Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Pa…
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Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 3
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Looks Great.
well.. not exactly outerspace, but you never know..
Close enough. :-)
Uh oh, looks like the forum smilies aren't working.
Well, I've been lurking around in these forums for a while, now - I've asked questions, pestered people, posted smart-assed remarks, even answered a couple of questions when I thought I had a useful answer, LOL! I guess now it's time for me to quit being such a chicken sh?t, put my money where my mouth is and post a couple of renders...
Though I've been using Bryce for a long time, I still consider myself a rank amateur, as my time spent with Bryce has always been sporatic, depending on my work and home situations. My first brush with CG was looking over a friend's shoulder while he used POV-Ray (an early modelling/rendering software). I was coding a lot in C++ at the time, and decided to write a program like POV-Ray - I used to really like "re-inventing the wheel" for some reason. I got to the point where I was able to define a reflective sphere in a "corner" consisting of three planes joined together (a "floor", and 2 "walls"). Of course, no user interface, the objects and textures were hard-coded - No Anti-Aliasing or "premium" render options, but it rendered pretty well, considering. Then I discovered Bryce (ver. 2), and said "screw this stuff, I'm gonna go have fun!". I've been a devout Brycer ever since.
I'm a little embarrassed to post my work here after seeing some of the fine renders in this and the other two threads. This is one I did after about two weeks messing around - I was reading "Real-World Bryce 2" by Susan Kitchens (it became my bible when learning Bryce), and she described a technique for making "slanted" terrains by rotating a terrain, stretching it in World space, and then un-rotating it. It's a poor render, but I always considered it a testament not to my CG abilities, I had none at the time, but to the power of Bryce, when a person with less than 10 hours of experience can do something like this in less than 30 minutes!
Anyway, feel free to laugh, I can't hear you from here :)
well.. not exactly outerspace, but you never know..
Close enough. :-)
Uh oh, looks like the forum smilies aren't working.i see that, too. maybe Santa stole them because there were no cookies and milk when he brought the presents.
@Stuart: That's brilliant. How much do they cost, how soon do they ship. Never could work that cube. Fine job.
@David: Those turned out nice. I think I'm partial to the ones with the softer shadows of the object. Love the object too.
@Rareth: She appears trapped within a force field. Nice job.
@dan: Love that image. It's a very interesting image. So much to look at. Really nice job.
@cyreynolds: Personally, I like what you've done with that image. It has a nice mood about it. Nice work.
:-) Great!
It seems that everybody finally has the oppotunity to solve this rubic cube. If you would sell this rubic cube kit I would buy it ;-)
Material and modelling is perfect as usual. Very well done.
@cjreynolds - welcome back at Bryce. Yes, I've also played around with PovRay quite a while back, but was completely new to 3D art and couldn't get to grips with it. More success with TerraGen at the time.
My latest Bryce illustration to be used in print.
A few months ago I posted the initial concept design for this ad but as it's now been published, It's Ok to post the finished result here.
It'll only be appearing in DIY/Building trade press, but still... It's Bryce being used instead of photography... which is nice.
Good to see that Bryce is also used professionally.
Ooooo thanks Horo... I don't think I've ever been called a "professional" before. :lol:
Ooooo thanks Horo... I don't think I've ever been called a "professional" before. :lol:
making money with it, pretty much defines "professional" in my book.
something new...
Will they ever be as good as Davids?
well I've discovered some fractal programs that export as 3d meshes..
Space weeds... cool.
That sounds cool. I only have such that export 2D. Can you share what programs they are?
@Eileen I like your Jade dragon render! and @Rareth the fractal mesh import to Bryce sound like an idea full of potential!
I though I'd post my image resulting from playing around after watching David's tutorial on Bryce Abstract 360 HDRI Specular effects. I used Horo's woolball probe.
The rhino model is my own, made in Hexagon and rigged in Studio so it can have various poses. I did not yet try to maximize the depth of reflections, but this looked nice so I saved it. Some post processing to sharpen details (TopazAdjust).
I found this one
can be a tad buggy when saving the .obj file,
the others I found are mostly 2D and are early alpha builds,
Oh no! I have Structure Synth since quite a while and created 2D images for tiles. It never occurred to me to export. Got to try it. Thanks for the tip!
Oh no! I have Structure Synth since quite a while and created 2D images for tiles. It never occurred to me to export. Got to try it. Thanks for the tip!
Here one I made with xenodream.
That program isnt for free
the others in the link are but they dont work well.
StructureSynth looks complicated and USER UNFRIENDLY
That program isnt for free
the others in the link are but they dont work well.
StructureSynth looks complicated and USER UNFRIENDLY
Sorry you find it complicated, its FREE.
here is another fractal
Eireann, definitely yes, probably better. And that jade dragon was excellent.
Dave, you are a professional - if you get paid. I trust you are getting paid and are not simply in love with Ever Build products? It's good stuff too! I use it in my own professional capacity as general fixer upper of things.
Rareth, very nice silvery dendritic space object.
Also pleasing to see Keryna is getting good results from the tutorials.
Looks like everyone has been busy! Which is good.
Today's offerings relating to this tutorial.
v0 is basic lighting.
v1 my first attempt to replicate it will better light simulation
v2 my second
v3 hmn... seems that TA lights do not boolean... which is a shame.
v4 a work around for the problem posed in v3
Did you use ChaosPro to make the cube for the image you posted here?
I ask because I just saw it on their website:
@GussNemo, @Horo: Thanks! Good to be back in the virtual universe! Gettin ready to dig into ver. 7 :)
Since the version 2/3/4/5/5.5 days, I've had a couple of PC changes, many hard drive reloads, etc. and many of my old files have gotten away from me. Recently got a drive of respectable size (2 Terabyte, actually 1.8 TB >:( ), and I've been culling through all my old backup CDs for work files and just about everything else worth saving. BTW - Is anyone else getting tired of the old "You bought a ___ GB drive, but you only have ___ GB after formatting" crap? I've been puttin up with this since hard drives first came out. I understand the principle - about 10-20% or the drive space is used by headers and stuff that the drive needs to function. But why not make, say, a 2.2 TB drive, and advertise it as a 2TB drive, because that's the only number that any normal human is interested in anyway - the amount of storage space you get. Wasn't so bad when you bought a 20MB drive and only had 18MB to use, or even when you bought a 500GB drive and only had 480 or 490GB space. But buying a 2TB drive and loosing 200GB??!! That's getting REALLY ANNOYING! [/RANT]
Anyway, I ran across this image, started in ver. 3 and finished in ver. 4. Did it for a video game I was working on with a friend. Was my first attempt at tiled terrains and editing materials in the DTE. Also my first with volumetric sphere-clouds. The original image was only the center half - I re-rendered it in wide format a couple years ago to use as a wallpaper on a dual-monitor setup I had at work.
By the way, please notice if you could, the "stair-step" artifact in the terrain at the lower-left of the image. I had some of those in the original image, and was able to smooth them out in the terrain editor - I was just too lazy to do it for the new area at the time I re-rendered it. Does anyone know how to avoid that sort of thing (other than manually removing it)?
Use a 16 bit tiff for the height map instead of the standard 8 bit, as Bryce uses 16 bit, so anything less will step like that.
That program isnt for free
the others in the link are but they dont work well.
StructureSynth looks complicated and USER UNFRIENDLY
Sorry you find it complicated, its FREE.Free doesnt mean anything to me if it is complicated to use.
Blender is free, too but I find it garbage. I tried it for a while and deleted it.