Couple of great New FENRIC Carrara Plug ins

HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
edited January 2013 in Carrara Discussion

Looks like some handy stuff. The keyboard selection plug in looks like a gem.
Thanks Fenric.
Can't wait to get home and have a play!

ps did you have a contest thread here?
it seems to have been censored?

Post edited by Headwax on


  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    ps did you have a contest thread here?
    it seems to have been censored?

    SERIOUSLY??? >:(
    This place...
  • FenricFenric Posts: 351
    edited December 1969
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    ps did you have a contest thread here?
    it seems to have been censored?

    SERIOUSLY??? >:(
    This place...

    well from what I can see the whole thread vanished.

    If that's the case then Daz moderator's really need to stop acting in a petty manner.
    If Fenric stepped on their toes by having two threads then they should have the grace to leave the second thread there, locked, with an explanation.

    Most of us spend money here. We are their customers.

    It's stupid to treat their customers like a captive audience that will happily be censored.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited January 2013

    well the plugins are wonderful thanks Fenric.

    what a gem you are

    now all we need is that one that chnages one parameter over a range of shaders


    very sad

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited January 2013

    Did they outright remove the contest thread, or did they move it to the commercial products forum? I really don't understand why they would do the former. Then again there's been quite a few questionable goings-on at DAZ lately.

    Anyway, I hope Fenric's decision is good for him and his customers. There is some room for improvement in the store though, e.g. some products not showing up under appropriate categories (the keyboard thingie), and some product pages don't adequately describe products. There is no description for the keyboard-selection-thingamajig for example.

    Post edited by araneldon on
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    araneldon said:
    Might want to fix the store though; there are currently some issues, like products not showing up under appropriate categories (the keyboard thingie), and some product pages don't adequately describe products. I have no idea what the keyboard-selection-thingamajig actually does.

    It literally launched yesterday... The keyboard selector is (I think) a way to select the next or previous item in the instances tab. Currently you have to click the items with the mouse....
  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited January 2013

    I'm pretty sure that I've browsed the store before a few weeks ago, not sure though. Anyway, I changed the wording in my previous post to something a bit more gentle.

    Post edited by araneldon on
  • Box8068_31c338ee4bBox8068_31c338ee4b Posts: 292
    edited January 2013

    I could have used the keyboard thingy yesterday, had to go through a bunch of objects and edit the shaders.
    Hated all the mouse clicks.
    Fenric if you are tweeking keyboard settings, there is one I would really love.
    All my other audio and video programs use spacebar for play and stop. After months of using Carrara I still sometimes
    hit spacebar to play animation. Is it possible to add that feature. Would be nice when editing animation.
    I don't know about anybody else but I would definitely buy that feature.
    Just askin

    Post edited by Box8068_31c338ee4b on
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    araneldon said:
    I'm pretty sure that I've browsed the store before a few weeks ago, not sure though. Anyway, I changed the wording in my previous post to something a bit more gentle.

    Ahh, well I only went yesterday twice and things were changing between the two times I visited, lol, so I assumed it was getting bigger every minute... Agree there need to be some category cleaning and link checking, but my own website is a bit of a shambles these days....
  • FenricFenric Posts: 351
    edited January 2013

    araneldon said:
    Did they outright remove the contest thread, or did they move it to the commercial products forum? I really don't understand why they would do the former. Then again there's been quite a few questionable goings-on at DAZ lately.

    Anyway, I hope Fenric's decision is good for him and his customers. There is some room for improvement in the store though, e.g. some products not showing up under appropriate categories (the keyboard thingie), and some product pages don't adequately describe products. There is no description for the keyboard-selection-thingamajig for example.

    The contest thread was deleted entirely.

    My apologies. The Selection Changer went live before the page was quite finished... I was getting rather annoyed at that point.

    Post edited by Fenric on
  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    No need for apologies, just offering some constructive feedback :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited January 2013

    Fenric said:
    araneldon said:
    Did they outright remove the contest thread, or did they move it to the commercial products forum? I really don't understand why they would do the former. Then again there's been quite a few questionable goings-on at DAZ lately.

    Anyway, I hope Fenric's decision is good for him and his customers. There is some room for improvement in the store though, e.g. some products not showing up under appropriate categories (the keyboard thingie), and some product pages don't adequately describe products. There is no description for the keyboard-selection-thingamajig for example.

    The contest thread was deleted entirely.

    My apologies. The Selection Changer went live before the page was quite finished... I was getting rather annoyed at that point.

    The problem is the Commercial rules. Anything that is Commercial and sold off site can only be linked to in the Commercial Products forum, whether it is part of a Contest or simply an advert for it. As there was already a thread in the Commercial Products forum, the 2nd thread in this forum was removed, as Vendors can only have one Commercial thread on a product.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited January 2013

    chohole said:

    The problem is the Commercial rules. Anything that is Commercial and sold off site can only be linked to in the Commercial Products forum, whether it is part of a Contest or simply an advert for it. As there was already a thread in the Commercial Products forum, the 2nd thread in this forum was removed, as Vendors can only have one Commercial thread on a product.

    In the recent past this was worked out with DAZ with the Carrara users and Bryce users getting a pass because we mostly don't bother with the commercial forum since it is 99.98% Poser products. Any commercial products oriented to OUR SOFTWARE is lost within a day, and therefore of NO USE WHATSOEVER to the Carrara or Bruce communities.

    It is unfortunate that you do not remember this, as it is a HUGE DETRIMENT and bone of contention within this community against DAZ. DAZ made the announcement that we would be allowed to post products that are specifically for our software in the relevent software forums -- especially since the products in question are not "general" commercial items.

    If I knew how to search the old forums I would find the announcement for you.

    Post edited by wetcircuit on
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited January 2013

    Here is the original petition thread:

    and within is a quote from DAZ_KEVIN

    In addition to offering the ability to mirror commercial posts to Latest News and Announcements for DAZ PA's, we want to offer another option to help DAZ PA Commercial threads stand out.

    We are going to allow DAZ PA's to Post commercial threads in the Carrara or Bryce Forums if the product is Bryce or Carrara specific. You are not required to, you can still post your commercial thread in the Commons instead, but some have noted that Byce and Carrara users have had trouble finding new Bryce or Carrara product announcements in the Commons.

    We are trying this change until the end of this year. At that time we will evaluate how it seems to be going....

    I have no idea if DAZ_Kevin is still working here, or if ANYONE still works here. We are holding our breath every month that someone will post another temporary serial number for the beta we've been ready to PAY for for a year and a half... SO AWESOME that rules can be followed swiftly by forum mods but there is no one really behind the wheel at DAZ right now... I mean seriously!

    It seems Fenric (who is obviously a DAZ PA) was trying to comply by putting a "real" thread in the commercial forum, and a ghost thread here in the Carrara forum.

    Since rules are applied arbitrarily here and information is deleted willy-nilly without reason or cause and we have no official Carrara representative at DAZ as far as we can tell since OCTOBER, do we REALLY CARE about your stupid commercial forum rules when they only seem to be here to drain our community of valid information?

    This is either a CONSPIRACY OF DUNCES or deliberate SABOTAGE.

    Post edited by wetcircuit on
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm sorry Chohole... I don't mean to lash out at you... I know you are not in charge of DAZ policy... :down:

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    DAZ changed the rules when the new forums went live which is why there is a new TOS. If the product listed would've been sold on DAZ 3D then it could be posted in the Commercial or Commons AND the app specific forum. Being as it was a product offered off site it is only permitted in the Commercial Forum.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    DAZ changed the rules when the new forums went live which is why there is a new TOS. If the product listed would've been sold on DAZ 3D then it could be posted in the Commercial or Commons AND the app specific forum. Being as it was a product offered off site it is only permitted in the Commercial Forum.

    And because of this conflict of interest between your store and your software community, you've lost another Carrara vendor apparently. That's money DAZ loses when vendors pull their products from the store.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited January 2013

    and it wasn't a "product" it was a FREEBIE, and you people also deleted the Carrara FREEPOSITORY....

    So let's review how COMPLETELY STUPID your policy is...

    I can offer 100 freebies in the Carrara forum because I am not a DAZ vendor...,

    but a DAZ vendor will have their thread DELETED for offering a freebie in the Carrara forum. HAHAHAHAHAH! you people are THE classic imbiciles of the 3D software world.

    And to make it even STUPIDER we are debating this in a thread created by any old user who actually links to THE PRODUCT STORE, so you haven't circumvented ANYTHING with this idiot policy, have you? Rather than leaving the thread about a freebie, you now have a thread about several PRODUCTS and a lot of ranting from disgruntled community members, and a product developer who has threatened to pull his wares from the store..

    How many bullet holes in ya feet these days DAZ? lolol :smirk:

    Post edited by wetcircuit on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847
    edited December 1969

    The contest could have run, in the Commercial products forum, if Fenric hadn't started a new commercial thread within seven days. The problem was that eh had, and that the contest, while using a freebie as the required product, was clearly driving traffic to promote the new store and plugins on which he already had a thread.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The contest could have run, in the Commercial products forum, if Fenric hadn't started a new commercial thread within seven days. The problem was that eh had, and that the contest, while using a freebie as the required product, was clearly driving traffic to promote the new store and plugins on which he already had a thread.

    So he will be allowed to post the contest and freebie in a few days? How many days?

    Interestingly, I never SAW this other thread since it wasn't posted in the proper CARRARA FORUM where it would have reached the CARRARA userbase... :-/ But I'll be looking forward to the what -- day or two (?) when that arbitrary moratorium expires and we will get our contest that promotes the only software DAZ actually charges money for...

    hopefully before the THREE DAYS when all our serial numbers expire again, what a happy coincidence that would be...

    There just aren't enough dripping with sarcasm eye-rolling smilies in the world for this place....

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847
    edited December 1969

    Commercial threads need to be separated by at least seven days; only items in the DAZ store may be posted to the Carrara forum (or other application-specific forum) or the Commons.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It makes sense to prevent product bombing... I did not know about any earlier thread, which simply illustrates the detriment of the individual software communities. which I already complained about.

    as long as there are no restrictions on forum members passing along this knowledge, I understand.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited January 2013

    wow: Holly, remind me not to pick an argument with you ;)

    then again, I am hyperopic rather than myopic :)

    as far s the Selection Chnager keyboard shorcut thing, thanks Fenric, you probably remember it was myself that asked for it, so I see it as a personal favour that you made it.

    It's going to be a great time saver.

    And at a dollar I feel like a criminal buying it so cheaply.

    Some notes for user.

    To customise the shortcut key go to File >Preferences

    While in the preference editing window

    Go to Keyboatrd Shortcuts>3dview>Edit

    You'll find the shorcut keys in there, so you can change the shortcut keys to whatever you like. I have mine as "<" and ">".

    To use it, select an object in your instances tree. Then you can curosr through the tree with your new shorcut keys. When you reach a GROUP it will slecet objectsin the GROUP whether the GROUP is open or closed.

    (Maybe we can have a shorcut for NEXT GROUP? hint ?)

    For the key you get when you purchase it: To quote Fenric.

    Uzip the key file, then copy it into your Carrara extension folder. You'll end up with something like this:


    link to the selection changer

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    Commercial threads need to be separated by at least seven days; only items in the DAZ store may be posted to the Carrara forum (or other application-specific forum) or the Commons.

    That's great and I appreciate that Daz doesn't want to be a platform for advertising other commercial sites. That's just peachy. But as others have pointed out, the Carrara community is small enough that most of us don't hit the commons. My life is rather busy with family, work and -- I dunno -- my hobby of creating things with Carrara. I'm not in the forums that often (and my post count reflects that) so I generally hit the Carrara forums. Sometimes the Commons, but not that often. OTOH, I spend virtually all of my disposable income on 3d products (dazaholic for sure). I rely on the newsletters and the Carrara forums for learning about things. I realize that the TOS was rewritten with the new site, but there was a reason Daz relented last time.

    Because Fenric's Carrara plugins require a product only available through Daz then promoting them and an external site selling them can, at worst, only have the effect of reducing sales of his plugins here. Which is worst case and, by the sound of things, has come to pass due to frustrations with the Daz rules and processes.

    Fenric was kind enough to revise the color balance shader to accept subshaders instead of only using sliders (a request he'd gotten from me and possibly others). I guess it was okay for us to use Daz's PMs for what resulted in non-Daz commercial activity (or are you going to claim he could have posted the revised plugin for the unbundled cost here at Daz), but nothing like that can be visible to the public?

    His sales here have benefited Daz as well as Fenric, and if you checked my posts (I'm not that frequent of a poster) I've had multiple occasions to encourage people to get his plugins. I've done the same with Digital Carvers Guild items because they are good. So in both cases Daz will no longer gain from the commercial activity? That is really sad.

    It is too easy to view the past through rose-tinted sunglasses, but it sure does seem to me like Daz is drifting away from being a community oriented company. Maybe its just me or maybe it is inevitable. But I do find it sad.

    (and I probably rambled on too much, sorry, I don't even remember what I came to the forums for)

  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    If you like the Color Balance shader (and if you haven't used it but do work in the shader room, you should really give it a try) then the Enhanced Colors version is even better. Instead of limiting you to sliders for how to alter the RGBHSL of the color you can use sub shaders. A very basic usage of this is to alter the hue (or saturation or luminosity or...) with a noise shader, but because it can take a sub shader tree the possibilities are effectively unlimited.

    Probably the most obvious use of the color balance shader is to tweak a texture map. Perhaps the texture map is too saturated, or maybe it is more washed out than you would like. If your source is a jpg then editing it directly is lossy and will reduce quality -- but you can tweak it directly in Carrara.

    A texture map for hair is another example. With a grey scale of the texture map you can multiply it by a color or gradient, but if there's a provided color texture map that is close, but not quite on, you can trivially adjust the hue (or saturation or luminosity or...) to where you want it.

    Another place I use the color balance is to darken a texture map used in the color channel for use in the glow channel. If you just put the texture map into glow, odds are it will be far too much. I used this extensively in the Jellies, but it can also be used to gently suggest glowing eyes.

    In addition to tweaking colors, you can also build colors. This isn't something I've employed yet, but some possibilities would be to use a noise shader to define hue (with or without using clamping to restrict the range) and perhaps turbulence to give a varying saturation. This gives an alternative to using the color gradient shader which, for some purposes, is likely to be easier to work with due to a variant approach.

  • laverdet_943f1f7da1laverdet_943f1f7da1 Posts: 252
    edited December 1969

    I'm sorry to be so goofy, but, how to do? I just bought the two plugins, and download... but once unzipped, it's a ".key"... whats the way to install the plug ins?... thank you for help!!!

  • petefpetef Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    Hi, DL the plugins from the main page and extract them to the extensions folder and also extract the .key to the same place, if Ive read it right that is..

  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    celmar said:
    I'm sorry to be so goofy, but, how to do? I just bought the two plugins, and download... but once unzipped, it's a ".key"... whats the way to install the plug ins?... thank you for help!!!

    What you purchase is the key (put that file in the extensions folder) that permits continued use of the plugin. The plugin itself is downloaded from the product page. That got me too, the first time. Probably better to include the plugin with the key for those of us who purchase w/o trying first :)

  • petefpetef Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    It got me first as well, I didn't try myself either because at the moment I haven't a clue what I'm going to use them for :lol:, but for only £3.50 and to support Fenric its worth having them ready for when I may have a use.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    thoromyr said:

    (and I probably rambled on too much, sorry, I don't even remember what I came to the forums for)
    I know :(
    This is just such a horrible loss over such a rude handling of a silly situation over fine print. Certainly should have been handled more professionally, it seems from this angle, anyways.

    I'll continue supporting, Fenric.
    Try not to be a stranger, eh?

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