How to save different versions of same figure?
How do I change the surfaces of a (conforming clothing) figure with the Geometry Editor, save those changes, while not modifying the original figure? I have tried saving as wearables, and as prop assets. In both cases, the most recent save overwrites all versions.
Can you save your scene, make the change and save just the single changed item as a scene subset, then load it back into the original scene?
I discovered that at least sometimes if you use Geometry editor to create a new surface on one object in the scene, it affects other non-instance copies of the same object in the same scene. However you can just delete those goofed-up copies and load the original unmodified objects in the same position as the goofed-up copies, thus ending up with one modified and one unmodified object.
Sorry for the late reply, this is one of a few threads I started a while back, but forgot about until recently. But I need to get this issue sorted, as the need to be able to modify groups and save without altering the original keeps cropping up. I will try your suggestion, thanks. Though I'm not sure it will help, as I have had my issue persist across shutting down DS and starting it again. Any method of saving I've tried has altered the original, as loaded from the library, even when I'm not saving over the original in the library. It's as if the changes are made to the geometry in the data folder, or something.
You should save it as new support asset prior to modifications, then clear scene, load your new asset, modify to your liking and 'save modified asset'. Works for me.
As Sriesch mentioned, actually there is some problem, when you save edited figure as subset (or scene, or wealable preset) in geometry editor
(add new suface group etc). maybe same thing happen, if you save it as character preset .
1. I edit clothing gometry , then save as subset. (the clothing have new surface group)
2. Keep the edited clothing in the scene, then load original product by wearable preset.
3. both items show same surface group.. (it should not but, actually it happen)
4. load new scene. then re-load item from saved subset duf you modified and saved,
and original product wealabe duf, now it can show different mat group. (one keep original group, other show your editted group)
I reported it maybe few years before, it is not new problem. but at that time, DAZ support repled me, t is supposed to be to keep editted surface group about same scene . and it is because user can keep their modify untill they change scene.
(though I did not think it is useful for me)
Then to answer first question, You can use "save as subset "(or character, wealable preset I think). Usually I just save as subset when I tweak surface group and I can confrim it work for your purpose.
Actually it do not change original dsf (in data) neither other preest , subset for same data.dsf.
And each subset.duf can keep individual surface group. But to see them correctly, you need to delete the subset (which you saved) from the scene , to load another instance with correct surface group .
These two pic are, one is original item loaded from product duf., another is my editted item (add sholder surface group, to modiy mat easy), then saved as subset. you can see, they have different surface group. and original keep surface group , and Both items are loaded in same scene.
( Untill I delete my saved subset once, when I load original item, it showed same surface group as I edited. (as if original dsf were edited too)