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Very cool! I love steampunk.
Nice romantic render Greybro!!
Such strange and wonderful creatures loitering/playing on your beach. Fun whimsical render!
Really like the beach scene!
Thanks Ya'll. Much appreciated.
Hey, if you haven't gotten the IRay Catalyzer, you should do it. Do it now!
Wow I so wish I could afford it but alas my cedit card is screaming in agony right now with all the bills I had to pay in real life!!!
But your wolf turned out quite beautifully!!!
Blown away by this game changer!
Great wolf render, he looks vicous! I like the buffulo casually roaming through town too, lol
I bought the catalyzer but will need to pick up a couple animals. The wolf and fox are on my wishlist. Yeah, I guess I did things backwards on this one.
I don't do a lot of animal renders unless it fits into a larger story but this new catalyer and the ability to work in IRay natively, got my attention.
Well, I've been busy trying to eek out a living as a freelancer lately so there haven't been a ton of renders. I thought I'd churn a fun little composition out. The guy in the back ground is the latest version of my own likeness in a G3 base, except of course I'm a lot heavier. :)
Ah, the joys of self employment, we know them well lol ( My husband is self employed)
Nice use of depth of field on this one. It does look like you in the background!
You should send me source pics so I could make an IceDragon G3 character. :) I have characters of most members of my immediate family and several friends around town.
I'll have to see what I can find lol. Not many pictures of me floating around. I'll message you if I find a decent one.
Of course, you could just a an actual Ice Dragon lol.
A PC Contest Entry entitled: Cup A Joe.
A bit more about this one. I've used 7 FaceGen characters of a few friends and one celebrity along with a stock Monique 7.
If you'd like to see it in the original render size, click here.
A little promo I did for a video tutorial series Sixus1 and I published elsewhere. The hook here is that apart from the Tiger and the Fisherman and his clothes, everything else was made using native geometry inside of Daz Studio. Pretty sweet, right? The extended functionality of Daz Studio is really a wonder, from rigging figures to actually making things like terrain, small props, grass and even trees. Yet, you never see this sort of stuff out there. We are hoping to change that.
I saw those, was wishing I had the extra cash! This is great!
Here's a new promo I'm working on for a new Sixus1 set or as Les likes to call them, "Kits." It's called, "Crash Site."
Dave's Not Exactly Chuffed
Carrying on with the Coffoe Shop strip image by image. You can see the full sized version here.
Having all kinds of fun with promos for new things lately.
Poor girl has no idea what's about to happen does she? Great render!
Can't wait to see what other stuff you guys come up with!
The next Sixus1 render off of the line. This one is for Digital Dentistry from the Sixus1 Mentoring learning path. I think it turned out decent! Here's the large version.
I did a pretty big setup for this new promo image. Turned out decent.
Wound up doing a bit more tweaking on this one.
Love that last one with the gap teeth. Made me laugh. Looks like a great set