Find a texture map??

I modeled an object in carrara a long time ago. I want to alter an image I used as a texture map. I open the old carrara file.
It works fine. I click reload image it works, so the image is on my harddrive. If I hit load image Carrara defaults to the last folder used to load images.
I want to find this image and alter it, but I can't figure out how to find the image name or path while in carrara. Any suggestions?
Thank You
Yep... in the shading or texture room....
hover yur mouse over the image filename
like the one shown here in green..
a help ticker will pop up and tell you where the image is located ;-)
once you have the file name you can use this to locate it and quickly either open the folder or load the image up in ps
that's a handy little program... trying it out now ,, thanks
pleasure much better than google desktop
Thanks, Andy... that's cool!
I usually get to the Runtime/Textures OK, but then have to 'remember' the filename to navigate to it and some are complex.
For MOUSEOVER on the thumbnail, you need to be SURE you have the Show Tool Tips set in Preferences. It's not by default as I found out when I installed Carrara on my new computer last year. When I want to make a custom texture, I copy the original, and it's bumps, etc, to my project folder where all the characters and props are, do the deed, then rename them. That way if I ever have to do a reinstall of content, I won't lose my custom creations.
Yes I love it when they call the Md-1-werXLoGah.jpg texture. Makes brain work., ;)
Wow is that ever nice! Thanks Head Wax!!!
Sadly I'm having bad computer mojo these days. It doesn't show a file name when I look at the texture map. Just a blank space where it should be.
It does show the image of the texture map, and hovering where the file name should be doesn't reveal the path or name. It just says how many pixels the file is. For the heck of it I tried loading a different Image
and Volia the file name showed up... :( I guess just Carrara weirdness... Thanks for tryin to help
duplicate post
Are you on a mac?
It is a known issue on mac.
There is a thread a litle lower down where they are tal,king about a posible fix.
I'm on P.C. I've tried 8.5 and 8.1 Win 7 pro
I think I got it. This must be a copy of the original carrara session so the the texture is embedded in the carrara file, it's NOT refrencing an external file.