Off Topic discussions?

Was thinking of posting here to discuss some things that aren't necessarily Carrara, or even DAZ related, but can't seem to find such a section anywhere in the forums. Specifically, I wanted to discuss video games, their world or creature/character design... what games folks here might play, what inspiration you take from them, if there's any particular world or setting that you find particularly rich in inspiration or ideas, etc...
Is there such a place to do so? Or is it okay to start up such a discussion here in the Carrara forums themselves?
Post edited by WsCG on
I think the Commons might be a good place because it has a wider audence with no single focus. People often put the initials OT for off topic in the subject line. For example, subject line = OT - what games inspire you? and then the body of the post has your own answer and an invitation to discuss. Of course, you can post such a thread anywhere, but the Commons gets the most generic discussions.
It depends.
To me, I feel that we should post our question and comments in the forum which holds the user group we wish to address.
Gee... come to think of it, I talk about non-Carrara stuff all the time, though it relates to Carrara to me, but perhaps not anyone else. I hope it doesn't offend anyone.
I try to keep it Carrara-related, but sometimes it's just trying to capture opinions from this particular group of, what I consider to be, friends.
just chat here
you have a perfectly good thread just maybe edit first post title to My off topic discussions and we are good to go!
By the laws of the Internet, if a topic is declared OT, within 5 posts it will be talking about Carrara-related stuff . . .
I cannot play video games, my brain just does not work that way but I love playing around in Skyrim.
I use consol commands to get stuff and go places and drop stuff I want in it in places I like using the creation kit, make myself NPC companions and stuff like that.
And I export mesh using Nifskope and UUW3D to Carrara!!!!!
If you look at the index od forums with a quick description of each you will see that The Commons does say
Also consider the Art Studio, which says
whereas the Carrara forum it does say
The Art Studio is probably the best place to discuss this sort of question, as it is home to most of those who do animations, as well as those who do book cover art, digital comics and also just plain render threads and other such things, in other words a real hotch potch of Art related stuffage.
When was the last official update news or other announcement related to Carrara?
What's that got to do with the price of fish?
they would never stray off topic in the Bryce talk forum I imagine
We are a group of friends here (like on the other sites), and with the only afterthough: Carrara.
It's nice to discuss about any other things to get some air and to get to know each other.
I love the way people take so much notice of the sticky threads. First ever thread put up in the Bryce forum when the site schanged, dated sometime in 2012, it does say
All I was doing was making suggestions as to where to put a thread to attract the most varied set of members who may be interested. Putting a thread into one of the dedicated forums, particularly ones as insular as Carrara or Bryce forums does tend to limit the audience.
It also gains the audience it was probably intended for. I suspect quite a few of the regulars here don't venture far outside the Carrara section, or at least not often.
That's what I meant by the term insular.
The OP was talking about Games. I don't see a lot of chat in this forum about Games, equally not in the Bryce or even the DS forume either.
I do see psots on the subject in the Commons and also in the Art Studio. So where he posts does really depend whether he wants to just talk to a limited audience in a dedicated forum, or whether he wants to reach out to the larger audience.
I've gone to the dark side.
Hey.. a familiar 'face' from the Bryce forums! It really does feel a bit like different planets within the same solar system visiting each program's respective forums. Each has its own group of regulars, etc. Never thought of it that way 'til now. Interesting!
Just to be clear, my specific topic of interest was games/game design. Of course, such a place would be open to any variety of other topics. I personally like to get to know more about the people behind the screens (well, within limits of course lol), and certainly everyone here has hobbies and interests outside Carrara (or Bryce, or what-have-you). Just kinda surprised me not to see a section described as a catch-all for "discussing anything whether related to DAZ products or not". Thought maybe I'd overlooked it, so I posted to see if I was missing something.
Wait a minute! There's an "outside the Carrara section?" This is the first I am hearing of this! Sounds dangerous.
I noticed.
well games design and models certainly can be a "Carrara" topic, creating and or importing, maybe go with that
I went looking for a missing jet.... yesterday. just sayin'
HeadWax kidnapped me from the Bryce forum and dragged me over here. He said he was waiting for a ransom to be paid before I was allowed to escape back to my cosy Bryce forum.
Instead of a ransom being paid I was gifted with a copy of Carrara 8.5 pro, although I haven't really got into using it, and I now wander from one forum to the other.
I've been saying off and on over the past few years (since getting Bryce 7 Pro) that I mean to get into Bryce some day and give it a whirl - yet I never seem to manage it.
Watching this video, however, gives me a fun glimpse of how I could tippytoe in and mess with a few things for use in Carrara and slowly start getting used to more of it as the rest of the (totally rad and wonderful) interface entices me in. Good lo' Cripeman... forever the inspirationalist! ;)
Generate HDR images for Carrara using Bryce
I'm sorry... what was the question?
Oh... right. Well, since this thread has already taken a life of it's own, and you (Mitovo) wanted to run a thread on game creation or something, you might consider starting a brand new thread.
For starting new threads, go to the White Zone, for the White Zone is for Loading and Unloading. Go to the White Zone. You'll love it. It's a way of life!
- The Central Scrutinizer
...for loading and unloading. LOL
Don't tell me which zone is for...
(click for context)
Of course games and Carrara are connected - I got my first computer around 1982 (wow, that dates me!), it was a BBC Micro (did you have those in the US? Maybe under the Acorn name?), and within a year I had written my first computer game, it was one of the first to be marketed by a new startup called Virgin Games, part of Richard Branson's empire. I also had another game published the following year, then lost a year due to playing Elite, and all this eventually led to me getting Carrara and using it almost every day. So you can see the connection....
...and Neverwinter Nights is what got me interested in 3d in the first place! ;)
Wow, you had a BBC Micro. My elder son was using one at school but we could only afford a ZX80 or 81, forget which. My elder Brother also had a BBC Micro at home and an early Apple in his workroom at the Firm. And yes both were writing games, of a sort. My elder brother gave up when Computers went 16 bit, he said he couldn't program in pictures. computers weren't really his thing. My brother was the guy who designed the first Vox Continental. That was his thing.
The Vox Continental as used by The Doors? Very cool!
I got my first computer around 1984, the venerable TRS-80 model 4 ( I had a tape drive (ah, sequential access storage, how no one misses you).