Carrara Monthly Challenge #30: WAR TIMES - Voting Thread

I am very sorry, i was very far from civilization and with no access to wifi. I really love all submited renders.
Please submit your entries in this thread. The WIP thread and the Entry Thread will be open together through January 17th at Midnight DAZ Utah time. You may submit up to three entries.
Entry: #
Hair used how?
Other Context and Comments (including credits):
WIPs Links:
Reminder of rules:
The challenge this month is to create an image of war, integrating Low Poly Modeling and/or Surface Replicator
- It can be a war scene from any time: spaceships battle, medieval siege, aliens invasion, WWII "D" day, angels vs demons, a war of insects, a bunch of cats fighting in the street, etc.
- Feel free to interpret the theme broadly.
Basic rules will be:
1. Participants must use the Carrara surface replicator to replicate bullets, soldiers, buildings, etc.
2.-The scene must have at least 10 characters in the scene. (For example, 9 knights atacking a dragon, 5 soldiers fighting 5 enemies or 2 planes atacking 8 tanks, etc) You can make a massive battle of hundreds of soldiers if you wan't.
3.-The scene must be in the climax of the battle, i mean, no after or before, but the mere critical point of the conflict.
4.-Participants must model at least one object in modeling room: A gun, a bullet, an arrow, a tank, a soldier, a building, a trash can, etc.
5.-Postwork is allowed, but not to replicate objects.
6. Images must be new (previously unpublished).
7. Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.
8. Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
9. At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread that includes how the Surface Replicator was used.
10. Screen shot of the scene in Carrara to be included in WIP -
11. Each participant may submit up to 3 images into the Challenge.
Please note, there is no requirement for the winner to host the next challenge, unless they want to.
We love our wonderful sponsors
Once again Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) ( may be used for best new comers).
Dates to Remember:
WIP Thread Opens: Friday 23 Dec 2016
Entry Thread Opens: Saturday 10 Jan 2017
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: 12.00 Midnight Monday 17 Jan 2017
Voting Ends: Saturday 23 Jan 2017
As with the last challenge because we are having up to three images an entrant we WILL judge the winner by their scores combined. ie if their image 1 gets 24 votes, their image 2 gets 12 votes, and their image 3 gets 12 votes then they score 48.
2nd and third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.
Entry #1
Artist: Bytescapes
Inspired by the novel "Blindsight" by Peter Watts.
Challenge Requirements
WIP Links
Scene Setup and Test Render:
Products Used
Entry: #2
Title: Faeries at War
Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
Challenge Requirements:
WIP Links
Products Used:
Additional Notes:
Entry: #3
Title: Against the Temple of Evil
Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
Challenge Requirements:
WIP Links
Products Used
Additional Notes:
Entry: #4
Title: Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge
Artist: Diomede
Replicator used how? Several replicators, including for cavalry, dead good guys, dead bad guys, and fleeing bad guys.
Other Context and Comments (including credits): Everything modeled and rigged in Carrara. Design credit for fleeing bad guys goes to Varsel.
WIPs Links:
Model the cyclopstritch
Add riders to cyclopstritches
Toonify the design for Varsel's warriors
Render passes
Postwork: Photoshop elements combining photoreal render for bad guys and NPR render for cyclopstritch cavalry. EDIT - unhappy with combination. Substituted the straight render for the combined NPR render on Monday morning.
Entry # 5
Title - Against the Odds
Artist - IceDragonArt
Hair Used How? I don't even know what this means?
Links -,
Modelled and replicated and textured the spears -
Modelled and textured the fiery beam
Replicated two different skeletons- 4 on one side 6 on the other
No postwork
Entry: 6
Title: Attack at the Ostrich Farm
Artist: Varsel
Replicators :
The wall has some bullethole. These are 5 circles in the vertex modeller.
The ground is littered wit stones and some bushes.
And in the background there are 100 soldiers rushing in to participate.
Other Context and Comments (including credits):
I used Predatrons Lorenzo LoRez for the soldier. The bushes are also his.
The rest are modelled by me. The uniforms are made in Hexagon, and rigged with a program called Poser Editor and Daz Studio.
The rest are made in Carrara Vertex modeller.
I did also use Primvol Fog and Rising smoke.
WIPs Links:
Postwork: No postwork
Entry #7
Final Advance
Artist: Bytescapes
Challenge Requirements:
WIP Links
Products Used
Entry: #8
Title: Eureka Stockade
Challenge Requirements - Used replicators to create the stockade ( the barrier between the miners & the police.) Replicated trees and also used Mmoirs background mountains., Posed lorenzo several times and exported as objects then reimported into the replicators for the miners & police. Used splats for some smoke & fire, a lot of retexturing of clothing..made the wooden barrels and the Eureka Southern Cross Flag and the star on the police helmet. Modified Varsels rifle prop to have a bayonet.
Credits: Used Varsel's great clothing for Lorenzo (retextured ) available at ShareCG. MMoirs mountain background. Lorenzo.
WIPs Links:
Postwork: Postwork done in PSE.
Entry: #9
Title: Carrarians vs Dazonians
Artist: Stezza
Challenge Requirements - modelled the starships and egg ship, replicated the egg ship and duplicated it a couple of times to add an explode modifier to them.
Credits: MrSparky's bits and pieces that were added to my freighter ship. DzFires greebles also used on freighter ship. Ron's brushes.
WIPs Links:
Postwork: Rendered the image, then rendered a NPR image, used PSE to add effects to a copied first image then composited the 3 images in PSE for final image.
Entry: #10
Title: Mind controlling bone fish
Artist: Stezza
Challenge Requirements - made the fish and sub, replicated the bone fish made the terrain.
Credits: Humpback whale by Antman, Ron's brushes
WIPs Links:
Postwork: in PSE
Image link -
Entry: #11
Title: "The Death of Farmer Ned at The Hands of The Runaway Chickens Gang."
Artist: Headwax
Hair used how? As Grass
Other Context and Comments (including credits): M4, Predatron's Low Res Chooks
WIPs Links:
Postwork: Yes, made it black and white, played with levels etc
BackStory: the chooks finally get sick of farmer ned coming down and pinching their eggs(evidence in his right hand) not only is he a greedy such and such, he comes down naked and puts them off their egg laying for several weeks afterwards ...
Entry #12
Title: Mutual Extinction
Artist: Misty
climax of the scene, they out of cannon balls, they just tossing the cannons around trying to hit each other.
wip entry:
modeled a platform hidden under infinite plane to use as a surface replicantor source,
wanted a v formation.
most of my work was in wrangling Aiko7 and Minotaur6 legs
Minotaur6 - skirt egyption anubis style
Aiko7 - Althea dress, miss arachne head dressm sorrow hair
shenendoah stuff by meshitup
mountain troll gn wearing parts of shenandoah stuff
and credit to utube tutorials extolling the virtue of gamma correction.
this is a blended weightmap Aiko7. edited her nodes til she stopped crashing.
Minotaur's legs converted the geograft to conforming legs/pants.
(edited to update entry #)
Entry #13
Title: Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages
Artist: Headwax
The Saxon Warlords find out that Nial of The Nine Hostages is an entity to be dealt with
Used m3 and k4, all of them wearing m2 clothes
replicated m3
modelled some of the cloaks worn by saxons (just planes then draped) , used vwd plugin to get m2 clothes to fit kid
The lighting is mainly caustic - I made the building's walls and floor highly reflective then turned off reflections in the render room so it didn't show.
Gives nice splotchy light in places.
Atmospheric haze is carrara fog plus a whole series of planes parrallel to the camera and staggered into thedistance textured with noise in the alhph channel and texture channel - to give broken up light.
post work yes, dirtied teeth, addede scars etc etc
please click for big
Entry #14
Title: Death of Eric The Lowlander
Artist: Headwax
Eric the Lowlander Discovers, to His Detriment, that Elephants Make Massive War Machines
Used m3 all of them wearing m2 clothes
used low res cloths, pderatron's low res grass, parts of a nortman churcg, mushroom castle and other props
used Scots pine trees from the forest model here at daz and canabalised them
replicated m3 on numerous occasions
replicated grass
made cloth around elephant, draped with VWD pluigin , made pointy things and replicated them, made shileds and textured them
cannabilised bits of elephant model to make armour
please click for big
Entry: #15
Title: Tribute to Operation Market Garden
Artist: Diomede
Replicator used how? Several replicators, including trees lining the roadway and planes in sky
Other Context and Comments (including credits): Everything modeled and rigged in Carrara.
WIPs Links:
NPR render, regular render, and postwork combination
Model the tanks
Create the terrain
Model the 82nd Airborn soldiers
Model the planes
Postwork: Photoshop elements combining photoreal render and regular render each at 50%.
NOTE: may be too late to be a valid entry, a little confused about entry time.
Hi namtar3d you out there by chance ? :)
Entries are now CLOSED.
This thread is now the Voting thread. Vote for up to 3 images. You may also indicate an image for honorable mention, but this HM vote is not included for first, second, or third place.
As with the last challenge because we are having up to three images per entrant we WILL judge the winner by their scores combined. ie if their image 1 gets 24 votes, their image 2 gets 12 votes, and their image 3 gets 12 votes then they score 48.
2nd and third and HM are as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.
Here my votes:
Entry: #8 (Stezza)
Title: Eureka Stockade
Artist: Stezza
-3 entries were amazing, but this one is my favorite!
Entry #14
Title: Death of Eric The Lowlander
Artist: Headwax
Just epic!
Entry #13
Title: Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages
Artist: Headwax
Very nice job, i love it!
Entry: #4
Title: Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge
Artist: Diomede
That's a lot and funny work.
Thank you every one, and i'm sorry for being so bad host.
Entry: #10
Title: Mind controlling bone fish
Artist: Stezza
Entry #13
Title: Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages
Artist: Headwax
Entry #7
Final Advance
Artist: Bytescapes
Entry: #9
Title: Carrarians vs Dazonians
Artist: Stezza
Entry: #4 Title: Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge Artist: Diomede
Entry: #10 Title: Mind controlling bone fish Artist: Stezza
Entry #13 Title: Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages Artist: Headwax
HM: Entry: #8 Title: Eureka Stockade Artist:Stezza
HM: #8
Some very different styles to choose from, which is good. Unfortunately, it makes it hard because it is a little bit like comparing apples and oranges. In no particular order.
Entry: #3 Title: Against the Temple of Evil, by Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010) - really appeciated this image when I saw it at full size.
Entry: 6, Title: Attack at the Ostrich Farm, by Artist: Varsel - I found this image inspirational.
Entry #7 Final Advance, by Artist: Bytescapes - could be a promo shot for a game ad (is it?)
HM Entry #14 Title: Death of Eric The Lowlander, by Artist: Headwax
As always... in no particular order.
#7 "Advance" by Bytescapes
#9 "Carrarians vs Dazonians" by Stezza
#14 "Death of Eric The Lowlander" by Headwax
HM #6 "Attack at the Ostrich Farm" by Varsel
All the renders, modeling and scene setup were very good. I do declare... everyone is a winner here!
Note to All: I've placed a zip file which includes all the entry #'s, titles and artists if anyone wants to use it to aid in voting.
In approximately numerical order:
Oh no! Sending positive thoughts and vibes your way. Hope you are better soon.
Gee, you'll do anything to get out of hosting the next challenge.
Sending you get well quick wishes by pidgeon.
In all seriousness, take care.
Hopes that you are out quickly... Get Well Soon.
Get well, Stezza!
Get well ASAP!