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Here is a quick comment on modern pop music.
Have to replace Loretta, with a more eye-candy girl. Might have to have a ....... got talent competition.
Here is a quick comment on modern pop music.
Have to replace Loretta, with a more eye-candy girl. Might have to have a ....... got talent competition.
When I'm listening to the radio in my car, and the are playing Top 40's , this is something that often pop up in my brain.
Haven't I heard that tune somewhere before ?
But the girls always looks pretty.
Everything here is made by me, except the girl and hair and clothing ....
Here are the necessary setup picture.
The curtains are a vertex model, that I used SoftBody Physics on. Then with the help of some primitives to colide with, I managed to get this shape.
This shape was then exported out as an .obj, and then imported back into the picture.
Very cool work!
Excellent work, Varsel. I remember that Britney Spears canceled a concert appearance because she sprained her ankle, as if that had anything to do with a music concert. Can't imagine Aretha Franklin canceling a concert over a sprained ankle.
You most certainly have a gift, Varsel! Rock on!!!
Sprained ankle means she can't dance, no dancing means no distraction from the music - and suddenly a thousand people wonder why they liked her in the first place. No-one goes to see Aretha to watch her dance!
Glad you said it before I was tempted. 
Hahaha! Absolutely the first thing I thought when I read it.
I don't think I am going to be able to finish this one (I'm having a hard with my idea which I could execute (although not easily) in studio but I don't know that I am going to be able to do it in Carrara. But I'm going to try and if it doesn't get finished that's okay.
If you need help we can always provide input if you would like or need it.
That is partly what these challenges are for.
Sonja, Please let us know what you wish to do... just ask and you will get plenty of help I'm sure. I don't believe anyone keeps secrets here or in any Carrara thread.
BTW: Did you post a WIP yet? If so let me know so I can go back a see what you have so far.
Haven't done much modelling so there's just the setup and result. Listening to music at home.
Thanks everyone. I know you guys are always willing to help. I 'm having issues even getting started. I want to do a wall of arched doors that open onto different worlds- with a person in it where the music is flowing from them into the different doorways becasue music to me has always taken me out of my world and into a different place, and depending on what kind of music I am listening to it will take me to a different place or mood. I can probably manage the wall and the arched doorways but I'm not sure what to do about the worlds inside the doorways ( I thought maybe putting a plane with different images on behind the doors? Can I use text for the notes?
And that's as far as I got. I feel a bit overwhelmed and bit like a deer in the headlights lol. I should probably break it down into pieces so I don't get so overwhelmed and just do one thing at a time.
For the different worlds, forget entirely (just for pretend!) about the room and the arches and just make one of the worlds that inspires you, and render it in an upright, portrait-style dimension so it's taller than it is wide
Repeat for each subsequent world
In the scene with the arches, create a plane and map one of the world renders to it and fit it behind an arch
Repeat for each subsequent world
Instead of lighting the planes with the worlds on them, in the tab on the right, at the very top, uncheck "Casts Shadows" and "Recieves Shadows"
in the shader, put the texture map (render of the world) in the Glow channel and adjust the brightness if needed ;)
One of my favorite things to do!
Suggestions to try and compare to this version:
Just some ideas - some food (yum!) for thought?
No modeling required! ;)
started my wip
Model a simple room for the birthday song
never really noticed before how helpful the btw button is
? a thing on menu named merge coplanar
not sure if i should delete, backspace, or model, empty ?
model, add thickness, 6 inches (left the floor without thickness)
didn't want the windows as thick as the walls.
doh, turn off snap to grid
wip draft 1

Sonja, I had much the same, ??similar??, thought as Dart. For the doors you might consider Doubious Hallway if you have it... no arched dorways tho. I've played with it an you could put in a different floor and hide, not use, what you don't want. At first I was thinking having ground on the outside but it could be anything... Space render, Bubling Fires of Hell, Surface of a planet etc. You might even want to add a porch like you likely have already from Darth Diomede's thread for one that opens onto a render as described by Dart.
Oh... you really must have a Mountain scene... don't show the ground.... just distant mountains... there are quite a few that come with Carrara. Don't forget about your DAZ content also... I'm thinking of a circular area, can't remember the product, with pillars... the different scenes outside would be on rotated planes which overlap behind each pillar. Even if it is too large you can scale it down to fit to your liking.
Fonts are ok! I'll probably be using one or more.
Now get going. :)
It looks nice, but there is a horizontal line (shadow?) running across her hips, and some other shadows in the background which look too sharp. If you try some soft shadows on your lights, I think it would look that bit better - it might take longer to render though, the usual qulity vs time equation with 3D!
The line is from the sofa I think, as the lights are behind it. But I'll do some tinkering with some new things I learned about setting up lights and see how it turns out.
Thank you very much everyone! I do have that hallway and it doesn't have to be arches. Although I may still give that a go anyway. And I may have some scenes already rendered that would fit at least some of my thoughts on whats in the doorways.
My first entry «Dancing Fleur»
The only music for my eyes is dance!
Dancing trio consists of Genesis 2 figures – all with custom morphing modeled in Blender. Dancing costume for G2 female, darbuka and stage props are modeled by me from scratch.
This is what you get when you are listening to Radio Rock, when you are making pictures about music for a challenge
They only plays AC/DC, Motorhead, Metalica, Ramstein, Judas Priest and ...............
The figure is G2, with the Viking costume.
Rest is me.
Flames are the fire primitive.
2nd Entry same scene with modified lighting.
Okay I can't even start on this until I figure out how to point Carrara to find my content on my external drive. Right now, its still pointing to C drive and I need it to point the I drive. Does anyone know how I would do that?
Oh, never mind I found it. Wow, that was wayyyy too easy lol. It never fails though I ask and then I find it two minutes later. If I don't ask though, I will spend hours searching lol.
Hallway idea was genius...
Wow, Vyusur! Cool freaking render!!! Yikes! Love the lights a Lot!
Varsel, that gigantic fire primitive makes for a very cool effect!