How to reset zero position

Attempting to import a hair obj and rig it. It imports too high in the Y direction so I move it down to position. After running the transfer utility it moves the hair back to the zero position.
How do you create a new zero position for an object after positioning it? Or in other words how do you force zero a parameter slider?
One you have the hair correctly positioned, export it as OBJ (with all other items hidden and the option to exclude hidden nodes set), then reimport (using the same settings) to get an object you can rig. The Transfer Utility always works on the zero state of the mesh, ignoring active transforms or deformations.
Thanks. I was afraid of that
Why not allow a simple reset of the zero position on a parameter?
You mean a "freeze transforms" command? Make a feature request (bug report with Severity set to Feature) - I'll add a "good idea" note if you put the link here.
Here is a link to the feature request for "freeze transform"
You can do it with the Joint Editor, by setting the origin at the center of the universe... the only problem is that you have to eyeball it... I can't find a position indicator for it that tells you its position in real numbers.
Did this ever happen?
No, I'm afraid not - and of course we can no longer comment on others' tickets anyway.