"Animation In Carrara" Video Training (commercial)

My latest video tutorial series called "Animation in Carrara" will be launched soon, and I thought that you would like to see the complete project that I put together as part of doing that. The series contains over six and a half hours of detailed tutorials, and covers:
- the basics of animating in Carrara
- mechanical animation
- character animation, including the 12 Principles of Animation and how they apply to Carrara
- a general approach to animating a scene
- creating walk cycles with character
- lip sync
- various animation specials such as picking up and dropping or throwing things, physics animation, dynamic hair and clothing and replicating animated characters
- going though a complete animation project, including sections on scripting, storyboarding, character and set design, sound recording, doing the actual animation, titles, adding sound effects and music and producing your final project.
For the "complete project" section, I use "Robot's Goal" as my sample project and the final version is attached. The distribution will include all of the scene files used to create this so you will be able to see how it was all done. There will also be many other working files included, such as example scenes for all key learning points, some NLA Clips which you can use in your own projects and a complete dynamic hair, set up ready to be animated!
I hope you will enjoy the training when it is released - but in the meantime, please enjoy "Robot's Goal"!
Oh WOW! I want, I need. Thanks, Phil.
Awesome - makes me really want to give it a go!
Very nice animation. Great stuff.
Thanks Argus, Tango and Mmoir! Here is an Introductory video for the release as well.
Can't wait instant Buy.
Looks really good Phil :)
I've been taking my time going through your basic Carrara tutorial. Been super informative, and a lot of fun so far.
But for me, animation has been a long-time goal, so I am really looking forward to your new product.
BTW, great job on the robot video!!
c'mon DAZ QA! hurry!
Very impressive. I remember years ago when I first got Lightwave, watching some of the great demo tutorials. This is every bit as good as anything I've seen in Lightwave, and that is high praise.
Thanks all for the kind comments. It will be down to Daz's scheduling but I hope it won't be too long in getting released. I've been sitting on the Robot's Goal video for at least a couple of months so it's good to get it out there at last.
Looking forward to it, Phil. You always do a great job. I hope they pair it with good "new release" sales.
Wow, I really enjoyed the "Robot's Goal" movie and the actualy goal itself! Very nicely done!
Looking forward to having yet another action-packed course by Phil Wilkes!!!
ME too - still not there tonight! urg. My Christmas present to myself (more like 'one of my christmas presents to myself...')
(and yes, you completely succeed in breathing life into that robot! That is my definition of 'arrival' in the animation business!)
Thanks guys! Just waiting on a release date to be set by Daz now, so hopefully it will be before Christmas.
I'm fine just knowing that it's coming ;)
One cool thing about being a Carraraist - we learn the art of patience! ;)
Fantastic news Phil - will keep my eyes peeled for the new course.
Phil, was "Robot's Goal" achieved entirely in Carrara? I'm just curious. Whether it was or not, it was excellent. Very much in the tradition of John Lasseter.
The robot was modelled and set up with IK in Carrara, all of the animation was done in Carrara. The final version as posted was rendered with Octane Render for Carrara, but honestly, the Carrara renders I was getting were not that much different, just a little more subtley in the soft reflections etc with Octane, plus it renders so fast. But in something like this, I believe that it is the animation that carries it, not so much the render quality, although obviously you want it to look as good as possible. Thanks for the John Lasseter comparison, high praise indeed!
It's out !!!!!!!!!
And... it's mine! With 7 freebies to boot!
(tnx philw!)
Got it too.
I really look forward to be able too study carefully.
how big is the download - any one ?
Animation in Carrara Video Tutorials (1of3) 698.73MB
Animation in Carrara Video Tutorials (2of3) 708.05MB
Animation in Carrara Video Tutorials Working Files (3of3) 388.05MB
The animation Robot's Goal looks great.
Maybe I will be able to contribute animations to Mmoir's group project, instead of just the occasional model. Thanks, Phil.
thank you !
it is now mine
It is a very good price too!
Thanks for your support guys!