V4.2 purple underwear

Carrara 8.5 Windows 8.1
I've loaded V4.2 in a scene, and go to:
Content Library>My Daz 3D Library>People>Victoria4>Materials>V4 Sample-Res
V4 Sample-Res has no content.
Is there a way to get that content from Daz to Carrara? Or is there another way to remove the purple underwear on V4.2. What skins work best for V4.2 using Carrara?
Couple things.
Typically, if a skin shader was made for Carrara then it will load from the Carrara browser tray under the Shader tab. In the screenshots, I loaded a V4 Hi res shader. I found it in my browser, then clicked and dragged it to the globe in the upper right shader menu and with the "model" level of the V4 hierarchy selected in the lower right. I then did a test render with a tree I am working on.
I have put a conforming bikini on V4 fo the TOS. I have also added a hair prop from 3d universe for poser and studio.
Best? Not sure this hi res is in the best category. I invite others to chime in with their recommendations. But this is one that I believe ships with Carrara.
Instead of Content Library>My Daz 3D Library>People>Victoria4>Materials>V4 Sample-Res
Go to Content Library>My Daz 3D Library>People>Victoria4>Poses>Daz3d's Victoria 4 and pick from the categories there.
For loading the correct texture maps into your shaders, like Specular maps into the Highlight channel, for example, go to: Content Library>My Daz 3D Library>Runtime>DAZ>Characters>MilWom
Basically, the "Materials" folders are Poser Material settings so they won't show up or work in Carrara. Use the MAT Poses system instead.
There isn't any Daz3d's
1) For Carrara-specific shaders, look under the shader tab of the browser tray.
2) I came to Carrara from Poser, not Daz Studio. The shaders for V4 were applied as MAT poses in Poser. These were kept in the Pose subfolder of the Runtime directory. In V4 from the Runtime : Figure : Daz People subfolder. There are Poser shaders are in the Runtime : Pose : Daz's Victoria 4 : MATerials standard res subfolder. Click and drag the "All Natural" MAT file from the browser to the V4 group level in the lower right as if applying a pose. (Not to the globe of the "model" level). This will result in your V4 having Poser-style shaders. You will want to optimize them for Carrara because they have a blue tint. Adjust as desired. After adjusting,click and drag the global shader from the sphere in the"model" level back to your shader tab i the browser tray. In the future, apply this optimized shader with one click as per previous instruction for (1) above.
Key = Runtime as in My Daz3D Library Runtime
In My Daz3D Library Runtime, look for Poses subfolder, look for Daz's Victoria 4 subfolder of that, look for MATerials subfolders of that.
Note - for newer figures such as Genesis 2, shaders for Daz figures are in the My DAZ3D Library (no Runtime) because these were not desiged to be used for Poser first.
HI :)
Unfortunately the file/folder systems from DS is displayed in Carrara in a way which can be confusing and misleading,. it's never been addressed,. so, Carrara shows every folder even if it's empty or cannot display the DS files
DONT WORRY,. you're looking in the wrong place for V4
Look in your MyDaz3D RUNTIME Library folder ( due to the original structure of Poser ,.which DS followed) there are two types of "Content" ( Older Poser and DS,.. and new Smart content)
V4 is older (pre poser 9)
In your Runtime library. you'll see a category,. "Figures",. in there you'll see "DAZ3D People",. and there you'll find V4, M4 etc..
Hope it helps
OK, I understand your issue all too well. It took me hours of poking around in the Carrara browser to find stuff. But for the most part, it is there. Hint: when you find stuff, write down the path until you've done it many times.
For those V4 standard and hi-res mats, do as Diomede and 3DAGE said above, and open the MyDaz3D RUNTIME Library folder.
Go to Figures.
Go to Poses.
Go to Daz's Victoria 4 (NOT Daz Victoria 4) and click the little triangle. The skin Mats are there.
For better looking skins, there are V4 elite skins, and most come with Carrara shaders. Here are a few:
After purchasing and downloading, these elite shaders should appear in your Shaders tab of the browser. To load these shaders, follow Diomedes instructions listed a couple of posts above.
Good luck!
D|S users using Poser content have similar issues BTW needing to add Poser runtimes in preferences too so not just Carrara.
V4 was a Poser figure made by DAZ at times when Poser was the main software used before they released DAZ studio when Poser was at risk of no longer being sold.
Yes, what 3Ddigit said.
Poser content was organized in Runtimes with subfolders for figures, poses,... V4 was originally issued in this Poser format even though it is a Daz product because Daz started as a store to sell content that could be used in Poser. Only later did Daz issue its own free Studio with similar funcitons as Poser.
Carrara can add your custom Poser-style and Studio-style content folders to Carrara's content browser. To do so, go to the "Content" tab in the browser tray and click on the little black circle in the upper right. You will then see a dialogue to navigate to where your Poser-style runtime or Daz folders are located. Note that the top My Daz3D Library Runtime folder at the top of the browser is actually in the default Daz Studio installation. You can add more Runtimes or Daz Studio content folders if you create them. I have separate runtimes for content purchased from different stores. Other people organize by having a different runtime for each figure. Others have a runtime for each project. Purely personal preference. But the default installation will include the runtime imbedded in your Daz Studio installation, which is called My Daz3D Library Runtime.
In the future, if you want to find a texture for Aiko 3, or The Freak 4, or a similar older figure, it is most likey in the Poser format and in the Runtime folders. If you are looking for something for Genesis 2, it is most likely in the Daz Studio folder structures. If you create your own folders, add them using the black circle in the upper right.
Exactly. Thanks 3DAGE!
I don't have any of my Poser files installed to the My Daz3d Library - only Genesis and anything that's only available as a DUF
I'm what I guess is now being called "Old School" whom uses a bunch of Runtime Folder directories (described in more detail here). I'll never change either. I like it that way! :)
Thanks to everyone, for all your help, it's really appreciated.
This is how it turned out......My Daz 3D Library Runtime > Figures > Poses > Daz's Victoria 4 > MATerials Sample-Res,
I also purchased "Lana" http://www.daz3d.com/v4-elite-texture-lana and will experiment with that.
I had only been using the Smart Content to create scenes, I never used Runtime. Thanks
The Lana product includes files already optimized for Carrara. Find them in the V4 Elite subfolder under the Shader tab of your object browser. The Lana product also includes Poser-style setup in the Runtme folders. I recommend that you load directly from the Shader tab as per this screenshot. LEARNING BONUS - a great thing about getting the Lana product is that you can load 2 V4s and compare. Apply the carrara-optimized skin from the shader browser to one. Use the Poser runtime MATerials pose to apply the same skin maps to the other. Then, go through and compare the shader settings of various material zones. For example, compare the settings of the Carrara-optimized limbs to the Poser loaded limbs. You will see that the color channel of the Poser MAT multiplies the texture map by a blue tint. Assuming you don't want that, now you know that when you apply a MAT to a figure, you might want to check for a multiplied tint. Compare the other settings. In the future, if you want to use another skin product that is not optmized for Carrara, you will have an idea of what things to look for. There are several threads on skin shaders so please ask if it becomes an issue for you.
Whoa... Congratulations! Lana ROCKS!!!