Will Carrara 8.5 be a purchasable Upgrade?

The answer to this question will determine what I do.
I own Carrara BugFest 8 Pro and would like to know if when Carrara 8.5 is released if I will have to pay for the upgrade.
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The answer to this question will determine what I do.
I own Carrara BugFest 8 Pro and would like to know if when Carrara 8.5 is released if I will have to pay for the upgrade.
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HI AmonUK :)
It was mentioned some time ago that there would be a nominal fee for the update to 8.5
That was Before Daz3D began the current "Givea-way" offer of "Bryce Daz Studio and Hexagon"
So far,.. there has been no official word on "how much" the update will be.
hope it helps :)
So it will likely be an upgrade I will have to pay for?
If it turns out that they want money to upgrade to a version that works, Carrara 8 Pro is unstable and full of bugs and I will not pay a penny to upgrade for BugFixes and stability that makes the program work properly, I will head over to the modo601 camp.
I haven't got time nor the patience to wait for a company that delivers broken software then wants to charge me upgrade fees in order to access a version where the stability and most bugs have been fixed. It's not nice for them to do this.
The difference between C8 Pro and C8.5 Pro are staggering. What I couldn't do in C8 Pro that would crash it or have things that just outright just didn't work is all working in C8.5 Pro.
If the official answer is that I will be required to pay for the upgrade, no matter what the fee, I will relieve myself of the burden that is Daz3D broken software and head over to a camp where mavelous things are happening; Modo601 from Luxology.
HI AmonUK :)
Daz3D have released several point updates to C8, (All free)
The latest point update is C8.1.1.12 which is the most recent production release of C8.
If the beta of C8.5 works better for you than that's a good thing,.
For me, C8.1.1.12 (current version) is stable and works fine for me on a daily basis.
I'm curious about which feature Don't work in C8, ..but work in C8.5
As far as the final Pricing of the update to 8.5,:
nobody here knows the answer to that,... but Daz are usually Bizarre in the extremely low cost of updates and upgrades.
..but, as I mentioned,.. it was announced some time ago that there would be a small charge for this update due to the amount of new features and work involved.
Nobody can force you to upgrade/update to software, and if you decide that paying over 1000 dollars for modo (single user licence) is a better option for you,.. then that's obviously your choice to make.
Personally,. I'd wait until there's some Official word from Daz3D about the update pricing for C8.5. before making a decision.
Hope it helps :)
If you're a Mac user running OSX Lion which is almost a year old, Carrara 8.1 is unusable. It crashes every time you try to open a file, save or access textures or aniblocks. The latest 8.5 beta is fairly stable, but still crashes too often for my liking, mostly when saving. I don't mind paying for 8.5 because there are a lot of new features, Genesis, improvements to bullet physics... I just hope it's not too expensive given that I paid a lot for 8.1 and couldn't use it.
My two cents.
HI :)
Yes. it's an unfortunate time trap, you build the software to work on one OS, then a new OS is released, and some users jump right in and the software doesn't work for them in that OS, so you're faced with rebuilding the software to run in the new OS, at the risk of abandoning the older OS users. or running with it and upsetting the users of the New OS.
This is one of the main issues that was addressed in the Beta builds of C8.5.
I agree with 3Dage, 8,1 is stable, and to be honest the last beta is running smoothly on my systems (except for some small issues, but hey its a beta not even a RC).
Even programs like ZBrush (considered one of the most stable) had some bug fixes in the last software ( I had some serious crashes).
Running various kind of 3D programs (no Modo so no judgement there) , i still think Carrara is worth ever penny. And for all the include features i even dare to call it cheap (-;
Just my humble opinion.
Happy Renders
Hey 3D Age!
Good seeing you again.
I'm in no great hurry for Carrara 8.5.
I'm curious, is it still messing up runtimes? I remember that being a problem awhile ago.
I own Carrara8 Pro, but am still running C7Pro because it works so well. (Also scared upgrading could break my aniBlock importer and Mimic).
HI tsarist :)
Good to see you too, ..even in the crazy new forums :)
The runtime issue was resolved by giving the Beta a separate Preferences file,.
but it's still possible to overwrite your C8 by installing the beta into the same folder as your C8.
It's recommended that you install the Beta into a NEW folder. then it's all good.
Aniblock importer for C8, and Mimic for C8, both work the same, and they're both part of the whole beta overhaul process, so once the beta is released, there should be updates to both Mimic and the Aniblock importer (as fas as I know)
By a weird coincidence, your two cents look a lot like mine.
C8.1 and C8.5 both run stable for me on OSX Lion no crashing or issues as mentioned. Make sure you have latest updates.
I think it's only the 64 bit versions that don't run in Lion. If you have those running smoothly, I need to know how you did it. Under 8.1 you can't open any files without a crash. It was documented here in the forums by multiple people right after Lion came out. 8.5 is fairly stable, but still crashes sometimes during saves. Usually when I'm trying to save a render. Fortunately, images are saved in the DazTemp folder so I don't lose them,
Brian I was having problems too but after reinstalling 8.1.1 build 12 a few times it just works. I am running it on an i5 2011 macmini 2.2 dual core w 8 gb ram. I have a renderfarm with 2011 MBP i7 as the host and two new i5 macminis as nodes. One node runs snow leopard and other Lion 10.7.4. I run carrara 8.5, 8.1 as standalone and rendernode on all machines very stable without crashing, all 64 bit mode. Stable for several months with heavy daily use. In the forum Mac users are reporting mixed results and performance using different OS and hardware. (G5 users mostly) Sorry I can't offer better advice but I did nothing special to get things working smoothly. Maybe others can help troubleshoot. There were a few Mac threads on this a few months ago if they are still accessible.