Square -> Round
Hi all,
I am trying to make a simple morph of a square mesh and transform it into a sphere in Hexagon. What is the best utility in Hexagon to tackle shaping the cube instead of manually pushing/pulling the geometry into an imperfect rough sphere?
Apply smoothing to a cube, start off with a low number like 2 to give something that is reasonably sphere like, although you can still notice some facetting. Go up higher # if you need finer resolution.
But won't smoothing change the geometry? Smoothing adds points/vertices so it won't work as a morph that way...
Create a normal cube in Hexagon, and as cdordoni says add 2 levels of smoothing. Then -
1. Using Symetry select all the faces which make up one side.
2. Use the scale Manipulator (small cube in the Universal Manipulator) to zero the size.
3. Repeat till you have a cube.
4. Save and Export the OBJ file. Close Hexagon.
5. Import into Daz Studio and Name the cube "Morphing Cube" - copy text
6. Use the bridge to send the cube to Hexagon.
7. Create a new Cube and give it 2 levels of smoothing.
8. Paste the Name.
9. Scale and position (use original as ref). Delete original cube.
10. Send it to DS via the bridge.
In DS you will have to set the option in the Parameters so the morph goes from 0 to 1 but apart from that you should not run into any problems - Fingers crossed :)
Edit to add - PF, I sent you a PM
I should probably explain what I'm doing,
I made a table leg and the foot of the table leg ends in a cube but I'd like to make the morph so that it can shape the table leg's foot into a sphere. I can get my table leg into the Bridge to Hexagon but if i have to , I will just push the table leg's foot into Hex through the bridge.
I will check my PM thanks!
So if I smooth the surfaces, collapse the DG and try to push it back to DAZ i will probably get a warning saying that the geometry has changed and then get disqualified as a morph(?)
Sorry, I think I mis-understood what you are after. Do you want to make something like this (turning a square into a circle) ?
Have you got any reference images you can show us ?
Rather than turning a cube into a sphere perhaps a sphere turned into a cube would be simpler to achieve.
Each face of a cube will have vertices sharing one of the co-ordinate values. You could select each of the vertices of a sphere which will become (eg) the base of the cube and type in the same co-ordinate value for the up/down direction (I can't remember if this is the Y or Z co-ordinate).
I sometimes manually type in co-ordinate values to align edges and such but I'm not sure whether it's possible to select multiple vertices and type in the required value only once.
You are quite right Marcus. To tell which X,Y,Z you want have a look at the 3D compass in the bottom left hand corner (and the arrows on the manipulators), the XYZ are coloured the same as the boxes in the Properties tab, also works with the Symmetry tab.
If I did make a mistake, here's a way to turn a square curve into a round one,
Thanks for that demo screen, John. It reminds me to think about using curves more often.
My earlier post was what struck me when I saw the image you supplied of the table legs ending in spheres. If the OP begins with such legs as one-piece items then the spheres could be straightened out with a bit of work changing the co-ordinates rather than doing it 'by-eye'. The number of faces should remain the same as is required for a morph.
I have to say that I'm just chipping in, trying to be helpful. The earlier replies might be better thought-out - I haven't used the DAZ Bridge and am unfamiliar with DAZ Studio smoothing.
Hi Marcus, because PF said he wanted to "morph" a cube into a sphere I thought he wanted to use the Hex-DS bridge, but after he said it was a table leg with a round foot I asked for a refernce image so I knew exactly what he was working on.
You are quite right, you can start with a sphere and turn the top faces into a cube, either way is good :) Feel free to chip in, oh and by the way, even though I know the XYZ colours I still find myself wiggling the mouse to see which co-ords move - old habits die hard :)
Thanks, John.
Although the Hexagon threads are fairly quiet when compared to others, such as The Commons, it seems to me that there is always help being given when asked and that there is a lot of experience to tap into.
Since it's a hobby, I tend to get into 3d work in the winter months and I hope soon to tackle some new projects and complete abandoned ones.
Yes that's it thanks! I still could use the strategy in the first video you sent me. I am trying to avoid making manual adjustments to many faces and vertices so i was wondering if there was a specific utility that does what I was looking for. It would be helpful for me to use strategies like this to make square elongated shapes into rounded corners as a morph.
Yeah that's exactly what i do to line things up it seems more what I am used to rather than manually moving things around a screen
Yeah you guys have it, I first started with a Square foot and trying to turn it into a round one but if it starts out as round and more easily tshaped into a square that is just as good. The important part was keeping the same amount of geometry to keep it as a valid morph.
Thanks for the thoughts!
Cool, i can see more applications for this strategy - Thanks!
Here is another way to round off (as if the leg has been sanded round) - The Chamfer tool.
I would very much like to see how your project turns out - John