Can someone please explain this?

I know I should know this (as it's really basic) but I just can't seem to get my head around how to create a vertex object that's a specific size - lets say 6cm X 6cm X 12 cm (h)
I can create a primitive cube, change the size in the Assemble room - transform section, but when I use 'convert to other modeller' to convert to a vertex object, I just get a cube that bears no relation to the dimensions and shape of the original object. How is this?
If I start off with a vertex object (cube), there's nowhere to size the object unless I go back to the Assemble window and whatever I do there doesn't seem to affect the object in the vertex model room!
Can anone please help - I'm trying to understand UV wrapping of a specific size object but falling at this first hurdle!
In the Vertex modeller,. on the right hand side panels,. (when you select thr scale tool) you;ll see X, Y, Z values,. there's also a global scale value.
When you create a circle/square/polygon/ line,. there are some option son the right for size,. if you need a circle that's 1cm,.. or a square that's 1 foot, but you can adjus the scale of any part of what you're making, at any point in the process.
NOTE: when you "Scale" an object in the Assembly room,. it' a false scale,. it doesn't change the original model,.
the vertex modeller is the only way to change the scale of a model or primitive (once it's been converted to vertex model)
UV mapping, and the model's scale,. aren't linked,. the UV mapping area is a grid, where you select the best "preset" mapping type and option, for the shape of your model,.
EG : Box , Spherical, Cylindrical,. Planar,. each of these presets has options for the main Axis, or alternaltive layouts,.
You can also use custom or Unwrap more complex shapes,. or define shading domains to allow each domain to have it's own mapping layout or shader.
Once the flattened model is laid out on the UV grid as you want it,. You can Export a wireframe template of your UV layout,. take that into an image editor, such as Photoshop, Paintsop Pro, Gimp etc,. (anything with layers) and use the template as a guide layer,. to create your Texture map.
then save out your texture map, and add it to your model's shader in Carrara.
Hope that makes sense,..
Hey homey jay,
Yes , this can be confusing at first. Changing the size in the Assembly Room doesn't change the size in the Vertex modeler or the actual primitive size.
I think you dragged the Cube icon to the scene in the Vertex Modeler and you don't get a size popup window doing it that way. Try the following
-in the Vertex modeler double click a polygon of your cube to select the entire cube.
-now you can use the menu item Model/Transform/Set size. A pop up window should come up where you can change the size.
-also you could hit "Shift + s" to make the Scale to always on and then look in the Properties Tray on the right side of GUI.
-there should be a Scale section open with the ability to change the cube size in ft or cm.
Hope this helps you out.