OptiTex dynamic fabric presets not working on a Mac OS 10.7 in Daz
I am just getting started but have successfully animated V4 using the skirt and shirt from the ultimate pattern design kit with pins to stabilize the shoulder straps and the skirt waist.
I got the dynamic fabric presets freebie from the OptiTex website. When I select the shirt and then double click on one of the dynamic fabric presets, nothing happens. I can't change the fabric.
Can you help with this please?
Can you give a link to this freebie? What shirt is it, and what texture are you trying to apply?
You would need to have the shirt selected in the scene tab before trying to change the material or it wont work.
It's probably these...
http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/FreebieDownload04.php (last item on top row)...
It says this on the product page:
I believe that these only change the cloth parameters as it says. It will not add a different fabric as such, but it will cause the 'drape' to take the weight and type of material into account.
This will only be useful I think, if you have the paid for Dynamic Clothing Control, but I could be wrong about that.
They do work with the free plugin...but you don't get any additional controls. The differences in the 'stiffness' and amount of wrinkles are evident when they are used.
Thanks for that mjc, good to know.
I had a conversation with Martin about them a long time ago...
Thanks to everyone for responding. JimmyC is right. They affect the cloth parameters under the panels tab of the dynamic cloth plugin.
I am able to change the fabric surfaces using fabricator or other shader presets.
They are working.
Next question:
Is it possible to weld or anchor parts of 2 garments together other than the pinning method?
Hi - what is the pinning method? Is this something only available in the Dynamic Clothing Control?