I used an umbrella from a set. I set the parent to none, since I wasn't using the figure it was designed for. After I was finished posing, I tried to parent it to my figure (in case I wanted to move the figure and I wanted the umbrella to move with my figure. However, when I tried to parent it to my figures hand, it flew around and turned upside down. So why did that happen and is there a way to parent an object like this to my figure.
The same thing happened with a hat I was trying to use...except with a twist. With the hat selected, the universal tool was at the floor. Any transformations revolved around that point. To pose the hat, I had to choose the "head" of the hat. Then I was able to pose it the way I wanted. If I'm remembering correctly, I had to parent the head of the hat to the head of the figure. If I tried to parent the hat to the figures head, it flew off somewhere.
Anyway to deal with a product like this and parent it to your figure?
And what does parent in place do? Does that mean it will stay where it is no matter where you move your figure? Or something else?
That's exactly what you need to do to prevent this happening. And it does exactly what it says on the tin — wherever the object is when you parent it, it'll stay there.
What's happening is that the unparented object has its "zero point" centre at the centre of the scene (unless it's been created with its centre somewhere else). When the object is parented, if "parent in place" is turned off, it moves so that its zero point matches the zero point of whatever you've just parented it to.
FWIW, I usually work with "parent in place" turned on, unless I'm sure the object I'm parenting is set up to work seamlessly with the figure it's being parented to.
Thanks, SpottedKitty!