3rd Party question

I really could use some help loading V4 Proxy. Windows 8.1, Carrara 8.5
I have no idea on what or where to install Carrara files. Are there any tutorials on content installation , organizing content, creating runtimes or folders for Carrara?
All the content I have was installed with the DIM'

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I'm reading everything about "DIM" and I don't understand why the users don't install manually their content.
It's so simple to create (everywhere on your computer, no matter the disk) a runtime folder to place the datas.
It's also very easy to include it (them) into Carrara.
Here, you can build another Runtime folder for that and add it in the content of Carrara.
Hi DUDU :)
The problem is that many people are not used to file management,.
that was the reason for developing DIM,. It allows people to install stuff ..easilly.
it's also the reason that DS has a "categories" section ,where the user can "organise" their products,. (without moving any real files)
Both of these were, huge issues,. as users regularly moved files / folders ,. renamed stuff, ....and then wondered why it didn't work anymore.
not understnding that the "model,. is linked to texture foldrs o morph delta's,.. which relies upon naming consistency to find those assocciated files.
Carrara should be simple to install using DIM,. as should any other products.
Install the main program,. then install the additional Carrara content files,.
The "user" shouldn't have to select where those files are installed,. DIM installed the main Carrara program,. so it should know where to install Carrara files.
the next "issue" area,. is the difference bewteen Poser/Daz "content",. and Carrara's own files (example scenes, shaders, models, etc) .
all the Carrara files,. need to be in the Carrara application folder. that's how carrara works,. but,..
All of the users DS / Poser files get installed to the users, Documents folders (on windows),. That's how poser and DS work now,.
BUT,. everyone is still working with randomly named (designer name) folders,. then Product name,. then the item you were hunting for.
For most users,. the idea that they need to learn what a "runtime" folder is, and why they need it,. isn't something they want to know,.
they simply want to use the software,. now.
DIM and "smart content" are both designed to make installing and finding content "easier" for new users,. that's the way to encourage more customers.
Nobody uses an i-phone because they are really complex computing devices which require training to use,..
make it idiot proof,. then you can sell it to an idiot.
Hi Joseph
The V4 Proxy model is packaged to allow you to "unzip" or "extract" the files directly into a folder where all your other DazStudio or Poser content files are.
the files get installed into a "runtime" folder,. and once there,. can be opened from within DS / Poser,. or Carrara.
IF you don't have Daz Studio, or Poser,. and you've only got Carrara,.
You can extract (unzip) those files to any folder you like EG: ( Desktop / my test folder )
then you can access the models from within Carrara's browser,. or File/ Open menu.
History :
The "Runtime" folder was used by Poser,. and adopted by Daz Studio,.
it's the main folder for all your content geometry, and textures,.
If you have a "zip" archive, which has content crated for DS/Poser, then you can extract that archive directly into the main folder which contains your "runtime" folder
It should then unpack the files into that runtime folder structure.
That's basically what DIM is doing when you use it to install a package for you.
Hope it helps and makes sense.
Picture view mode is ok but I prefer to use Details mode in order to see the filenames. You likely know this but you can choose Details in the 3rd icon of your lower bar... 3rd icon from right side... in it's dropdown menu for view mode.