ\Characters\MilMan\M4 (or M5 if that's what you're looking for)
However, if you're not even getting an error message, then there may be something wrong. At this point, I would recommend reinstalling both M4 and M5, if what you need to find is the default textures. If the problem continues after that, I would recommend redownloading both the Studio 4.5 installer and the Genesis Starter Essentials installer and reinstalling.
Reinstalling M4 and M5 should at least both make sure the textures are where they're supposed to be, and make sure that Studio knows where they are.
Thanks vwrangler.
The first file it looks for, which I don't have, is M4JeremyRRlimbsB. Does anyone know exactly what i need to reinstall to get that?
That file would be normally held in the following location
I believe that it would be part of the genesis Starter Essentials, and you woul need to reinstall that. I can't imagine why it would have been removed in the first place?
Reinstalled essentials and ok now, thanks guys.