Order objects in scene tab (drag & drop?)
This has to be a question that people asked before already, but I can't find it right now in the forum (search isn't exactly the best, with no advanced options :( )
How do I change the order of individual objects in the scene tab? (yes, set to "do not sort")
When I drag siblings (same level), I can see a guide, looking promising... but when I let go, nothing changes.
The objects I want to move up in the list (not in a hirarchical sense, just the display order. No parenting) are regular, independent objects (lights, cameras, geometry), not bones (I know there is a "Lock Bone Order" switch for bones)
Modifier keys do nothing.
Parenting works.
Not sure what the "Reorder" commands are, but they also don't do a thing...
Using the Public Beta Build
Manual reordering is not supported - it's alphabetical or by the sequence in which they were added. Changing their labels and sorting by those or using groups are the main options.
O.o Wow... I did not think there was actually no way to reorder...
I was hoping I was just being stupid, imperceptive or selectively blind.
That's another one of those unexpected weirdly missing functionalities
Thanks for your reply, have a nice day!
Alright, this has to change! :)
I wrote a script that can help you order your objects in the scene navigation view pane:
Feedback, questions, etc are welcome :)
I often accomplish this by deleting, and then un-doing the delete (which puts it at the bottom of the list). Not ideal, but it works.
- Greg
Great it works just fine, thanks.
Thanks for the tip. I am going to check his script also.
Many thanks: I really needed this!
You could also add a number to the beginning of each item's name according to how you want them sorted...
Well this is beyond dumb. not being able to drag layers around? I made a group which helps but within that group i still want to move stuff up or down and I aslo want to move one group above or below another group.