Blind Demon Not Opening

I bought and thought I installed the Blind Demon. I'm trying to open it in Carrara 8.5. The thumbnail is there under land creatures but when I go to use it in a scene I get 2 DSF Messages. They are...
Warning: file \data\Sixus1\JPCBlindDemon\!BlindDemon\BlindDemon_14089.dsf could not be loaded
Error: node /data/Sixus1/JPCBlindDemon/%21BlindDemon/BlindDemon_14089.dsf#BlindDemon_14089 not found
How do I get it to work??
Thank you in advance
Sorry, I don't have that product. Do you know if it was originally made for Poser or for Studio? Sometimes, if a figure is rigged for Studio and I try to load it from the Runtime folder I will get similar dsf file errors. In that case, I can usually open the figure from the Studio content area. It is sometimes a matter of the Poser companion files not being setup correctly yet. See if the same product can be loaded from a second file location. Worst case scenario, open it in Studo and save it out as a preset and then try loading that in Carrara.
Just guessing.
It's a new Daz Studio-Only figure made by a private vendor, sixus1
I saw someone report that it doesn't work in this thread:
Buy Something That Doesn’t Work in Carrara? Please Post your Questions and Workarounds here
but I don't remember if it was solved or not.
that data message could mean ds content folder not linked properly.
its unuseable unless exported to something like iClone as I did first
and I tried a fair few things too like converting to triax, no luck
does it have ds geoshells on it?
just incompatible rigging and mesh
Do you have any of his (sixus1) other Poser figures from the other store?
I was thinking of adding some of those to my runtimes
the Poser ones indeed work, I have a few from Renderosity, this one says DAZ studio only so is an exception.
Right. It's his opening debut at Daz3d, except I think he may have been here back in the early days... but I could be wrong on that.
Wow... Cerebus looks awesome!
imagining face rigged cerebus lol
I don't have that figure, but I've had a lot of luck getting things to work by opening them in studio, then just save as a scene and open that scene in Carrara. No guarantees that it'll work but it's a simple fix that has worked more than once for me.
Me too, but I think the rigging is the whole issue with this thing.
One possible work-around would be to bring it into Carrara with another figure base that looks like it might match up okay with, then do a little tweaking to the mesh shape to make it match up really well, then just export it as an OBJ
Bring that OBJ into Daz Studio and the base figure we've matched it to, then use transfer utility to use the rigging from the base figure on the new OBJ version of this.
I don't really have it, so I could be wrong about all of this, but if I bought it and then found that it doesn't work, I think I'd try that.
I tried converting to triax and saving as a support asset and a few other things without success.
It must be rigging related like genesis 3 which crashes Carrara outright, some of Misty's notepad hack may work not tried.
I think it's the actual skinning of Genesis 3 that crashes Carrara, isn't it? They said they've added Quaternion Skinning to Carrara, but it still needed more work before it could ahndle Genesis 3....