Seeking collaboration on Dr. Who Dalek simulator

I have starred a joint project to make a Dalek simulator with voice-control input. The audio part of the API, which also creates the dalek voice from microphone, is in Cycling74 IDE (required until beta binaries are built, and available as free 30-day trial from Cycling74 webstie). The cycling74 IDE accepts OBJ input, and I am hoping some Carrara people will be interested in texturing the model. It is currently available for direct download here:
A screenshot of the IDE, much as it is so far, is attached.

960 x 669 - 50K
Sounds like a neat project (I say while holding my Weeping Angels coffee mug).
What sort of color scheme are you looking for? The Dalek's have had so many different variations over the years it's kind of hard to pick a "standard" look. I see you've got the material for the body labeled as brass - is that what you want it to be?
I just took a quick look and weirdly it has several separate material zones when imported into Carrara or Blender, but Substance Painter thinks it only has one. Very strange. I will play with it tomorrow and see if I can come up with something you will like - if I can figure out why Substance Painter doesn't like the material zones, the UVs look pretty nicely laid out for texturing - there would be a little bit of distortion on a purely procedural texture, but a painted one should look nice.
Funnily enough I rendered a Dalek recently, I did the textures for this freebie Dalek 2005 from (great source of free models by the way, but you will usually need to do some work on shaders etc). But they were for Octane Render in Carrara.
@PhilW - nice! It's funny how silly the basic Dalek design is, and yet I still remember being afraid of them when I was a little kid. Luckily the man in the funny scarf was there to fight them! (Kind of dating myself by when I started watching Doctor Who
@Yofiel - a couple more questions... I am not familiar with the program you will be using your Dalek in. You say it accepts an .OBJ, so I assume that means you can use a diffuse/color map and a bump map, but how does the program handle lighting/rendering? Can you also use specular/glossy, metallic or normal maps?
I just wanted to play around with it
Turns out I was wrong about the UVs being good for painting - there's enough overlap that painting on one area paints across random spots all over.
This was just a test, I don't think anyone actually wants a daisy covered Dalek.
Saw this on Facebook & couldn't resist . . .
It was the Cybermen that frightened me as a kid, they seemed to be filmed in quite a ghostly way. They were a lot more primitive than the modern ones too. But I loved the Daleks, I remember a playground full of kids with their hands held out going "Exterminate!!"
OK, Phil, now I've sussed that you are really a Dalek and went to Dalek school!
There was a huge teacher turnover, I bet!
Well Phil, the voice is not that different for a Cyberman, so I will look for a model of one.
That's pretty good Stezza, how can we exchange files?
Yes you are right there are many color schemes, but besides nticing they are different I don't actually know why--except for the Troughton episode where he adds human nautre to some, and they go white, but as the series is lost, and in black and white too, it didnt seem a good basis.
tee heeee
lately, daleks make me think souffles for some reason
Cycling74 is a sound software, not what he'll be rendering it in. Just FYI
Oh. Thanks. I was confused by the "it accepts an OBJ input" part I guess.
So,. if completed, what will it be / do
..I'm just confused too...i guess.
is this software being developed to make it animate in a 3D space / and talk ?
Yofiel (author of this thread) has quite the cool website. He has authored his own computer synthesizer that works with the mentioned software as well as another that I'm unfamiliar with.
But he also has a stand-alone version of Godel 2 (his synthesizer) Windows - which is really cool! I've played around with it a bit... especially if I'm stressed out and need to calm down! ;)
He's also made this incredible modeling of St Peter's Basilica, which he also gives away for free, along with the dalek
I used a shader which I can't redistribute... but all I did was duplicate the body enlarged by 101% applied a basic white shader to the bottom body and then a chain shader to the top copied body..
Oh. I thought you two already got in touch.
Yofiel, do you still need a shader set for this?
If you like this shader setup, there's a link in your PM box ;)
It's fully distributable with your model
PS - let me know if you'd like any changes
Granted, I don't know what a Dalek is :(
Oh, wow, really ? "Dr. Who" is one of the best SciFi shows ever made in UK, IMO (besides "Black Mirror" and "Humans", of course), I highly reccomend it...
Even though I watched the old series (when used to live in Europe), I was never fully into it, but, the new series is very, very good
shame shame shame
I finally gave up on it last season -- the lack of good writing and over reliance on a magic wand eventually wore me down.
Yeah - I have to agree with this; it's always been basically a kids show even though a lot of us adults enjoy it too, so you have to make some allowances, and I'm still excited for the Christmas special (those are usually pretty good even when the show isn't great) but the last series episodes would sit on my DVR for ages before I worked up the energy to watch them. I sometimes wonder how much of my enjoyment of the modern show is just based on nostalgia from watching when I was growing up.
That is exactly how I see "Star Wars"
Yep, last season was not as good as the rest of them, nevertheless, I liked it
Wife and Daughter are still DR who fanatics and watch them all by binging over and over again
@chickenman I know how you feel
my daughter has a Dalek pendant she wears along with the Tardis and she wanted the Dr Who lego last christmas.. [sigh] lol
My Daughter has a tardis sweatshirt and a number of sonic screw drivers as well.
You could even feed your garden birds using a Dr Who theme
I have a Minions stealing the TARDIS t-shirt . . .
A great cross-over image! I have seen a similar one with Jawas (from Star Wars) going off having salvaged a Dalek!