Hi all

Just dropping a quick message to say hello. Last time I was here, I was starting to feel frustrated with using Carrara. Long-story short, some bad stuff was going on in real life that I felt completely out of control over (well, not felt... was), and I guess that was exacerbating the challenges I was hitting with learning/using Carrara. Anyway, it got to the point where learning Carrara was becoming aggravating instead of fun, which of course isn't helpful. The frustration was bleeding over into my forum posts after a while, which also isn't helpful.
I decided to hit the brakes and back away for a while until things settled down and I could return to Carrara with a more open and receptive frame-of mind, rather than stressed out.
Anyway, several of y'all were incredibly helpful (and patient!) with me, so I just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone again :). I've got Carrara reinstalled now and am going to dive back in at square 1.
All the best!
...and now, after a long... deep... breath... we pick up from square one...
Let's do some renders, what do you say? ;)
Welcome back. I think you'll enjoy working in Carrara, I certainly do. And lots of people to help here.