URGENT : question about multipass and image format

I have to use Carrara for a documentary project.
Is there a way to render image in float format ?
For the moment I can't find any solution for that.
Of course there is the possiblity to save in .tiff or rpf format BUT THE IMAGE IS STILL IN 8 BIT PER CHANNEL.
In 8bit per channel, positon pass, uv pass, normal pass, depth pass are just useless in compositing.
Is there a way to render in 32bit float or 16bit float in carrara ?
Thanks for your help.
Ps: I forgot :
I use Carrara 8.1.1 Pro build12 64bit
Post edited by vbk3 on
No, there is not, and probably never will be, if it was possible without major overhaul of rendering engine it would have been introduced at least at the time rendering passes were added ... Sorry :(
hmm ...
If theses pass can't be properly render WHY PUT THEM IN MULTIPASS MANAGER ???
Why add .rpf format ? rpf have to be render in float ...
It's something i don't understand.
Is there someone from DAZ to explain this to me ?
Thx to answer me please.
Hi vbk3 :)
You don't "need" floating point 32-bit or even 16 bit images, to be able to use multipass layers in compositing.
It can obviously provide a greater range of information in the image, so it would be nice to have it, (and it has been requested).
but you can still use 8bit for compositing.
In Photoshop, or After effects, you can use the current multi-pass information to do whatever it is you're after, whether that adjusting the depth of field or some aspect of the lighting, depending on the passes you render...
RPF as a format can store multiple channel information, but it doesn't require 16 bit, or 32 bit to do that.
Perhaps if you explain what you're trying to do,. or, how the current multi-pass doesn't work for you.
then someone could help you more.
it doesn't work because it doesn't render in float. That's all.
I know you can use some pass in 8bit, but I dare you to use postion pass or uvpass or normalmap in 8bit !
It's just impossible.
I put links to show you the use of some passes which requires a float format output.
With this pass you deal with coordinates, not color. For example, the positon pass records the 3d position for each pixel : it's not possible to use 8 bit format for that since a 3d position can be postive or negative and in range far more important than 0 to 1 (meter).
I am a Lightwave and Houdini user and i use theses passes often.
The thing is I have to use Carrara for this particular project and I discover this major issue to get Highend compositing process with it.
I extended my frustration with RPF too because it one of the format in carrara you can render in float.
So, for me, if Carrara can not render in float format, DAZ team should erase all the passes where float format is required.
And me to make my comp without theses passes ...
HI Vincent
Firstly, I don't use Fusion,. so I can't help you with that.
Although the images are in 8bit from Carrara, they do export.
Carrara doesn't export in 32 bit floating point, and if that's what you need, then you're option would be to use one of the export format's in carrara (FBX, OBJ, Collada) etc.. to export the scene objects into a program which will generate the 32 bit formats you need.
Normal pass
Position pass
That is a very good question.
Unfortunately Carrara does not support more than 8-bits per channel for output despite what the file save options are called. It would seem the developers are not concerned that Carrara can't be used for a lot of high end (and even not so high end) work. The 16-bit options have been available as a choice for export while the file actually contains only 8-bits. Daz has been aware of this for many years.
Therefore a conclusion is that Daz does not intend to sell Carrara for use in applications which benefit from 16-bit output. Its interesting that none of the Carrara marketing materials mention 16-bit ouput. I would expect that they would list it as a feature if it was an actual, working feature instead of a teaser