Spuggles Special Edition?

in The Commons
It says it's inactive test content, but it still shows up in the store. And even with a 100% discount it costs $7000! Anyone bought it yet?
Wellllll - a "Weightmapped version of Spuggles, Hiro's special friend. " ... LOL
some nut will no doubt ......
Well, I wishlisted him ... maybe he gets on sale during March Madness?
I have the old version. Will the textures still work on this one? Inquiring minds need to know.
Looks like he's gone. Im getting the dreaded 404 Not Found message.
someone must have returned him so DAZ had to cough up 7K of store credit?
Yeah! I keep Bijou (https://www.daz3d.com/bijou-for-genesis-2-female-s) in my Wishlist. One day, with stacking sales, PC+ and a coupon, I hope she hits the $15-$20 range so I can pick her up! One always has to have a dream.
Of course, considering we're on G3 and she's G2, she IS starting to be 'older' tech.
Spuggles is not happy .....
Yes it seems so. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
dont diss the spuggles, he haz tooths
Captain's log, Stardate 5587-302. In response to a recent broadcast of a 99% reduction in value, we have been dispatched to investigate the Spuggles anomoly. Certainly, we can verify that, to the naked eye, it is still available and that indeed visible at only 1% of it's former reported value. However, when we dispatched a shopping cart probe to determine if the 99% reduction was real, the results confirmed a ruse. Once the probe reached the anomoly, the 99% off disappeared and the anomoly returned to it's previous state--exhibiting a $999,999.99 retail price tag. We believe the anomoly may be sentient and attemting to draw in nearby life forms. But for what purpose? Is it in trouble? Is it hungry? We will continue collecting data. Captain out.
I keep thinking Spuggles is Creeper when I look for him... or her... (Never checked... or I didn't have the pro Creeper bundle)...
In case you don't know Creeper...
Also there never was a millennium Creeper, that was just a dumb joke from a while back.
And to think the original Spuggles was a freebie in the old DAZ freebie archives (now defunct). He was supposed to be a companion to Hiro. If anybody is looking for Spuggles and has saved the freebie archive files it is: ps_fr216_Companion.exe
if he was I likely have him on my old hard drive
Was Creeper also from the old Freebie Vault?
I was wondering where I got him... Spuggles, Creeper and Dbot are really old, and I've had them for ages, but I'm pretty sure I got them all as freebies... or at least in some weird bundle (there was some Christmas bundle a long time ago with tons of old content in it).
Yes, Creeper (but not Millenium Creeper) was in the old Free Archive. The file name is :ps_fr038_Creeper.exe There was also a free D-Brat in the freebie archive but I don't think D-bot was there. For the curious a list of the old freebie archive files can be found here: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/569416/#Comment_569416
I think Creeper may originally have been a Zygote release, or a non-free store release (actually I lean towards the latter as it had been around for a while when I got it as a freebie, either from the old archive/weekly freebie or from a PC Anniversary set)..
Apparently, I mistook D-brat for D-bot... I used D-bot for something a long time ago, but I never used D-brat... Without going through my older hard drives, the archive thumbnail for D-brat was all I could find anywhere... it looks a lot like D-bot... Was it like a "kid" robot from the D-bot/D-spot family of characters?
Not important if nobody knows an answer to that.
I did find that thread I mentioned, which has screenshots of the old freebie archive pages...
They are near the bottom of the page... interesting to see that again... I think I managed to snag everything there before it all went poof.
haha Too funny! Carry on Cap'n, carry on.
This post from DAZ3D showed up on my FaceBook page today. Wonder what means? Will we be able to get archive items again?