GenCentaurus (addon for toongenerations) chat (commercial)

3djoji3djoji Posts: 1,099
edited December 1969 in Daz PA Commercial Products

I'm proud to launch this little addon which works both in Ds and Poser. I open here a topic in order to give some help to those who have some questions about it and how to use it and, perheaps, by the way, to give you a place to post some pictures of your sceneries.

1300 x 1000 - 303K
1000 x 1300 - 230K
1000 x 1300 - 233K


  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 564
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! This is so neat. In to the cart it went.


  • stlouisstlouis Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This is fantastic! Definitely in my cart ...

    If you're taking requests or looking for an idea for your next Toon Gen addon, I'd really appreciate a satyr. I don't know, I'm not a modeller, but having done the centaur, it "seems" like it "should be" a simple enough conversion to turn it into a satyr ... yes ... no ... maybe? I know, looks can be deceiving ... but there's always hope.

    Either way, fantastic job keeping the Toon Gen figure alive. It's one of my absolute favorite (and under supported) figures out there. Thanks, 3djoji.

  • 3djoji3djoji Posts: 1,099
    edited December 1969

    Satyre is an idea , why not something like...

    500 x 650 - 184K
  • stlouisstlouis Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Oh my goodness, it's a Toon Gen satyr! 3djoji, you just made my day. Any hints as to when we might see him in the store? Got any other surprises up your sleeve that you might be willing to share a sneak-peak of? Something else medieval-ish or mythological, maybe? The more the merrier! This is definitely very much appreciated.

  • stlouisstlouis Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay, you've got me excited now ... any chance this little guy will get a nice goatee beard (with or without the mustache) on his chin and some small horn buds on his forehead? Did I mention I was excited? Well, I am.

  • stlouisstlouis Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ... a hooded wizard robe ... a full suit of armor ... some medieval peasant clothing ... king, queen, prince, princess outfits (complete with crowns, of course) ... inn keeper & bar maid outfits ... fairies with wings and a wand ... not to mention orcs, trolls, goblins and a whole slew of other creatures (medusa, etc) ... you know, I'm just thinking out loud here ... hint hint


  • 3djoji3djoji Posts: 1,099
    edited December 1969

    stlouis said:
    Okay, you've got me excited now ... any chance this little guy will get a nice goatee beard (with or without the mustache) on his chin and some small horn buds on his forehead? Did I mention I was excited? Well, I am.

    If you feel excited, be calm, take it easy lol :) and thank you for writing here.

    About your previous message : yes I've already basis clothes for a lot of other thema. These must be finished and that takes so much time (see further).
    About your last message :
    Yes, all you said should be in the package, I just can't keep my happiness to post a quick render I've made long ago (I didn't keep my work render so long). The question is when? No answer to give for the moment. I make all these addons for the toongenerations because I love this little character.
    The main deception is that (for all addons I've put on sale) addons don't sell very much (where are the fans?Why?).
    At that time it doesn't pay the long worked days, neither the daz QA commission.
    Even if they are already drawn, all these addons are still "untextured", "unmorphed conformed", "unbodypose conformed" and "unpacked". That represent at least a supplemental little week of work for each addons in the queue.

    May be if the gencentaurus hits nice numbers I can work more on those but, what a pitty again, It doesn't show this way for the moment...

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Love this guy.

    Thank you for making him!

    800 x 800 - 121K
  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 564
    edited December 1969

    Hey there everyone. Love this guy!! I'm wondering where to find the poses? All I see is one pose, CentaureSuprizePose?

  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 564
    edited December 1969

    Hey there everyone. Love this guy!! I'm wondering where to find the poses? All I see is one pose, CentaureSuprizePose?

    Oops, nevermind. Figured it out.

  • stlouisstlouis Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    3djoji said:
    stlouis said:
    Okay, you've got me excited now ... any chance this little guy will get a nice goatee beard (with or without the mustache) on his chin and some small horn buds on his forehead? Did I mention I was excited? Well, I am.

    If you feel excited, be calm, take it easy lol :) and thank you for writing here.

    About your previous message : yes I've already basis clothes for a lot of other thema. These must be finished and that takes so much time (see further).
    About your last message :
    Yes, all you said should be in the package, I just can't keep my happiness to post a quick render I've made long ago (I didn't keep my work render so long). The question is when? No answer to give for the moment. I make all these addons for the toongenerations because I love this little character.
    The main deception is that (for all addons I've put on sale) addons don't sell very much (where are the fans?Why?).
    At that time it doesn't pay the long worked days, neither the daz QA commission.
    Even if they are already drawn, all these addons are still "untextured", "unmorphed conformed", "unbodypose conformed" and "unpacked". That represent at least a supplemental little week of work for each addons in the queue.

    May be if the gencentaurus hits nice numbers I can work more on those but, what a pitty again, It doesn't show this way for the moment...

    While I'm very saddened to hear of the lack of followers of the Toon Gen figure, I'm at least excited that you're still supporting it ... even if it means a slower creation rate; something I understand, but wish it wasn't the case. I don't understand why it isn't a bigger seller though. I know it used to be an issue in the forums that people wanted more "family friendly" content, and I don't know of anything more family friendly than the Toon Gen figure. It's a wonderful character and deserves a lot more support.

    I hope you still release the Toon Gen Satyr (and many other medieval fantasy themed addons) and soon. It's something that I've been waiting to come out for a long time now and will certainly grab it up as soon as it's released.

    Thanks, 3djoji. Keep your excitement for this figure high and know that you do have some supporters out here that are eagerly awaiting new content for the Toon Gen.

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Agree totally. Take heart 3djoji you do have many fans. Hopefully more will come out of the woodwork.

  • stlouisstlouis Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    3djoji said:
    Satyre is an idea , why not something like...

    Any updates on when "GenSatyrus" might be making an appearance in the DAZ store? Come on, you know you want to tease us a little more. ;-)

  • stlouisstlouis Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    stlouis said:
    3djoji said:
    Satyre is an idea , why not something like...

    Any updates on when "GenSatyrus" might be making an appearance in the DAZ store? Come on, you know you want to tease us a little more. ;-)

    Just a bump to this topic ... any new developments? Would REALLY like to see this in the stores soon - REAL soon. PLEASE ... it's my birthday today and this would make one of the best birthday presents. :cheese: Thanks, 3djoji.

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