Obtain shader name in exported OBJ file

Hi, I need to have the name of object's shader in exported scene file (in .obj format with Carrara 6.2) .
The name are replaced by someting like "Texture_0" (see .txt version of my OBJ file)
Can you help me ?


Check the folder where you've initially saved the OBJ export to. There should be image files in there called "Texture_0" (for Masse1), "Texture_0_1" (for Cylinder), and "Texture_0_2" (for Enveloppe)
If not, you may need to go back and export the object over again, and pay close attention to where the texture gets saved to.
You'll notice that, in your OBJ.txt there's no address for the mtl
that's because it's expecting it to be in the same folder as the obj itself. If it's not, when the dialog opens, asking for the texture map, you'll have to show it where the map is now located, or it won't be loaded onto the mesh.
Texture 0 is the default shading domain,.
You need to go into the Vertex editor,. select the GLOBAL tab and rename the "default" shading domain (Texture 0) to whatever you need.
pic to help
Oh, for crying out loud! Once again I was misinterpretting the question! LOL
Thanks 3DAGE!!! ;)
Thank you, exactly what I need !