Like a stone in a pond Question on animation

For my current project I need to animate a sound wave. What would be best would be a mass of particles that move from the center.
The particles should compress in a ring and expand moving out from the center. Now this seems tough to do. I've tried experimenting with the particle generator but the problem is
the particles souldn't move form center to the perimeter but the "wave should".
So plan B would be like a rock dropped in water and the wave moving out. I've experimeted with the wave deform, and the " Formula" object. That might be close but animating
this I'm changing frequency ( with sound the frequency should stay the say as the wave propagates.
So I guess my question is how would you do a wave moving from center "Like a rock dropped in a pound"?
Thank You
Try looking at the "shockwave" preset for the particle emitter as a possible starting point. It kind of does what you say you don't want - that is, the particles just expand outward rather than staying in place and moving up and down with the wave (if I understand what you want), but maybe you can get from the preset to your desired result somehow? I don't know, just throwing the idea out there.
Alternatively, maybe you could use a ripple texture in the displacement channel on a plane somehow? Set the scale high enough to get a small number of rings and animate the completion parameter to make it move outward?
Click image below to open in new window and see what it looks like if it's not animated for you.
Shoestring Shaders has a "Drip Shader" that can be used in the displacement channel....this drip can be animated to spread the ripple, and can have multiple ripples.
If you wanted particles to ripple, use an invisible plane as your particle emitter.
EDIT: Here's where to find the plugin.
Have you ever tried PyCloid? I haven't yet, but I bet it would be helpful in addition to what MDO is demonstrating
Here's a demo on PyCloid Magnets
Image Based Emission
In this one, he's using the magnet properties to send the particles from one object to another
I bet using PyCloid along with that cool thing MDO did would be really cool!
Hmmm. Perhaps a set of various sized rings (invisible) using that PyCloid magnet effect?
I did some experimenting with Carraras particles and the drip shader & found that the particles WILL NOT respect an animated object....they go right through it.
(wish DAZ would help us fix things like this)
I will have to do more experimenting with the PyCloid particles.
But could you use the ripple deformer and have objects replicated on that, and hide the deformed object? What about using a surface replicator and using the pond ripple shader as the distribution shader? Sorry, can't check any of that right now. I have the new computer, but haven't been able to install Carraran yet. BTW, I hate the frickin' keyboard it came with!
a series of growing toruses could work looped
Thanks Everyone
I'll give a few of these a shot.
I believe that would work....either way!
Using shader displacement (Water : ripples) plus a Terrain shader gets an interesting result.
Here, a test done with the formula solution:
I don't think the surface replicator respects animated displacement on the object either. I did a quick test replicating some spheres on the displaced plane I showed above and the replicated objects just stayed in one place as the displaced plane moved up and down through them.
I had an idea of making a grid of small spheres that are all one vertex object and applying the animated displacement ripples to that but when I tried to test it the displacement took forever to calculated on all those spheres. :(
de3an and DuDu, Very cool experiments! I like very much! :)
Here's my PyCloid demo video playlist, made with Frederick's permission, if anyone's interested. I think they're really cool to watch ;)
Very cool indeed!
I read your post again and I did it backwards but this should be close to what you want, it is easy to have the particles move from the center out. What should have worked using the Wave deformer and Surface replicator caused carrara to get confused. Here is the Carrara file if this helps .
I used the surface replicator and created morph targets to shrink the ring of particles and to mimic the wave action.
I reversed the direction the particles moved and added a morph target to contract/compress the width of the ring
Very cool