Any discounts on Carrara 8.5 Pro?

Hi there,
are there any sales on Carrara 8.5 Pro from time to time? I'm still using Carrara 5, but since there is no upgrade pass from version 5 I find 285 € a bit too much for me as a long time Carrara user (from version 2 on). And the standard version is stripped down in some areas if I'm getting it right (hard to find out because DAZ seems to be making a miracle out of comparing the two versions).
Regards, Digifex
Frequently. It's currently $36.40 (88% off) for PC+ members. (and you can use your PC+ coupon to get even more discount)
Unfortunately PayPal doesn't work for me (may be because I'm from Germany). So no chance for me to buy it because I have no credit card.
First post has some info about Standard vs Pro version, in short, get the Pro version:
Maybe someone with a credit card can buy you a gift card?
There is a small rebate on gift cards right now:
Check with DAZ3D support about payment options:
You can google "virtual visa card" or "prepaid visa card" with "Germany" to find an option that works for you.
In german:
Doch es geht. Mitgliedschaft muss du aus Germany per GiftCard kaufen. Heißt, kaufe eine Giftcard in Höhe des benötigten Betrages via PayPal.
Den daraus resultierenden Store Creidt verwendest du für die Mitgliedschaft. Anschließend kannst du Carrara 8.5 pro zum reduzierten Preis via PayPal kaufen.
I love you guys!!! I really do!!! ;)
With today's DO Blowout sale, it's down to $21.84 . . .
That's about ten percent of what I paid for C7 Pro, when I bought that! ;)
Thank you guys for your kind help!
After years of trying to update my good old Carrara 5 in vain because of PayPal issues, now I finally succeeded - and the price was so small that I needed a magnifying glass to see it (as TangoAlpha mentioned).
Seems to be running fine on my Windows 7 machine. The only issue I have at the moment is: After downloading a hell lot of content I don't find all that stuff in the browser. Is it correct, that the "props" folder within the browser is empty?
you need to add My Library to the content browser as well as the runtime found in it
the latter for Poser content the former for the DAZ Studio .duf files Carrara can load the Genesis etc stuff
Dart no doubt will have some links
the best way to set it up is to use DIM
The Carrara 8.5 Setup Guide