Need a little help with the Geometry Editor
Hi all....
I'm working with George and I got his body hair. However, the morphs to hide the hair aren't exactly where I want them. I have him in his undies, but the hair is poking thru. I figured I'd go into the geometry editor, create a new material zone and use the lasso to pick up the hairs I want to hide, but it's selecting things in the back of the figure too and I'd rather it not do that. Is there a way to keep the selections just on the parts that are facing the camera? I'm using polygon selection I believe. Will it still select all the way thru if I use vertex or edge selection?
Thanks a bunch in advance :)
It should depend on the viewport mode, as I recall, but one way to work would be to single-click to select the polygon of a hair, then use ctrl * to select all connected geometry - since the hairs are, I think, separate, that would be more controllable without having to select every polygon explicitly.
Lasso and Marquee selection modes will select polygons that are both forward and non-forward facing. The Drag selection mode will only select forward facing polygons. You can change the mode in the Tool Settings pane or via Right Click in the view port and then using the Selection Mode menu item.
In both Lasso and Marguee, you could select from the front, then turn to the side and deselect the back polygons using the Alt key while dragging around the back side.
So you're saying that if I use Front/Side/Back cameras that the selections won't go the whole way to the back of the object then? :) I was using Perspective before. I'm not about to select individual hairs. That would take forever. LOL I was using the lasso and polygon selection to select a swath of hairs at once, but I only want to select what's facing me in the camera, and not to select the polys around the back of the figure. Hope that makes sense.
Many thanks zaz777...that's what I was looking for :) And thanks Richard for the control * thing...I didn't know about that either ;)