Morph injection



I finally trying something with Mihael 4 but upon loading him in Carrara I only see the expression morphs, any body shaping morph is anavailable. I do have them since they work on Daz but when carrara imports Michael 4 from the tray it is not importing the body shape morphs, only the expressions and mouth shapes. Can anyone tell me how to manually import them? How morph injection works in carrara?





  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    edited February 2017
    NASSOS said:



    I finally trying something with Mihael 4 but upon loading him in Carrara I only see the expression morphs, any body shaping morph is anavailable. I do have them since they work on Daz but when carrara imports Michael 4 from the tray it is not importing the body shape morphs, only the expressions and mouth shapes. Can anyone tell me how to manually import them? How morph injection works in carrara?



    Absolutely, my friend!

    In DS, there's this thing called the Power Loader, which we don't have in Carrara. So there are two ways (at least) to go about it:

    In Carrara, load in M4 and then go to the Pose category under Daz's Michael 4, and look under Morph Injections

    Browse them individually or load whole categories in the top level of the Morph Injections folder using the INJ files

    === Option 2 ===

    Load M4 in Daz Studio and use Power Loader (should open upon loading M4) and select all of the morphs you want INJected - even All of them - and then save that M4 back into the same Daz People folder. I call mine M4 Powerload

    Then you'll have that pre-injected M4 any time you need him ;)

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    I see your movie was a Huge Hit!!! Congratulations! And it's ever-so-awesome seeing you here again!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Oh... and if doing it in Carrara, I always just select M4 and double-click the INJ pose files. My Dartanbeck character doesn't need many of the morphs, so I just load those manually to keep the file save down in size - even though a fully laden M4 still doesn't weight much LOL

    Yeah. Select the figure and then double-click from the browser's Content > Runtime > Pose > Daz's Michael 4 > Morph Injections

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    Oh... and if doing it in Carrara, I always just select M4 and double-click the INJ pose files. My Dartanbeck character doesn't need many of the morphs, so I just load those manually to keep the file save down in size - even though a fully laden M4 still doesn't weight much LOL

    Yeah. Select the figure and then double-click from the browser's Content > Runtime > Pose > Daz's Michael 4 > Morph Injections

    Thanks my friend,

    I have been running aroudn the world with thsi film, hopefully tough it opens the door for new stuff!

    but here  is where I'm confused, I see were they are in the DAZ folder but isn't carrara looking there too for them when it searched for runtimes? and what you mean load them? you mean move them or copy them in the top level of the Morph Injections folder using the INJ files. Shoudl I loook for fomething with a inj file name or something to move where?  Also I need to bring the shapes of thebody in a scene taht I have already spend so much time to key frame in carrara. Can this happen?


  • I had to look it up:

    Awesome.  "Human Nature" should be mandatory viewing for every aspiring Carrara animator.

    And also Nassos, congratulations on "Dinner for Few."  What software did you use on that?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    edited February 2017

    Carrara's browser has a "Content" tab

    In that, we can add our content runtimes like we did in Poser years ago (or still) and/or in Daz Studio

    To do so, we go to the File/Folder menu and "Ad Runtime" and locate the folder which contains the runtime folder which holds your M4

    If you're using the Daz Install Manager, and installed to the standard default location, then you'll likely already have the My Daz3d Library Runtime folder in your Cantent tab. If not, by default it's located at Users > Public > Public Documents > My Daz 3d Library, and when prompted, select "Runtime" instead of Content (we add that one for Genesis and other DUF Daz Studio files)

    So once we have our Runtime folder mapped to Carrara's Content tab in the browser, we can find Michael 4 under Figures > Daz People

    That Michael 4 only has basic morphs applied by default. Generation 4 figures used INJ files to Add morphs to them

    These INJ files are found in that same runtime folder, but instead of Figures, we go to the Pose category and scroll down to "Daz's Michael 4" and click the little white triangle to open the hierarchy

    Inside you'll see a category "Morph Injections"

    If you just click on Morph Injections, you'll be able to add all of the morphs from, say, Morphs ++, in one shot by double-clicking the Morphs++ INJ file while M4 is selected in Carrara

    This is an image that I had on hand. It's for V4's Facial Dimple morphs, but the principle is the same

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  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Yes... all of those morphs can be animated along the timeline.

    In the lower image above, I'm showing the individual morphs that we can inject. In the list on the left, we can see that "Morphs ++" is highlighted in yellow.

    Scroll your eyes up the list to where it says "Morph Injections"

    If we click on that, and highlight it in yellow, we'll be able to load ALL of these morphs in one double-click, instead of having to load them individually.


    Again, to load (or as they say, Inject) these morphs onto the figure, we 

    Select the Figure and Double Click the morph INJ file from the browser


    In Carrara 8.5, the morphs are no longer listed in the General tab - there's a new tab called "Parameters" - all morphs are in there, but there is an exception: Props (not figures with a rig hierarchy) with morphs - their morphs are still found in the General tab as they used to be.

    Also new in 8.5, the "Zero Pose" and "Zero Figure" options are also no longer on the General tab. They are now in the menu at the top "Animation" under several "Zero" options at the bottom of thhat drop-down. Much, Much better now!!!

    Please let me know if this doesn't help. I'll remain on standby to make sure you get this working. Ask what you need.

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    I had to look it up:

    Awesome.  "Human Nature" should be mandatory viewing for every aspiring Carrara animator.

    And also Nassos, congratulations on "Dinner for Few."  What software did you use on that?

    Tahnks!, both were done in Carrara but Dinner for few was animated in mesiah studio and then exported as mdd files and layout in Carrara as wella s render. It was also modeled in Carrara.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    NASSOS said:

    I had to look it up:

    Awesome.  "Human Nature" should be mandatory viewing for every aspiring Carrara animator.

    And also Nassos, congratulations on "Dinner for Few."  What software did you use on that?

    Tahnks!, both were done in Carrara but Dinner for few was animated in mesiah studio and then exported as mdd files and layout in Carrara as wella s render. It was also modeled in Carrara.


    ...and he had our good friend, Faba, as an animator for the project... another Genius move!

    ...and he had Danas (JetBird D2) on his team as well... more genius! 

    ...and don't even get me started on the darned music composer! Ouch! Genius!!!

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    Carrara's browser has a "Content" tab

    In that, we can add our content runtimes like we did in Poser years ago (or still) and/or in Daz Studio

    To do so, we go to the File/Folder menu and "Ad Runtime" and locate the folder which contains the runtime folder which holds your M4

    If you're using the Daz Install Manager, and installed to the standard default location, then you'll likely already have the My Daz3d Library Runtime folder in your Cantent tab. If not, by default it's located at Users > Public > Public Documents > My Daz 3d Library, and when prompted, select "Runtime" instead of Content (we add that one for Genesis and other DUF Daz Studio files)

    So once we have our Runtime folder mapped to Carrara's Content tab in the browser, we can find Michael 4 under Figures > Daz People

    That Michael 4 only has basic morphs applied by default. Generation 4 figures used INJ files to Add morphs to them

    These INJ files are found in that same runtime folder, but instead of Figures, we go to the Pose category and scroll down to "Daz's Michael 4" and click the little white triangle to open the hierarchy

    Inside you'll see a category "Morph Injections"

    If you just click on Morph Injections, you'll be able to add all of the morphs from, say, Morphs ++, in one shot by double-clicking the Morphs++ INJ file while M4 is selected in Carrara

    This is an image that I had on hand. It's for V4's Facial Dimple morphs, but the principle is the same

    I must be doing something wrong. I do have the stuff installed for DAZ but when I try to use the carrar content managemnt tab add folder is gray and Add runtime is active. If I find the morph injection folder and try to add it it says not a valid runtine. What I'm doing wrong?

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77
    NASSOS said:

    Carrara's browser has a "Content" tab

    In that, we can add our content runtimes like we did in Poser years ago (or still) and/or in Daz Studio

    To do so, we go to the File/Folder menu and "Ad Runtime" and locate the folder which contains the runtime folder which holds your M4

    If you're using the Daz Install Manager, and installed to the standard default location, then you'll likely already have the My Daz3d Library Runtime folder in your Cantent tab. If not, by default it's located at Users > Public > Public Documents > My Daz 3d Library, and when prompted, select "Runtime" instead of Content (we add that one for Genesis and other DUF Daz Studio files)

    So once we have our Runtime folder mapped to Carrara's Content tab in the browser, we can find Michael 4 under Figures > Daz People

    That Michael 4 only has basic morphs applied by default. Generation 4 figures used INJ files to Add morphs to them

    These INJ files are found in that same runtime folder, but instead of Figures, we go to the Pose category and scroll down to "Daz's Michael 4" and click the little white triangle to open the hierarchy

    Inside you'll see a category "Morph Injections"

    If you just click on Morph Injections, you'll be able to add all of the morphs from, say, Morphs ++, in one shot by double-clicking the Morphs++ INJ file while M4 is selected in Carrara

    This is an image that I had on hand. It's for V4's Facial Dimple morphs, but the principle is the same

    I must be doing something wrong. I do have the stuff installed for DAZ but when I try to use the carrar content managemnt tab add folder is gray and Add runtime is active. If I find the morph injection folder and try to add it it says not a valid runtine. What I'm doing wrong?

    I mean I do have all teh content in carrara content tray and I can see Michael 4 there as wellas Victoria and teh genesis stuff. But it won't let me add anything.


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Don't add the morph injections folder.

    That folder is inside of a runtime, like this:

    Folder of some name > Runtime > Libraries > Pose > Daz's Michael 4

    The folder we need to add to the Content tab is the folder I refer to above as "Folder of some name"

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    We want the folder that holds the folder called "Runitme"

    Not the folder named Runtime, but the folder that Runtime is inside of.

    My M4 is in my "M4" runtime, so my M4 runtime folder that gets added to Carrara's content browser looks like this:

    M4/: Runtime/: Libraries/: etc., etc.,

    So when I "Add Runtime", I browse to, and select the "M4" folder, click Okay, and choose "Runtime" when asked.

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    Don't add the morph injections folder.

    That folder is inside of a runtime, like this:

    Folder of some name > Runtime > Libraries > Pose > Daz's Michael 4

    The folder we need to add to the Content tab is the folder I refer to above as "Folder of some name"

    I realy don't get it. This is totally confusing for me. I do not understand what runtime to add.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Sorry it's such a headache. It's the way Poser worked during this era of figure - and still does. Daz Studio has a database included, making things easier to use without knowing a thing about where stuff is installed.

    I have a fairly lengthy article on the subject here, if you're interested:

    Daz Install Manager - Installing Custom Poser Runtimes
    Basic walkthrough of designing your own custom runtime structure

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    I still do not understandwhat to add. I'm adding the runtime but nothing happens


  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    I have the content that carrara fount by itself but not the morph++ folder you seem to have from your picture. Thta's theone I don't know how to add.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    Sorry it's such a headache. It's the way Poser worked during this era of figure - and still does.

    With that said, the actual original runtime folder was called "Poser", and was the installation folder for the software.

    Inside "Poser" folder is a folder called "Runtime"

    Since you do know which folder holds your Daz's Michael 4 folder, we jst need to back up to runtime folder, and then back up once more. That's the folder we want to add.

    It might be called "My DAZ 3D Library" if it's a default Daz Install Manager installation.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    NASSOS said:

    I have the content that carrara fount by itself but not the morph++ folder you seem to have from your picture. Thta's theone I don't know how to add.

    Can you send a screen shot of your Content tab in Carrara please?

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    yes that the name of the folder but intalling it desn't add anything to the ocntent.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    We WILL fix this!

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    my carrara content tray has all the daz content that came with it and with Daz studio but not the morphs.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    A screen shot of mine would just be confusing because I use the older Poser style of using many different runtime structures

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    How you psot image shere, do youhave to host them first?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    edited February 2017

    At the bottom of the post window

    Attach a File.jpg
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  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    here is my tray

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  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    So then after we Post the comment we can right-click the attached image and Copy the Link Address and paste it into the image tool in the message. I usually go back and edit the post (little gear in the upper right corner after it's posted) and put the image into the message - I just have to remember to use the resize tools to make it smaller so it fits the post ;)

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited February 2017
    In DS, there's this thing called the Power Loader, which we don't have in Carrara. So there are two ways (at least) to go about it:

    In Carrara, load in M4 and then go to the Pose category under Daz's Michael 4, and look under Morph Injections

    Browse them individually or load whole categories in the top level of the Morph Injections folder using the INJ files

    Nassos, at the risk of mucking this up further, I think that Dart's original advice was good.

    In Daz studio, the M4 morphs are loaded automatically.  In Carrara, you have to load them manually.  So you need to first load M4 in Carrara, and then find the morphs so that you can load them.

    As Dart says, the M4 morphs should be in the browser path Content>Daz Studio Content runtime (or folder named similar to that)>Poses>Daz's Michael 4>Morph Injections.  Left-click directly on this Morph Injections file, not the triangle next to it.

    Another option, if your Smart Content tabs works, you can also browse to Products>M>Michael 4 Morphs++.

    In both of the above cases there is an icon in the Morphs++ folder with a white plus sign which allows you to inject all M4 morphs at once, as opposed to loading each one-by-one.  Be sure that M4 is selected in the instances tray before injecting the morphs.

    I hope this was clear!  I'm inclosing a picture of the browser tabs if you are totally lost.


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  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    so I use the add runtine and I can find the morph injection files

  • NASSOSNASSOS Posts: 77

    here it is

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