Solved - Freebie available Carrara dynamic hair - Egypt style.
I've been trying to upload a Carrara hair file but it appears to be too big. It is just a hair cap, a dynamic hair with 20,000-ish hairs, and a hair accessory that is 40,000 polygons (dang little spheres). But it is 67 MB - wow, was not expecting that. I can't get it to upload to sharecg or as an attachment to a forum post here. You can have it if you can help me upload it. It is constructed on a hair cap so you can put it on any figure.

Dio Egypt Hair Promo.jpg
500 x 500 - 21K
Post edited by Diomede on
What about trying to seperate the hare and the headress into two seperate uploads that will diminish the size possibly enough to make it.
Solved. I think I had forgotten to clear the unused objects from the scene. By going to edit : remove unused objects, the scene file size was reduced, and also by unchecking the "show in 3d view" box under the general tab for the hair modeler. To use, check that box in the hair modeler.
missing file -- 33.jpg
thanks Darth other than the missing file error it works fine
Hmmm. would you mind posting a screenshot? Trying to figure out what is missing? Is it the hair shader? The hair shader is needed to get the kink for the hair.
Oh, maybe it is the texture map for the hair cap? That is unecessary for this hair style and would not affect the actual hair or Egyptian headpiece.
Can we upload the file to Carrara Cafe Downloads too?
OK to use this for copyright info?
Public Domain:
Yes, you can add it to the Carrara Cafe downloads. Public domain is fine.