Comics - Force Six Annihilators, Killer Butterfly, Mark of the Griffin, Dynamic Spider-Man Plus



  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Thank you! Greatly appreciated.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765
    edited September 2018

    The Annihilators Tail Tale of the Serpentine

    Episode 14 on comiXology, DriveThruComics and in PRINT

    Force Six The Annihilators episode 14

    Episode 14 starts the Medusa story arc!

    Force Six The Annihilators 14 Tail Tale of the Serpentine

    What lurks and moves among the darkest of bones? There are stories of a terrible beast that waits for the unlucky and more so, the unawares. Fire Destiny will see the edges of his fate when he tangles and gets entangled in a terrifying tale of terrific terror. Coils and colors by Drew Spence.

    Available in digital format on comiXology

    49 pages $2.99

    Available PDF on  DriveThruComics



    Available in Digital and PRINT as a Trade Collection from Indy Planet

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Video Shot- The Annihilators comic series

    The Bullet Points video series takes a shot at the comic series Force Six, The Annihilators. The creator, Drew Spence breaks down the happenings with an insider’s edge. They were a team of specialists assembled to bring order to a chaotic universe. Something went wrong when right became their final choice. See the transformation from Renegade outcasts to Legends. They are Force Six, The Annihilators. Story & art by Drew Spence.


    comiXology Digital…

    PDFs from DriveThruComics…

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited April 2018

    You know you need to get some serious vacation time when you start reading the title as "Sex Force Annihilators"... blush

    The new story sounds interesting! I see that you have chosen a slightly different colours sceme for the planet?

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    A comic with a title like that would get more views. lol

    The spacey one or the landscape from the story?

    The valley is this product -

    And the planets in space were done with Grand Designer.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Yeah, you bet that would get more hits! devil

    The landscape one where the lady is riding on her dino-mount, and also the indoor scenes.

    Ambush alley - I have that, too. First Bastion sets are pretty nifty and versatile.

    There are several off-earth places later on in the Division story (One futuristic where the Demons live, one with lots of woods, one that had tundra and ice deserts, and a couple of others), and having good terrains to chose from is a real time- and nerves saver. smiley

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765
    edited April 2018

    New Bullet Points video is up....for Episode 02 Sins of the Pass

    Force Six, The Annihilators 02 Sins of the Pass

    The fiery Fire mixes with the cogent Kojin as The Annihilators pay a visit to Redder Coltrane and his corrupt crew of criminal cronies. It's bullets and blades. It's episode 3 of Force Six, The Annihilators. Drew Spence's graphic comic continues with the adventures of the futuristic assassination squad.

    Post edited by Griffin Avid on
  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    The Last Resort story arc part I: False Figures

    Vacation. All I ever wanted. Vacation. Had to get away. There’s been a murder at an Eleven-Class hideaway and someone is hiding and someone else is getting in the way. On the way is Force Six members Alexi Alito; Agility and Louise Graham; LunStar-G. They’ll be stepping on toes and stepping out of line and even stepping out of bounds. If they don’t watch their step, they might be stepping into a trap. Visuals and verses by Drew Spence. 30 Pages full color




    $1.99 comiXology 30 pages

    All of our titles are available in print.

    And also as PDFs on DriveThruComics.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    I just finished a series trailer.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Force Six, The Annihilators

    Episode 17 Last Resort Part II

    Pooling Resources

    Force Six The Annihilators 17 Last Resort Part II Pooling Resources
    It’s dress up with living dolls as Force Six members Agility and LunStar-G are sent investigate the murder of a well-connected governing figure. Now that his knowings are being used by his political opponents, it’s clear something sinister is going on at the Rise Risqué Resort. Louise will get dolled up and a dollup of information is all Agility needs to sort the situation at the sordid resort. All sorts of action will ensue.
    Written and rendered by Drew Spence.

    You know, what happens is, comiXology picks a few pages to preview for every title. I find it incredibly…interesting that they picked pages from the dinner scene instead of any of the fight scenes. I guess their editor(s) liked this moment. Thanks comiXology!


    They must have loved that sequence.  Maybe there’s someone reading this who has never read a Force Six comic before. This is also from the same episode.

    The book is fresh off the press from comiXology for only $1.99.

    And DriveThruComics as a watermarked PDF, also $1.99.

    Or for FREE on the Patreon.

    And the entire story arc is available in print for direct order from Indy Planet!

    Digital Download is $4.99 and Print is only $17.99

    [3 episodes] 98 pages, deluxe format, full color.

    Here, you can get all our titles in print!!!!!

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Your trailers look great and your pages are very polished. Do you have an Amazon link?

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Thanks for the links.  One question, if I get it on Comixology, does it go to kindle?  Or do I need to get the comixology app?

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    The comiXology app- fer sure.

    Doing some digging, I saw this....

    "...Purchases from comiXology do not show up in your kindle app or on your kindle e-readers but instead show up in the comiXology app (on tablets). However, purchases from amazon DO show up in the kindle app, on kindle e-readers, and in the comiXology app (surprisingly)."

    I see- up to episode 8 on Amazon kindle. So it looks like I'd have to manually place them on there.

    If there is such a difference, I willl be doing some Amazon store additions..

    Thanks for looking into this.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Ok, thank you.  I got it from Amazon because, for me, it's easier to have all my content in one place whenever possible.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Thank you so very much for your support. Please let me know what you think of the book and um, let me know which one you grabbed.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765
    edited July 2018

    New episode

    Force Six The Annihilators

    18 Last Resort Part III: Dollhouse of Glass


    18 Dollhouse of Glass

    People who live in glass houses and agents undercover. It’s the final mission wrap and emergency glass break as Agility and LunStar-G complete their work order at the 3R resort. The last puzzle piece is put in place. 40 pages, Full color. Pictures and poetry by Drew Spence.

    Page pulls from the episode follow.


    Where to get our works…..

    comiXology in digital format

    DriveThruComics for PDF format

    In Print from Indy Planet

    Force Six, The Annihilators

    Post edited by Griffin Avid on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Talk about "fun in the shower"! wink

    And smart positioning of bodyparts. smiley


  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Did you know, someone read the book and NEVER noticed that I hid all the body parts?

    Took a bit of work since there's tons of grappling shots in there.


  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Force Six, The Annihilators

    episode 19 The Incendiary – new story arc starts!

    19_Incendiary Cover

    Always a day of excitement when a new story arc starts. Lots of great feedback for this arc. Thanks to all the supporters of the Force Six comic title.

    19_a base in clouds

    19b they talk

    19c more words

    Interesting that comiXology simply chose the first three pages and gave no hints as to what was going to happen next. They probably figured the dragon was a big reveal and needed to wait until you dug in. Most of our readers know what to expect so, here are a few more pages.

    19d Two Pager

    19e Two pager dragon

    As always ..

    Where to get our works…..

    comiXology in digital format

    DriveThruComics for PDF format

    In Print from Indy Planet

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Excellent start for the new chapter, and congrats on making it to the flyer of the August Comic Workshop on covers!

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    HOLY COW! I never saw that. 

    Yeah, man, I see you working too..I also saw the update on Facebook for the new floating magic users. Looks great.

    Soon, you'll be stuck trying to figure which version of everything looks best.

    It's a fun problem to have, but man, will your head be spinning.

    Especially with magic as a root. So now, you have the drama and a magic system. Wow, this is going to be interesting to see what you do next.

    But, um, back to me....Yes, this arc has gotten a lot of good looks and some are saying it's their favorite so far.

    We'll see.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Force Six, The Annihilators

    #20: The Burning Man

    Force Six comic book cover #20

    The Burning Man burns!

    Force Six, The Annihilators 20 The Burning Man
    Force Six member Kojin Ahsaguri finds he’s playing with fire as his vision dims in the grips of Grippa the Grappler. The last spark of life may be the dying ember as the Force Six, Annihilator graphic comic races towards its Season II climax. Phrases and frames by Drew Spence

    SPOILER ALERT (since episode 19 ended with our cliffhanger!)


    Page Pullers from episode 20

    Force Six action shot from episode 20

    Kojin in trouble

    More opening action!

    Force Six comic book page

    Kojin in action against Reva the grappler.

    As always ..


    Where to get our works…..

    comiXology in digital format

    DriveThruComics for PDF format

    In Print from Indy Planet

    Force Six, The Annihilators

    They were a team of specialists assembled to bring order to a chaotic universe. Something went wrong when right became their final choice. See the transformation from Renegade outcasts to Legends. They are Force SixThe Annihilators. Story & art by Drew Spence.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765
    Force Six season II comic cover

    Force Six Season II, the collection

    Force Six, The Annihilators
    Season II Building Blocks




    Welcome to Force Six, The Annihilators Season II Building Blocks. Drew Spence presents episodes 10 through 21 as a complete collection. We begin with the main Building Blocks Volume I story arc and continue with Fire Destiny’s Coils of the Medusa which combined episodes 14 and 15. Episodes 16, 17 and 18 gave us the Last Resort where Agility and LunStar-G are sent on vacation to solve to murder mystery. We close out season II with Kojin’s Incendiary: The Man Who Burns, episodes 19, 20 and 21. 348 pages, full color, deluxe format.The Dynamic Universe thanks you for your support in making season II a success. Your enthusiasm inspires our efforts and will continue to follow the adventures of Force Six, The Annihilators. – Drew SpenceAs always ..Where to get our works…..


    comiXology in digital format

    DriveThruComics for PDF format

    In Print from Indy Planet

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765
    edited September 2018

    Force Six, The Annihilators #22: Wheels and Cogs: Weak Links

    22 Wheels and Cogs Part I Weak Links
    Wheels and Cogs Part I Weak Links
    It's a well-heeled wheeled adventure when LunStar-G ventures into a bundle of bikers and works her way into a gorgeous gang of gangsta gals. Here's the catch: Catch them without getting caught or caught up. Wheels weaved and written by Drew Spence.

    22 CY_00COVER Weak Links.png
    1150 x 1498 - 3M
    1280 x 1668 - 279K
    1280 x 1668 - 424K
    1280 x 1668 - 375K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Didn't make sense to start a whole new thread, but The Dynamic Universe has launched another comic title.

    Killer Butterfly #1:


    The Waters of Sorrow and Pain

    Killer Butterfly 01 The Waters of Sorrow and Pain

    Drew Spence, the creator of Force Six The Annihilators, presents the Killer Butterfly series. The lives of young Kuse Yatsumi and the warrior Odion Adisa intersect in a tragic turn of fate. What is their true destiny and what will it cost them to find out? 48 Pages, full color




    The Story is…

    Vol. 1: Daemons of Destiny

    Two unlikely warriors embark on an epic journey to rid their world of the alien Daemons. Their quest will take them to the edge of madness and face to face with an evil so old and ancient- it has turned monsters into myths and the hopeless into heroes.

    The Patreon has already been enjoying this series.

  • It looks good! Good luck with it. :)

  • Thanks! It's coming out very different from Force Six, which was deliberate, but it also makes me think differently- which is interesting.

    I get to show some pretty crazy stuff in this series.

  • The Annihilators episode 23

    Wheels and Cogs Part II Trust is a Thing


    Force Six The Annihilators cover episode 23

    Wheels and Cogs and the big Part II

    The Wheels and Cogs story arc reaches its end!
    Sometimes getting in is easy and getting out is almost impossible. Time is rolling out for Force Six member LunStar-G as she infiltrates a band of biker babes by a bold bluff. Drew Spence did the story and art. Available on comiXology right now!

    Force Six 23 page puller

    The exchange that is a true exchange

    Force Six comic page pull 23 Trust is a Thing

    Motorcycle and clash

    Force Six panel pull episode 23

    head to head, bike to bike

    As always ..Where to get our works…..

    comiXology in digital format

    DriveThruComics for PDF format

    In Print from Indy Planet

  • Force Six, The Annihilators Wheels and Cogs The Complete Adventure (collected episodes)

    Force Six comic cover Wheels and Cogs

    Trade stuff for the Force Six as a collection.

    Wheels and Cogs The Complete Adventure

    Wheels and Cogs is the collection of the season III opening story arc.
    Force Six, The Annihilators episodes 22 and 23 tell the story of LunStar-G joining a gal grifter gang and going all in before the wheel turns and the cogs fit into place. Gears up for this adventure. Rendered and relayed by Drew Spence. Deluxe format with additional art. Available now on comiXology ($2.99) and in Print from Indy Planet ($14.99).

    Panel Pull from Force Six comic series

    The Tri-Bs breaking out by breaking in!

    Force Six panel pull Wheels and Cogs early

    Computer hacks and thieving acts!

    Panel pull Force Six comic book Wheels and Cogs

    The Womens whip it into shape.


    As always ..Where to get our works…..

    comiXology in digital format

    DriveThruComics for PDF format

    In Print from Indy Planet

    Force Six, The Annihilators

    They were a team of specialists assembled to bring order to a chaotic universe. Something went wrong when right became their final choice. See the transformation from Renegade outcasts to Legends. They are Force Six, The Annihilators. Drew Spence writes and illustrates a graphic comic, mixing science fiction with science fantasy. It’s a superhero space saga as a group of renegades, gifted with special abilities and artificial enhancements, charge and change the fate of all those they come across. They are the Force Six, The Annihilators and this is the story of their rise, fall and ultimate redemption.

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