Missing Victoria 4.2 morphs

I have Victoria with the basis morphs. Besides that I have the Victoria 4.2 Morphs++. But no idea how to use them, because I cannot find them. They are installed in C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\V4toV3\Deltas\Morphs++. Any idea where they are located in Carrara. Or do I have to inject or something like that and if so, how?
I do not have the DAZ CMS installed. Could not solve that.
I have the Poser Runtime in my Carrara browser under the "Content" tab. The V4 Morphs++ are in the Pose folder within the V4 folder (see picture). (Yes, I have later versions of Poser, but I always install Poser 7 on new machines because it has the V4 & M4 figures included in the Runtime. Apparently DAZ and Smith Micro no longer cooperate to that extent.)
That location may work if you want to inject single morphs. But if you want to inject all morphs at once, there is another location, assuming your morphs are installed correctly..
The browser path:
Content>DAZ Studio content runtime (or named something similar)>Poses>DAZ's Victoria 4 (NOT DAZ Victoria 4)>Morph Injections.
Click on Morph Injections, and NOT any of the items which open from the triangle under it.
All the morphs you can currently inject into V4 should now be listed. The pictures with the big white plus signs will load all of a particular morph set, if you have selected V4 in the instances tray.
Hope this helps!
Sounds good, but not working. In the Morph Injection folder, I have 3 sub folders and 4 pz2 files. Two are base morphs and two are INJ Morphs++ and REM Morphs++. All pz2 files result in starting Poser Debut and crashing.
Are you looking in the Carrara browser, or are you drilling down into the runtime via your computer? If I go from my computer, I can see what you are seeing. But from my browser, those pz2 files are not visible.
When you left- click directly onto the morph injections folder in your Carrara browser, asuming that you only have morphs++, you should only see two folders, one marked with a white plus sign, and one marked with a white minus sign.
I hope you are patient. You where right, I was using browsing through my computer. What do you mean by "left- click directly onto the morph injections folder in your Carrara browser." I can add a folder at my Carrara browser, but that is not it.
Those are the morphs for V4toV3 - a figure that wears Victoria 3 clothes but gives the Victoria 4 head, morphs, and UVs. Theer should also be a folder called Victroia 4. In any event, if you are using Carrara you need to run the DzCreateExPFiles-v4 script for your OS - .bat for Windows, .command for Mac, in /Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ.
I have run the .bat and now I have new pz2 files in /Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ/Victoria 4. But no new morph parameters in Carrara for Victoria.
OK, let me assume that you are not familiar with the Carrara browser.
Near the bottom left corner of the screen is the browser tab.
When you left click on it, there should be 8 tabs appear at the top of the browser pane (in the bottom of your screen). The two tabs on the right are "content" and "smart content."
Left click on the "content" tab, and then follow the directions I outlined in my first post.
I attached a pic of these tabs.
I was aware of that, but thanks for explaining. Continue in my next reply to avoid double answering.
I have 5 main directories in my Carrara Browser (Content runtime, My Library, content, libraries, My DAZ 3D Library). In the last one, I found a Morph Injection folder. But all folders from Victoria are completely empty. The structure is there, but no content. I have also Victoria in my other main categories (including poses), but not anything like UnifiedBrain.
I'm guessing that the directory you want is "Content runtime," then click the little triangle next to Poses, then Daz's Victoria 4, and under that left-click directly on Morph Injections (and NOT the triangle next to it).
However, we keep describing the same thing, and you don't see it, so something else may be wrong.
Are you installing all content with the Daz Install Manager?
Under Daz's Victoria, I have 3 sub directories: General Poses, Magnetize Clothing and MATerials Sample-Res (all with content). So no Morph Injections. But I just added the Morph Injection folder as runtime. Now I have the 4 files as you described earlier (2x + and 2x -).
The morphs are now added by double clicking on the two + items. Parameters are added. But most do not respond or morph weird. Anything else required?
It should be in your Content Runtime
If you're not seeing the files, try reinstalling it. I didn't answer right away because Steve K and Unified Brain had you covered in the first two replies.
So something's not right. One thing to know about runtime content is that we can NOT move the files around. It breaks the structure. Not sure if you did, not saying you did, just saying.
When we look at a Runtime structure, we begin with the Main folder, which I call the Runtime folder, even though it's not the one that's named "runtime". The main folder was originally named "Poser" and inside that folder was Poser.exe
If the older Daz3d Installers didn't see the Poser.exe file, it wouldn't install your content
Poser could only show x number of items in the runtime, showing alphabetically This was a large number, but not as large as our growing collections. So Poser was then made to be able to read multiple runtimes, which is why I call these main folders the Runtime folders. We can name these folders anything we want and we would make a blank text file and name it "Poser.exe" and place that in our Runtime folders so that Daz3d installers would work on them.
Anyways, I'm saying this because it can be easy to mess up a runtime folder if we're not aware of how they work.
The easiest way to understand them is to perfrom a manual download of a generation 4 style product.
Nowadays when we manually download a Poser format product (V4 and M4 and their family are Poser format) we begin with the main, doenloaded compressed folder beginning with "IMxxxx" x's are numbers.
Open that folder and we have two things: a folder named Content and a IM Manifest
The manifest file is simply something to tell Install Manager what needs to be done with this Content Folder against the database
The Content folder is a Runtime Folder by every sense of the word, as I explain it above. So in other words, to properly install it's contents to another Runtime folder, we open it and drag all of it's contents directly into the Runtime folder of our choosing - and click "Yes" to merge or overwrite as it copies.
So we need you to recognise where your V4 stuff gets installed when you install it. Find that folder on your machine.
Make sure that "that" folder is in Carrara's Content Browser as a Runtime
If you have V4's Morphs ++ installed, you'll see them where Unified Brain is showing you they are.
Poser has categories and, along the way, folks have found a way to use Pose files to be used to INJect morphs onto a figure and a way to apply MATerial collections onto a figure, so those files have to be in the Pose structure of the runtime:
Runtime Folder > Runtime > Libraries > Poses
Daz3d was trying all manner of ways to further set their content apart from others - making them easier to find and use - easier to explain in the ReadMe's, a folder introduced to Runtime Folders by Daz3d
Generation 3 made a mess of the runtime putting "!" in front of their names, and there were a LOT of them
Generation 4 answered that mess by making folders like "Daz3d's Victoria 4" and putting all of the relavent files in that. Poses, MAT files, morph INJ files
Some products may have a slightly different order - or a new folder within that folder, but they did a really good job of organizing everything in there, so if you're not seeing the INJ files in your browser, there is one of two issues: Either the content is not installed correctly or the Runtime folder they're installed to is not 'mapped' to Carrara's Content tab yet.
To check the latter, use the File/Folder menu in Carrara's browser. Find the Runtime Folder where you've installed your V4 content to. Now use the FIle/Folder menu in the Content tab and choose "Add Runtime" > browse to the Runtime folder (not the folder named "Runtime") and click Okay and, when asked, select "Runtime" instead of Content.
You'll find the files in that structures Pose category
A friend of mine was having difficulty wrapping his mind around the whole 'runtime' idea, so I wrote this article to help:
Daz Install Manager - Installing Custom Poser Runtimes
Basic walkthrough of designing your own custom runtime structure
Thanks for the long explanation. Meanwhile, probably during your typing, I have already added this folder as runtime. See my reply just before yours. I moved on to the next level of the problem. The parameters are there now in Carrara, but most do not respond or respond weird. If there is not something additional I have to do, I am a bit worried if I got the new morphs working.
Your runtime explanation did help, but they made it a mess. It is so confusing. Why for instance put morphs under pose. Some are poses, but most are morphs. Besides that I also dislike Daz Studio. It always lowers my mood if I have to use it. But I do not want to change the subject.
If I cannot use the new parameters in Carrara, I am trying to get it done in DS. Not very happy with this detour.
Sorry for the detour, my friend. Years ago we've discovered a bit of a snag, of which RoguePilot discovered the cure:
Make sure you've downloaded and installed all of the PowerLoader files for all of that stuff... in this case just for V4 - you likely did that already.
Now open V4 in Daz Studio, which should bring up the power loader. Select everything, which I think is on by first default... might not be though... just check everything and then let her finish loading.
At that point it should all work fine.
I actually saved my Powerloaded V4 back into the Daz People folder again, and use that one, so it already has the morphs injected. But I don't think that's necessary. I think that, just running the Powerloader sets up V4 somehow (?) which eleiminated the whole issue, originally noticed with Aiko 4.
Sorry I didn't mention that already, It was long ago - I just forgot. But when the issue shows it's ugly head, I always remember RoguePilot's fix! ;)
Note: It has to be done via PowerLoader - not just using the INJ files. So that's why we need DS for this process.
Oh... and once this is done once... it's done. Never need to repeat the process.
Aww... no. Don't do it like that. You're just asking for more issues.
Do it like I describe in the long post. Please. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches. If you want to use V4, you might as well set it up so you can use all of her instead of just Morphs ++
Please... go back and bring that whole runtime into your content tab. Please
Going to figure this out tomorrow. It was a long day today. My brain does not accept new info anymore. But I'll be back.
Pjotter, You didn't say if you were using the Daz Install Manager or not.
I've used the DIM exclusively for installing Daz content since I returned to the Daz universe several months ago. With the DIM placing stuff in my runtime, I'm having virtually zero problems with getting content to show up. Plus, the "smart content" tab of the browser works rather well in Carrara, providing alphabetical product listings if you get tired of searching runtimes for content.
If you are using the DIM, we are at least talking apples to apples, as you will likely get similar-looking results.
Another benefit that I just love about DIM is that we can look up anything, right-click, and find out exactly where everything is installed. I also love it for reorganizing where stuff is installed. I'll just uninstall, then it shows up in another pane. Then I just install again where I want it to go. Works great.
Since I don't use the DS optimized stuff, I select all of those in my Download tab when they arrive, and just Hide them. Anything I don't want installed, I just hide it. It's easy to look at hidden stuff, just to check.
For a while there, I was missing some of my cool products I needed. I went into my filters and saw that I only had Poser <9 checked. Checked the other one too, and there was my stuff! :)
Another thing I love about DIM is the simplicity. Updates to products are seemless and I can install so much stuff at one simple visit. I wasn't looking forward to it when it was just talk. But once it finally arrived, and I tried it... I saw how much it was going to save me right from the start!
But there is good news for me and the ones who are helping me. It is solved with a new detour. I add the new morphs to my character in DS and export it as cr2 and import it into Carrara. Works perfect. Used this very good video:
For the ones who also need this.
Thanks and thanks.
Like I said, you "NEED" the whole runtime, not just the Morph Injections folder.
In the Carrara Content browser tab, you need to see a Runtime folder.
If you did a default installation of V4 using the DIM without a custom location, My Daz3d Library Runtime is your runtime folder.
Here we did a scramble job on this same stuff:
Morph injection
I thought I was the only one struggling with this. I now use the detour only. Works fine for me. Add the morphs is DS and export as cr2 for Carrara.
HI Pjotter :)
Listen to people who have been there, .. done that,..and somehow managed to survive.
You're doing it wrong. so stop. :)
You need to install the V4 Morphs Into your existing runtime which has V4 in it.
V4 is already a CR2 file,. (it's supplied as Poser CR2 and OBJ)
so exporting it again as a cr2 from DS is a pointless doubling up of files which already exist.
In Carrara: FILE / Import / CR2.... (navigate to your poser/DS library)... V4.cr2
Morphs should be installed into the same runtime library as the original figure.
installing them into a seperate runtime folder,. or making that folder appear as a runtime, won't work correctly,.. since the Morphs will be looking for the Main figure,. which isn't there.
Slow down,. take some time,.. and perhaps read through the Runtime Library tutorial stuff again.
Note: If you're using Dim to install stuff,. make sure that you're installing the V4 Morph packs into the same library as your V4 main figure.
The CMS is the only way to use Smart content (Genesis and above) in Carrara.
Have you downloaded the Postgre file using DIM ?
Yes, probably I am doing it wrong. But I got it working as I want to in Carrara. And that is the most import thing for me. I have a pile of animation to do and do not have the time to solve technical issues. I have working detour (export Victoria with all the added morphs and import that figure into Carrara). All morphs seems to be working correct. In other words I do not care anymore where what is installed, because I got what I want.
Same for CMS. I have tried to figure this out to.
I wanted to work with Genesis, but because there are many more issues with bvh files and aniblocks, I move on with V4. Now I have much less problems. The only issue I had were the limited amount of morphs. But that is solved. So I can move on with animation. That is my goal. Not solving technical issues which I problably will not need again.