The male kit has passed and the female version is currently in testing. I hope to hear a release date soon. I'll post it here as soon as I get the word.
I know you guys probably look at my like the boy who cried, "Wolf," each time I say Creech is coming soon, but today I noticed a little something new in my Connect Panel. It would appear that the long wait will soon be over.
HOW THE HELL do you have this much skill as a first release?! Even the most sought after vendors have old stuff that lets you know how far they've progressed.
Camilla just has a way of using everything besides the featured product to make the product itself look like it's in part of a real world, the fire flies above being a prime example of this.
I agree, she has the little details that we think we don't notice but our brain says should be there. They are gorgeous!
I like your render, I know I said it in your art thread but its very much a beauty and the beast kind fo render. Creech takes expressions surprisingly well.
Another World

These look crazy cool. Outstanding stuff, and the promos are incredible in their own right!
Thanks. Kind of you to say that.
Well you sold me when's it coming out ?
The male kit has passed and the female version is currently in testing. I hope to hear a release date soon. I'll post it here as soon as I get the word.
Woot! Can't wait!
Lol. You have issues. But it's delightful to see you have as much fun with your own creation as we will.
Fantastic. They are going to fit right into my world. I need some good "other" species that are intelligent. These two will do nicely....
I can't wait to see that!
Sorry, I goofed. Will replace these with new promos soon
Opps. Wrong thread
King & Queen of the Deep, coming from Sixus1.
I know you guys probably look at my like the boy who cried, "Wolf," each time I say Creech is coming soon, but today I noticed a little something new in my Connect Panel. It would appear that the long wait will soon be over.
What's the first day discount? It is march madness you know.
I hope you get to become the main artist when they launch your product on the front page.
That's really a big deal.
Now, I gotta see what else you bundle with this. lol
I still don't have the release date so no idea on MM. There are some very cool supporting pose packs coming as well.
Where is your store? Your name isn't coming up under vendors....
This will be my first official release.
HOW THE HELL do you have this much skill as a first release?! Even the most sought after vendors have old stuff that lets you know how far they've progressed.
You used something else before Daz?
Ufkin' HELL, that's incredible! That's HD morphs!?
I'm wondering what kind of fun I can have with these morphs and ZBrush?
Thanks. They are all available as a single FBM or as individual morphs for the kit basher.
This is featuring a very cool poses from a set Capsces is working on.

These promos from Camilla Drakenborg really got my attention. Wow!
These promos from Camilla Drakenborg really got my attention. Wow!
Camilla just has a way of using everything besides the featured product to make the product itself look like it's in part of a real world, the fire flies above being a prime example of this.
Another hubmle promo from myself.It hurts to follow Camilla with this though.
I agree, she has the little details that we think we don't notice but our brain says should be there. They are gorgeous!
I like your render, I know I said it in your art thread but its very much a beauty and the beast kind fo render. Creech takes expressions surprisingly well.