Hexagon Forms to DS Objects

I'm working in Hexagon and bridging to DS.  How do I convert multiple forms in Hexagon to a single object in DS?

In my example I have a wall made up of 4 forms (walls, column, window, etc) that I created in Hexagon.  I intend for each form to have it's own shader/map so I don't want to weld them together.  After bridging to DS the result is 4 objects which I can apply shaders/maps.  But in the end, I would like to just have one object in DS called "wall" instead of my 4 separate objects.  Can this be accomplished?

My best guess is that I would have to weld the forms in Hexagon and create 4 Shading Domains for the wall.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Are you UV unwrapping it before you are bridging it to Studio?

  • Have you tried saving the room as an OBJ file ?

    Can I first give you a bit of advice, please do not take this the wrong way but having the room load up as one object is not really the way to go. The first thing you will find is you cannot position the camera because a wall will be in the way. Your best bet is to have 4 walls, floor and ceiling, that way you can move, hide or delete a wall/ceiling when it gets in the way.

    But to answer your question, as a quick test see if this works for you - Make 4 cubes, any size and export them as an OBJ. Open Daz Studio and import the OBJ file. If I'm right it should load in as one obj file but with no materials (Def-Surf-Mat).

    As MJC says, you will need to UV map everything before exporting the original OBJ.

  • mjc1016 said:

    Are you UV unwrapping it before you are bridging it to Studio?

    UVs really aren't the issue.  It's the fact that my Hexagon wall has 4 forms that, when imported into PS, create the same 4 objects.  Ideally, in DS, I would like to set the shaders for each object, then "weld" the 4 objects into a single object.  Of course the objects can be grouped, but the 4 objects still exist which seems annoying to me.  I'd rather have just 1 wall object instead of 4 pieces to a wall.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    If it's UV mapped and each part is imported separately, once it's in Studio, you can export the whole item as an obj and then reimport it...your surfaces will be preservered. 

  • ...but having the room load up as one object is not really the way to go.

    inal OBJ.

    I didn't make myself clear...  I will have the walls separate as well as the floor, ceiling, etc.  It's just that I have a wall unit composed of several forms.  For example, "wall 1" has the wall itself, wainscotting, crown trim, and lightswitch; each as a separate form.  Although a UV map can help in some situations, I wanted more depth than a UV map could provide.  And, it was easier for me to create the elements independently as opposed to morphing the wall itself to accomodate the details of the other elements.  

    So when I port these 4 elements into DS, I end up with 4 objects that I can apply shaders.  I wish I could "weld" together the objects into one "unit" in DS, but it doesn't seem to work that way (that I can tell).  

    I'm guessing my best solution is to create shader domains in Hexagon for each of the 4 objects, then merge the objects and bridge them to DS.  Then I should be able to apply shaders to the individual elements in the surfaces tab.  Of course a UV map is needed for the lightswitch, but the other elements (wallpaper, waiscotting) should be able to use a generic UV map and make use of shaders.

    Thanks for your advice.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    You need to UV map them, no matter what.

    But you can weld them...but it is a two step process.  When you export them from Studio, it creates a single object.  You then reimport THAT object...

  • Wee Dangerous JohnWee Dangerous John Posts: 1,605
    edited January 2017

    To be honest I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do.

    Would you like to create furnished room, ie - with radiators, doors, furniture etc. If so all you have to do is to export each object as an obj file (in 0.0.0 position) then In Daz Studio place things where you want them and when you are happy with things save the furnished room as a - 

    File-Save As-Scene Subset

    If you have a wall with a light switch, wall paneling etc on it just save it as one obj, it will load into DS just fine.  

    Post edited by Wee Dangerous John on
  • mjc1016 said:

    You need to UV map them, no matter what.

    But you can weld them...but it is a two step process.  When you export them from Studio, it creates a single object.  You then reimport THAT object...

    I think this is the track I need to take.  So I created my 4 wall parts as separate forms in Hexagon.  Should I UV map them first, giving each a separate shader domain and material, then weld them into "wall 1"?  In bridging to DS, should I see one object (wall 1) with 4 surfaces (wall, wainscotting, molding, wall switch)?  I think I'll give this a try.

  • BurrManBurrMan Posts: 20

    Is this DAZ file what you are looking for? 1 OBJ listed as an object, but 4 objects selectable.

  • Wee Dangerous JohnWee Dangerous John Posts: 1,605
    edited January 2017

    Your way works BurrMan but you cannot move any of the walls seperately (unless I'm doing something wrong - probably, I do mess up all the time).

    Hopefully this link will work - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5CjcM6wNJUSX2UyOE5aaXc1SHc

    Edited to add -

    I have tested the link and it seems to work okay. How I check things is to extract the zip in my Download folder, then in Daz Studio, with the Content Library tab selected open the menu button (little button top of panel with an arrow and 4 lines on it) and choose Content Directory Manager. Choose a New DS format (add) and browse to the Downloads folder.

    This approach allows each wall to be moved (hidden, deleted etc) so setting the camera is easier, the rigging is saved with the file so doors and windows still work. There are only 4 walls here but there is nothing stopping you adding furniture, lights etc to the scene.

    The Save-As "SceneSubset" saves a file with a Set icon. There is another way of saving a furnished room, which I think may-be better but I want to look into it more.

    empty room pic.jpg
    500 x 650 - 117K
    Post edited by Wee Dangerous John on
  • BurrManBurrMan Posts: 20

    Your way works BurrMan but you cannot move any of the walls seperately (unless I'm doing something wrong - probably, I do mess up all the time).

    Ah ok Wee. Just wasnt sure what he's asking for. Correct on my file, that it's one object.

    I guess he really wants to just merge the "names only" of seperate objects. But I would be worried about doing that, if moving outside of my workflow. Might be "breaking" some various format "rules" so to speak.

  • Burrman, I think I'm misunderstanding what BrainStem is trying to do.

    Making a wall with cladding, window etc is straight forward. I cannot understand why he wants to use the DS-Hex bridge.

    BrainStem, sorry I am a tad confused, can you please post a reference image of the wall you would like to make,


  • BurrManBurrMan Posts: 20

    I think he's asking for "2 things" when you can only really have either or.

    1 = one object, with various parts accessable as surface structures, names etc.

    2 = 4 objects, with one consolidated surface structure to work with as a single name.

    But it's hard to figure out where you can have just one object, that's 4 seperate objects.

  • Thanks BurrMan.

    If I understand you -

    1. A wall with different material names - All he can do here is change the visibility.

    2. A wall with light switch etc all on one texture map. This can / cannot be done - depends :)

    I'd rather take the easy route. Make a wall with all the parts needed, mapped/textured individually. The problem I see with having a single texture is you'll have different gloss settings, a plastic/metal light switch and a matt wallpaper.

    It just does not seem like a practical thing to do.


  • BurrManBurrMan Posts: 20

    Not sure Wee,

    I just dont understand 4 seperate objects as one name AND one object... I think he should just group the 4 objects to manage as one.... Or just ditch the bridge and export object sets out of Hex.

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